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I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

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    I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

    I had an interesting coversation with one of my best friends today.. Today is going to be a big day because I don't have my daughter and a day I could easily go and drink with the girls. Got the call and boy, it did sound good. They are pulling... Anyway, we were talking and I told her I am not drinking. She is trying to be supportive, but she would rather I come out to play. The topic of my cleanse came up and I told her that I cheated last night and had wings and pizza. She laughed and said "see, you can have wings and you went right back on your cleanse the next day - and they are much worse than red wine for your body!".. I thouhgt about it for only a second and said.. "yes, but I can quit eating wings anyday I want..

    The light is becoming brighter!

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

    Good for you MM! That dirty rotten Beast is trying to get to you through your friends... trying to set up The Perfect Storm... But you are stronger than the average Beast!!!


      I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

      GOOD GOING.....I KNOW that was very hard to BRAVO to you!!!!!


        I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

        Incredible will-power there MM! That must of been tough. You must be proud of yourself for keeping your resolve.

        Now, I have a hankering for some wings. Oh yeah, I am on a meatless lifestyle now - darn!


          I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

          Wings aren't addictive and don't ruin your life. The worst they can do is make you put on a kilo and slow down your gut! Great thinking - you're winning!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

            MM you get it before a lot of people do. don't forget it!
            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


              I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

              you cheated with wings? I think you are right back at square one, my dear. Don't fool yourself. What, really, IS the difference between wings and red wine, pray tell?
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                Boy they really don't know how bad this addication is ! I gave up Tabbacco 20 yrs ago I wish alcohol was that simple ! We dreage on........IAD !
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                  Thanks, everyone.... Beatle.. going to go home and distill some chicken flesh.. let you know how it goes...
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                    Wings is Wings !
                    They taste great . You can't just have one. I It's like alcohol in some ways. IAD
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                      Ding Dong,
                      Why does everything I think about has to do with Alcohol !?! Anyway I love wings and I don't have to have a drink to enjoy them. LOVE THOSE WINGS !!!!!! IAD!
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                        Good for you!!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                          Good job MM! You did good.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                            Ding Dong !
                            Keep up your fight ! Weight is the lest of our problems ! Acohol that 's the problem ! Your beautiful, even if you think your overweight ! I think you are beautifull. A person is a person.....Make your life a worthy plan !!!!!IAD Give back to the commuity! You'll get back 10 fold !
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              I can quit eating wings anytime I want!!!

                              Oh, I totally forgot all about that celery and blue cheese dressing they serve with wings. I haven't had that since going to the clubs years ago. God, do I feel old.

