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Hubby got canned today and i have no job

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    Hubby got canned today and i have no job

    Happy I am so sorry to hear this. I hope everything calms down for you soon you've had a bunch of not so good luck now it's time for the good luck to roll in. Thinking of you and your family!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Hubby got canned today and i have no job

      Patty, I'm sorry to hear about this stress you and hubby are going through. He should be eligible to buy Cobra insurance until he gets a new job. Of course, you will have to pay for this out of your own pocket without the employer contribution.

      Hang in there


        Hubby got canned today and i have no job

        Patty, I am so sorry, when it rains it does pour. Maybe your father will help (I Know snowball's chance in hell) But maybe for the insurance, even though COBRA is expensive. Have you ever considered a move out of NY? to maybe a city in the south cost of living is less. In the DC area where I live, unemployment is very low. Everyone lives in the burbs and comutes. I'll be thinking of you sending lots of positive thoughts. Please stay strong


          Hubby got canned today and i have no job

          Thinking of you Camper!! Something will come along.

          Sober since 30/06/10


            Hubby got canned today and i have no job

            Man that sux-

            I know there's no insurance but maybe one or both of you can go to a temp. agency. Even if it's menial work at least you can have some income while searching.

            Good luck. I'm hoping for the best.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Hubby got canned today and i have no job

              Hey happy, I wont even pretend to know how you feel because I couldn't possibly. But what I do know is during the past 6 months is I have lost my business of 24 years and then lost a job as well (the company I went to work for also went into receivership, great for self esteem!!!). I also have no job, three kids and no partner. My kids are all healthy which is a lesser financial and mental strain. Hang in there, I too hope it will get better, kids put enormous time constaints on us as far as erning compasity goes not to mention the other 99% of other issues they bring. I'm a big believer that everthing turns out for the best, something with come up better than before. Hang in there guy's, i'm hangin in there with you. Cheers kimbo
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                Hey happycamper---

                I was thinking what breez suggested. I known a few people who have worked at temp agencies and went on to be hired permanently by the comp they temped for.
                Might be something to try anyway.
                So sorry to hear about this - so much stress to deal with.
                I'll think positive thoughts for you.


                  Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                  That's a major pain in the butt, HC! I'm wishing you the best. You can get Medical Assistance, at least for Sophie, if you can't afford insurance. It's not the best, but at least it will cover her medical bills.

                  I think the idea of the temporary agency is a good one. Many people who work with them end up with permanent jobs. In fact, it just happened with my sister.

                  Wishing the best for you and your husband and dear Sophie. I have every confidence that you will pull through.


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                    You have gotten alot of good advice and you know what you need to do just, sending you my support and strength to deal with this. Aren't you glad you're not drinking and have us.:happyheart: (that's a happyheart for happycamper)
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                      Hi C!
                      That is stressful for sure. And I know how hard it is to find a job when you are highly qualified. Some don't realize it is just as bad as being under-qualified in many situations. Me & hub have been there. All I can say is this where any faith whatsoever comes in to play. Pray. Do you best. That is ALL you can do. I am positive it will workout & you will all be OK. Positive. Do you want on the prayer chain?


                        Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                        the universe does not close one door without another one opening.

                        man, can you tell i have been listening to all kinds of inspirational thought coaching and reading the same stuff!


                          Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                          Awww Happy,
                          I know that there is good news for you right around the corner!
                          and I think your red hair is beautiful!



                            Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                            Hey Camper, If I win the Mega million lottery which I bought a ticket for yesterday I will send you lots of $$$$$$$. Its up to 345 million, for me I know I will never win but just the pleasure I get speculating what I would do gives me way more that a dollars worth of taking my mind away from day to day struggles. So today just for a little while know that I am thinking of you and smile at the thought of all that $$$$.

                            Love ya,


                              Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                              Hey Camps,

                              Not sure what happened, but I am so sorry. I am glad that you have an interview coming up - and I am going to be sending good thoughts your way. I'll call later.



                                Hubby got canned today and i have no job

                                Happy - thinking of you. You must be beside yourself right now with stress. When are you meeting with this guy about that job? Could you phone him and ask to see him possibly?

                                A temp agency (as Breez mentioned) is a good place to start too. They don't pay great but you/your husband may get a permanent 'in' with a company. Good companies pay to have these agencies to do all of the screening for potential employees. I got one of the best job's in my life with a temp agency. I am not there still only because I had a baby and wanted to stay home with her for at least the first 2 years.

                                It may be worth checking into.... Sending you ***HUGS & GOOD VIBES***

