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How to get rid of a bad thread

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    How to get rid of a bad thread

    If you dont like something on here then the best thing to do is ignore it. By responding to a post that you don't like will just pop it back up to the top ........

    I don't think its good for newbies to find so many negative threads, If I joined today then I wouldn't stay around.

    If you don't like something then just ignore it .....

    Sorry RJ if i've overstepped the mark

    BB xx

    How to get rid of a bad thread

    Totally agree with you, Betty............then the "imp" in my Impress gets the better of me!!!.........Darn!!!!

    Starlight Impress x


      How to get rid of a bad thread

      Having just responded to one, Betty, all I can say is that I do agree with you.

      These threads will die a natural death soon enough, but they will die sooner if no one responds.

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        How to get rid of a bad thread

        You do have a point BB, but it's hard to ignore when someone feels that they have the right to undermine others.

        Eventually the post will be forgotten about - but not without the thread "creator" realising that such behaviour is not warmly accepted here.


          How to get rid of a bad thread

          Sorry Miss B!

          You are of course quite right Boopster and I have been very naughty (and baaad - oops, couldn't resist it!) I will cease and desist forthwith - but I must state for the record that pompousness is a balloon which needs to be pricked (if you'll pardon the expression) and as has been previously stated people who are clearly out to make trouble need to be made aware that we will not allow accusations of being "abusers" to be levelled at all the good, kind and supportive people here - okay, now I feel a bit sheepish and I promise to be a good kid in future - can't help myself can I?:H


            How to get rid of a bad thread

            Ok Betty,
            But you know sometimes we are like children in a candy store.
            We'll behave.


              How to get rid of a bad thread

              I wasn't meaning to tell anyone off, we are adults here and have a right to post whatever we want. I just don't like it when attention seekers get exactly what they want ....more attention.

              Love you all, BB xx


                How to get rid of a bad thread

                Well, I guess you are right Betty. Best thing to do is ignore them. I wonder if we secretly enjoy the drama of some strange person. I hope we are not that bored. It takes attention away from those who really need it.

                Why are we having so many visitors like this lately? We had the dark horse fraud, then Ez (never got confirmation that that was a fraud and names were given out, i hope that the family named has not been named falsely). Now we have someone posting multiple menacing bible terms calling themselves Lamb. I actually found those threads a little frightening and avoided them. I fell for the dark horse fraud like everyone else and was suspicious that the Ez threads were fraudulent also.

                I think there should probably be a quicker response by administrators to pull some of these threads. It's no wonder that established members are getting sick of the antics of a few trouble-making visitors. the trouble is, that sometimes true stories are unbelieveable but these threads lately are the stuff of some bad popular fiction or horror films.

                I hope I have the maturity to not get caught up in them in the future but I am a very curious person, Sigh!


                  How to get rid of a bad thread

                  I've done it, made a bone head response that I wish I never made 1 We're all human and make mistakes, hope that everyone can see that . Let's try to make better desions in are life ! IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    How to get rid of a bad thread

                    we are adults here and have a right to post whatever we want
                    Here here!

                    I don't think the person who started the strange threads actually got the kind of attention he wanted. So, the thread was turned around to a bit of fun.... so?

                    Yes, newbies may get confused, I appreciate that, but there are a lot of more serious threads here that show we are not always messing around.


                      How to get rid of a bad thread

                      I think the best (only) thing we can do is post a new thread to warn others not to respond - not sure my cryptic post succeeded terribly well last night (Oz time) but at least it seems to have disappeared today.

                      Maybe RJ needs an administrator down south to head off the early posters?
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        How to get rid of a bad thread

                        I beg to differ Tkeene. As a long-timer here I can tell you we are neither hostile nor dangerous. It is pretty obvious to the people who have been here a while when someone is not here with the right intentions and sometimes that leads into threads that go off on a tangent in a funny way. I sincerely hope you will take what you want from this site and leave the rest behind. In my experience here this is not the first or the last time "strange things" will happen. And when people are really in need, when one of us is really low and needs a boost I can find a thousand examples where we all come to the forefront.

                        I applaud you for reaching the goals you set out for yourself. After all, that is what the bottom line is here. I wish you continued success!!
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          How to get rid of a bad thread

                          It's pretty difficult to know whether someone is 'genuine' or not People can appear very bizarre for a number of reasons: alcohol, drugs, mental illness etc. - as far as the first is concerned, I think we all know something about that from personal experience. I'd personally never feel certain that somebody posting (where you have no evidence other than their words and, possibly, posting technique) wasn't really distraught. Don't want to sound pious or anything and can totally understand the desire to have a bit of fun like that.

                          I've had a pretty unpleasant personal experience with a religious 'nutcase' on another site, who kept 'blessing' me and telling me all sorts of things about what god would do for me etc. When I, very politely and privately, pointed out to her that I was an atheist and found the constant evocation of god's protection for me offensive, she complained about me, which ended up causing a lot of trouble.

                          Perhaps there should be some guidelines on how to deal with 'nutcases' of all types?


                            How to get rid of a bad thread

                            I think this thread is an education in itself.
                            Speaking as a newbie, I must say I took one look at some of the stranger posts and moved on to those that felt intuitively 'safe' and genuine. So don't worry, we can look after ourselves, and the more loving aspects of this community shine through ... I'm mindful of tkeenes comments though, and admit that I probably came in at the tail-end of this latest run.



                              How to get rid of a bad thread

                              Betty thanks for starting this thread here. Mags started a similar discussion in the subscribers forum.

                              I think that the concern for the newbies is legitimate. There are also many, many kind and caring people here who have a sincere desire to help those in need whom I believe can end up getting hurt by some of these nutcases.

                              I would suggest that a "caution code word", such as spying goat be used when one of these posts pops up. This would alert other readers to proceed with caution in reading and replying to the post.

                              As far as the admins responsibility to pull these threads, I think some people just need to make a grand entrance and need a little time to settle down. This abslolutely does note give people the right to continue to post inappropriate information and abuse members after they've been asked to stop.

                              Just my 2 cents worth

