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    hi, and thanks for the caring advice, been working in nottingham and wasnt able to reply yesterday. just got home and seeing all these messages has brought a tear to my eyes.

    but ive got to be honest because i just cant see any light at the end of the tunnel, i know im going to drink tonight, and i know im going to drink tomorrow night as well, will it ever end.

    stayed in a hotel last night and yes i stacked up at a supermarket and got totally hammered, iam absoulutley sick of this but i just cant seem to stop or help myself.

    thanks again for the support. love you all.


    So many people have said your exact words before you, and they have managed to stop, despite their self-doubt. You have to allow yourself to believe in yourself, bright.........start to believe you can do this.........only then will you do it.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x



      Brightfield. You are on this site for a reason. Part of you DOES want to quit. I am not doing well myself to tell the truth, but I do want to become AF again. Life is so much more clearer and precious w/o alcohol. What are you numbing urself for? Why did u start drinking? Are u willing to take supplements, natural and otherwise? Talk to us hon.:l



        Bright, We are so glad you posted. You are in a deep hole right now but there is a way out and deep down you know it. You have to figure out a way to get motivated and attack this thing with a vengeance. You, my friend, are why this site and the people here exist. How can we get you to commit to getting this damn Beast off your back? Have you ever really committed to doing the MWO program by the book? Or is there always "a reason" why you can't? We are all here to help you suceed but you have to want it. I believe when the pain of drinking is more than the pain of quitting you will do something about it. And I think you are there. Think about it... Don



          hart, im sad, lonely and bored, and im not drinking yet, but i know i will before too long.



            I AM SO HAPPY to hear from you!!! I think we have all felt this way at one time or another. Keep coming here, keep reading, and posting...we are here for you.



              Hi Bright.
              It's hard man.
              If you could just stay off it for an hour tonight, and then the next hour, and then the next...
              That's what I've got to do sometimes.
              Go for a bath, go for a walk, go to bed, anything...
              Just a thought...



                I used to travel for a living too, it is very lonely. I am sorry! Loneliness takes its toll...but, this isn't the company you miss.



                  glad your calmer now,good luck to you ,your day will come.



                    It's a big relief to have you back. You obviously do want to get control of this since you are so unhappy about it and you are coming here. Almost all experts recommend quitting alcohol cold turkey, but I wonder if you might be a candidate for tapering down? What if you counted how much you drink, just write it down everytime you have a beer or whatever, and try to reduce it by one each time? Just an idea. Also, come here every time you feel like drinking. It helps a lot of people to slow down or not cave in to it. Again, just a suggestion. If you are working, you are obviously not drunk all the time. Can you strech your sober time out, an hour a day, for example?

                    Anyway, we will be here for you. Don't give up!
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                      Thanks for dropping us all a line Bright... You know you are loved and I'm so so sorry that you are feeling so low right now... We have all been there and it is so dark and dank ... I don't know what else to say except that you are loved very much... xxx

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



                        Hi Bright,

                        I was worried for you and I'm glad you sound a little calmer. Please be kind to yourself, I wish I could say soemething to help but I know it's hard when we feel down. We just have to kinda ride the storm I think, and find our own way. We are all here for support if you need it.

                        Keep safe and drink lots of water and have nourishing food when you can.

                        :l Kitty
                        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.



                          Hi Bright-

                          I'm so glad to hear from you. Bright, read my positive thinking thread I did today. You have to start changing that mindset. Yes, you can do it.

                          Bright, are you truly working the program? Do you need to tweak it some more. Are you taking meds for depression? Remember that alcohol is a depressant.

                          The worse thing you can do is give up. And I won't have that! Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel-it's just that the booze bottles are blocking you from seeing it. Get rid of the booze & you'll see.

                          :l cyber hug
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                            Hi BF,
                            I know you are feeling weak at the moment and that you can't do this. But you can and will. I have been where you are many many times and thought that I would never get to the mindset where I could do this thing of not drinking.
                            Look after yourself by drinking as much water as possible, nourishing food, sleep and the supps. If you can do this even while you are drinking you will start to feel a little better.
                            Then pick yourself up and start again.
                            You can and you will do this!
                            Much Love
                            Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!




                              It is so good to see you again. 'Lonely and bored' are demons...and they hurt so much and lead to sadness. They were why I drank too, but it didn't help.

                              Stopped, I have the mind and energy to do something different. Like Popeye said, hold off an hour and actually DO something different. Then a bit more tomorrow... Bounce on the bed, thrash a pillow, start drawing on knapkins, come here and tell us your life story - become an author for us!.. Just type rather than drink if that's all you can do in a hotel room...we're here ready to read...

                              Looking forward to hearing how you're doing my friend.

                              Finding x
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

