I was embarrassed to go to my doc for the meds, so I went online. Has anyone else done this? Is it legal to get these meds? What should I be looking for? If it's not legal, should I send them back?:rolleyes
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online meds
online meds
I don't know if it is legal or not in your area, Andrea, but let me reassure you that many members on this website have ordered their medication online. Please be careful to make sure that you take them as stated in the book. If you care to make a search, you will find a lot of information on just this topic, as many members have had just this struggle about the embarrassment of going to their docs for meds! Just hit search and type in the words, and you'll find threads to read! Also scroll down to the "Best of the Boards" and read up!
Good luck and welcome!
online meds
Hi guys,
I do understand the embarrassment, but down the line if you have an ailment that requires you to have list everything you are taking the cat is going to be out of the bag anyway. My opinion is to have as open and honest a relationship with your doc as possible. If you dont feel comfortable with the one you have maybe you can switch, or maybe you can go to a psychiatrist that deals with addictions and bring as much literature on the drug you want. It kills me to see everyone spending all this money and I get worried that maybe it's not the real thing (I hate to scare people but the website is full of people that want to steal our money and our identity). I know Kathy knows of some good sites and I trust her but I still think an open relationship with a doctor is the best way to go just in case something else related to your health pops up.
Just my opinion, Good Luck Patty
online meds
Just to chuck my pennys worth in... I didn't want to go to the doctor - already been going way too much recently for depression so..... found this site and did my research... as far as I could tell (and I'm from the UK) I could 'import' drugs legallay (in europe - quite easy to find online) as long as it was for private use and for not more than three months (at a time - I took that to mean as the website I was on had a cutoff at how much you could spend on one credit card). I still felt a bit weird when they came through (and immediately found a hiding place for them) and it says on the package about only being used on a prescription (which is probably standard) but I think with the book and this site and the internet we can be and get quite well informed. It's an expensive way to go for me and if anything goes wrong (which is rare) I will have to bite the bullet and go to the doctor but the odds and the benefits... ? well..... I'm on Day three... so early days and sticking to the regimen. One thing I've noticed today.... Waves of feeling very warm.... Also, drank very very slow.... (I usually bolt my drink down) Been trying to eat extra healthy the last few days... unfortunately it's been too much too soon - or so my son says when he's frantically winding down the window in the car
Nuff for now, luv Had....