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Anyone try acupuncture? I went for my first session last week and have noticed a profound result in my sense of well being and relief of neck pain. I workout regularly with weights and recently have suffered from stiff neck pain and shoulder pain from overuse. I grew tired of popping motrin for it and decided to seek alternative eastern medicine. I am shocked by the improvement. I have been reading in "Beyond the Influence" how many use auricular acupuncture for craving reduction and to reestablish normal sleep patterns. Just wondering if anyone else out there has had any experience with this. Gina -
Dear Gina,
I have not used acupuncture for addiction but used it for when my hand was crushed just about 10 years ago now. They did ganglien (sp?) nerve block shots along with physical therapy. However, none of it seemed to do much of anything for me. I had acupuncture about 6 months into it with a guy who used my whole body like a pin cushion and nothing again.
Two years into my injury I was eating motrin like it was going out of style, wearing a brace and just trying to manage life with a pretty nerve damaged hand. I ran into an acupuncturist who asked specific questions, used about 5 - 8 needles total. Gina, the next morning, my thumb was weird shaky had some feeling it also was warm which I hadn't felt in all that time. I started to cry from relief!
It is still damaged but much better than it use to be. My one point is all acupuncturists are NOT created equal and it is great you have had such a nice experience right away. I would say it may very well work for addiction and would be worth a shot if you have someone good you are working with.
Glad you feel better!
I have not tried it but I am curious. My massge therapist does it and swears by it. She said it was immensely beneficial to her with some back pain, and with menopause. And, sometimes, you can get insurance to pay (partial) for it - depending on your carrier