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Don't Read This

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    Don't Read This

    I?m trying to prove a point with my thread title that people (and the universe) don?t pay attention to words like ?Don?t?.

    Breez has a great ?Positive Thinking? thread. Great concept, but Yikes there are too many of the following words:
    - don?t
    - never
    - not
    - no
    Notice what happens when I take these words out of the replies:
    Breez - Today I want to drink. Quit! It's my secret reminder to give up

    Change - surround yourself with people or things that aren't healthy for you. lower your own standards.

    Mags - I will drink today

    Last of Summer Wine - more drinking, more negative thoughts, just going to be nicer to myself - full stop!

    XTexan obviously has been working this whole positive thinking thangy:
    1. Today I will be sober.
    2. Today I will heal up.
    3. Today I will get healthier.
    4. Today I will learn more about myself.
    5. Today I will become stronger.
    6. Today I will do better for myself.
    7. Today I will be better than ever.
    Looking at what you don?t want is an excellent way to turn it around and figure out what you do want. Notice the difference below:

    Breez, Mags and LoSW (and the rest of us) want healthy sobriety. ?Change? wants to surround herself with healthy people and things. In addition ?Change? wants to raise her standards. LoSW should be nice to herself ? full Throttle, full sail, full speed etc

    Now let?s peel the onion back a little further.
    1. I once had a client who wanted a mate who didn?t cheat on her. That got reworded to ?wanting a man who believed in monogamy?. I replied: ?my ex-husband ?believed? in monogamy, problem was he didn?t ?practice? it.?

    2. Another example: saying ?I want to lose 50 pounds? can happen many ways ? cancer, losing a leg ? or ? proper diet and exercise.

    Really pause and ask yourself ?So, what do I want??

    Don't Read This

    hmm thought provoking.

    I read on here somewhere that when you do the hypno tapes you should always phrase your suggestions in the positive because they can get mixed up in the subconscious. Like if you say "I don't want to drink" it can get stuck in there as "I want to drink." So you are supposed to say "I want to be sober" or "I will be sober". I've been trying to do that-- with xtexan as a role model. Just turning the negatives around to positives makes you think.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Don't Read This

      I believe the CDs say something like "choose healthy drinks" like water, juice etc.

      Just like drinking, it is hard to break the old habit of how we think/talk.

      I found it thought provoking that most people on the "Positive Thinking" thread were (even though they were consciously trying not to) still sending the wrong message to their subconscious. Further food for thought was that no one picked up on it.


        Don't Read This

        you are one smart cookie!
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          Don't Read This

          Excellent point. There is so much negativety out there on a daily basis I think sometimes we are just drawn to it then of course there are people who don't like to be told not to come...not me.

          Again this is an excellent point as always.

          I will get a service dog for my son....instead of questioning my ability to achieve this I will do it.

          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Don't Read This

            Good post N2.
            I add (as I said elsewhere) that to phrase the positive statements as present tense seems to make a difference as well. Example - rather than "I am going to get sober" say "I am sober". Or, "I am going/I want to get healthy" to "I am healthy". To state it in such a way that what we want is still out in the future is not as powerful and effective as stating it as a present moment fact that rules out any other possiblity.


              Don't Read This

              I agree with Imatree. Do your best to make your affirmations in the present tense.

              However it is not what you say, but how you "feel" about what you are saying.

              If you tell yourself "I am sober" or "My body is healthy and fit" but the mirror and some little voice in your head is still screaming at you "Who are you kidding?!" ... then you gotta tweak the words and trick your brain...
              I am making major progress getting sober (... by being on MWO, listening to the CDs, taking the supps).

              Everyday I am healthier and fitter.


                Don't Read This

                Ah, very very good point, and very relevant to me, as I have this very demanding critical voice that refuses to be ignored... It is in fact so prevalent that I can and do forget that it is there... so thanks for the reminder.


                  Don't Read This

                  RJ put me onto a great book called "You can heal your life".... that may be of use if anyone is interested.

                  Maxman - what IS that avatar????
                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    Don't Read This

                    Good advice
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      Don't Read This

                      I also just received "You can heal your life" on Audio CD and am very excited about listening to it. Just need to finish "7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" first.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Don't Read This

                        WOW! This is great N2. I just learned a whole lot about myself and how to make my life better. Simple but profound. Thanks so much.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Don't Read This

                          I noticed when I pulled up your profile you wrote "Doctors DON"T know everything" LOL.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Don't Read This

                            As I have mentioned before, "You can heal your life" is the foundation of my positive thinking and sobriety. Two other very good books by Louise Hay to read in this order are:

                            1) The Power is within you
                            2) LIFE! Reflections on your journey

                            RJ pay attention because I know you love my library even though it is mostly in paper form - my latest great book is "Law of Attraction - The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't" by Michael J. Losier. Quick, short, clean read.


                              Don't Read This

                              Lol, i see your point. I find it easier though to identify what i don't want.. i don't know why. For example, i find it easier to recognise an unhealthy person rather than a healthy one. Probably because so many seemingly healthy people are actually unhealthy. It's a process of elimination for me!
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

