Oh sure.........my loved ones are proud of me, just as I am of myself, and day-to-day life runs considerably more smoothly. Only...........don`t I merit some sort of reward ?.........surely there`s a glittering prize or two somewhere in all of this for me, considering the effort I have made, and the almost blood, sweat and tears I have shed ?
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks (my AF Blues spell)..........my life is just as it was when still encased in the "booze bubble".............save for the fact that I am sober. AF in itself is not mind-blowingly life-changing. Becoming AF is merely the beginning.........something of a catalyst.
I have realized that absolutely nothing is going to just "happen" to me, and I have to go in search of any glittering prizes that are to be had........in short, I have to "make it happen", and am thrilled to realize that AF affords me the freedom to do so.
I used to think that I`d more or less allowed life to slip past me in many respects, yet I blindly considered myself too old to instigate any radical changes. I now consider that negative attitude to be narrow-mindedness and complete and utter nonsense.........am 42, for Heavens sake!!!......hardly a fossil !!! LOL
Some of you may know that I dropped out of University at a very young age........made that decision for love!?!?!?........strange how I knew what true love is at such a tender age..............when I have yet to find it!!! LOL
Yes, my decision to adopt the AF lifestyle was to benefit my family every bit as much as myself, but this journey into sobriety is mine alone.........my peaks.........my troughs..........my pain........my elation........MY SOBRIETY.
Am returning to University in October to finally do my Degree..........perhaps if I don my trendy jeans and enormous shades, I`ll look just like any other "fresher" on campus!!! LOL
Am determined to make a success of this and get my Degree now........even if it almost kills me............it`s just what I now must do for me, in pursuit of personal happiness and fulfilment.
I also fully appreciate just how ravaged our bodies are, having abused alcohol for so many years, and know that I can`t expect to return to optimum health in the space of a few short weeks, so have decided to do a part -time 1st Yr. to allow myself to fully recover, and go full-time from the 2nd Yr. onwards...........I do not wish to "bite off more than I can chew" initially as regards the course, as falling flat on my face is simply not an option for me.........am a woman "on a mission" now.
I feel like an excited child on Christmas Eve, awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.
My cup is overflowing!!!
All my love,
A New and Improved, Devil-May-Care, Throw Caution to the Wind, Starlight Impress x