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He's Back!

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    He's Back!

    Hello All,

    I abstained for 31 days (June 23-July24) slipped up on a recent business trip. I've been drinking daily since but not excessively. I'd still like to stop, so I suppose I just should.

    A friend of mine recently had an alcohol related stroke (he's only 50) so health issues have been on my mind a lot.

    "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required."

    Sir Winston Churchill

    He's Back!

    Do what you did know you can do it. Draw from the strength within...


      He's Back!

      Hiya - welcome back. I read some of your earlier posts and I think you were trying to moderate but found the weekends hard - sorry if that's wrong? I have the same problem, good as gold during the week, go nuts at the weekend - maybe we should get jobs working the weekends - but then I'd go nuts during the week! Anyway, good luck and keep on trying, that's all we can do.


        He's Back!

        "I think you were trying to moderate but found the weekends hard - sorry if that's wrong?"

        You are correct, and I had finally decided that it would be easier to just not have any at all. Then I went on a trip to Los Angeles (I'm in NY) that involved 15 hours travel for a 10 hour stay on the ground in LA which included a 4 hour delay at the airport...naturally I found the bar and the rest is history.
        "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required."

        Sir Winston Churchill


          He's Back!

          I have also decided that its easier just not to have any at all - easier said than done that is. But for some reason today my head feels clearer, despite two bottles of wine last night - could this really be the last of the summer wine? You know I think I might just try and keep it all a bit more simple, just don't drink wine - I don't like any other kinds of alcohol, so why am I making it complicated - right, that's it - no more. Thanks, for this, it's really helped me.


            He's Back!

            Alrighty Then,

            it's been a while since I've been here so I thought, what the hell might as well update things.

            Abstained from June 23 - July 24, screwed up on a business trip, back at it as bad as ever. Quit for a week after labor day to no avail.

            On Sept 23rd 10 days into my last binge, I found myself staring at my drink in hand, put it down, stared at it a while longer, and poured it down the drain. That was at 3:50 in the afternoon and I haven't had a drink since.

            Currently on my 12th day alcohol free.

            Where do I go from here?

            "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required."

            Sir Winston Churchill


              He's Back!

              Hi justme........glad you`re back.
              So, you blew the AF, but let`s not make a big deal out of that. The point is, you know you can quit, having done so a wee while back, you know you liked being quit, and you`re back to being quit again..........Day 12........great stuff!!!

              Wishing you love and renewed strength.

              Starlight Impress x


                He's Back!

                Once More

                Hello Good People,

                sorry to report, still slip slidin' away.

                I had a good run going and blew it...again!

                What to do?

                I am meeting my Uncle Bob for breakfast tomorrow, I haven't seen him in about 15 years due to circumstances, and life in general...sigh. Anyhow, he's been sober for a bit over 20 years. I think it will do me good to talk to him.

                "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required."

                Sir Winston Churchill


                  He's Back!


                  it's 'justme', today is 6 days without a drop, I met with Uncle Bob Sunday for breakfast as planned, in part we discussed quitting etc. It seemed like a good idea at the time, now I'm not so sure. Out of the clear blue, he phoned me last night, remember he hasn't spoken to me in over 19 years, and started to admonish me about drinking, alcoholism, etc. Hell, I already know all about that, I found out the hard way after my family abandoned me almost 20 years ago. Granted it's not like I was orphaned (I was past 30) but why the sudden concern now?

                  Anyway, as I said day 6 today, which is 23 out of the past 33 days dry (70% success rate). I may have a couple tonight, I don't know...

                  "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required."

                  Sir Winston Churchill


                    He's Back!

                    Hello justme,
                    we have not met before, but I know where you are coming from. I also did so well "twice" before, but whatever emotional upheaval came my way, knocked me flat off the wagon. I know, I know, it's an excuse. I guess we just have to drag ourselves back up on that wagon.
                    I will be thinking about you.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      He's Back!

                      Hello justme,

                      6 days without a drop, that's great, especially considering what you have been through. Maybe you will drink tonight, maybe not. Maybe you have already, maybe not. The important thing is to look at the big picture here. You can do without it, you want to do without it. If you did not drink tonight, GREAT. If you did drink, so, just draw a line under it. Tomorrow is another day.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

