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Kerrie, my daughter ....

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    Kerrie, my daughter ....

    Hi again all, most of you probably know about Kerrie's epilepsy ........

    She has had seizures all of her life, and had brain surgery last year to hopefully cure her ........

    It got better initially and then worse ......

    But tonight she had the worse seizure ever, she has never 'dropped' before, she usually has a warning. She has been helping me wallpaper stripping this week and loves going up the ladders. She 'dropped' from the top step, busting her nose and face ......... The seizure has stopped but I am kicked in the gut ........ she never got a warning tonight which is a sign that they are getting worse ........

    I've opened a bottle of wine, I wont get drunk though because I need to be here for her ......

    Love you all, BB xx

    Kerrie, my daughter ....

    take care mate
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      Kerrie, my daughter ....

      Betty I am so sorry to hear that, truly I am. Sending you hugs.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Kerrie, my daughter ....

        So sorry to hear that. Hope the doctor's can provide some good news tomorrow....
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Kerrie, my daughter ....

          I'm sorry BB. I am thinking of you and Kerrie.


            Kerrie, my daughter ....

            Oh Betty, my heart goes out to you and Kerrie. Stay strong.



              Kerrie, my daughter ....

              I am so sorry about the terrible fall, ouch! My oldest son suffered from seizures as a preschooler and thankfully outgrew them. There are dogs that are trained to detect seizures before they happen. They bark in a special way to warn the person with epilepsy. The body gives off electrical impulses that the dogs can detect before the person with seizures can. Just thought I'd share that in case you hadn't heard of it. Take Care
              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson


                Kerrie, my daughter ....

                Oh Betty, I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through, but YES...stay strong for you and her. She may need you. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow, you are in my prayers.


                  Kerrie, my daughter ....

                  I'm so sorry BB. Hang tough-you're one strong lady. My prayers are with you.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Kerrie, my daughter ....

                    That doc appt on Friday cannot come soon enough. I am so sorry that happened.



                      Kerrie, my daughter ....

                      Am so sorry to hear this, Betty.
                      Hope Kerrie gets better soon.
                      Saying wee prayer for your family.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Kerrie, my daughter ....

                        So sorry Betty, hope you get good news after seeing doc.
                        I will also say a wee prayer.
                        Love Paula.xx


                          Kerrie, my daughter ....

                          Betty you are so strong and you and Kerrie and husband have been through so much. Kerrie is so lucky to have you for a mom. Good luck tomorrow with the doctor. My prayers are with you.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Kerrie, my daughter ....

                            My prayers are with you ! Lifes problems tagle us all ! Betty, I never had a problem with a family member with a medicale condition.....but I had a cousin that I really cared about that was murdered ! This hurts....but we have to go on ! IAD
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              Kerrie, my daughter ....

                              i am so, so very sorry ... hopefully the doctor can help tomorrow ... good thing tomorrow is so near
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

