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Things are going ok

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    Things are going ok

    Right now my maturnal mother is sleeping soundly in her room in my house, with my 2 naughty puppies that have decided that she is the bees knees. Normally the pups are religated to the kitchen in their basket to sleep. They can't sleep with me as Tabu my wild cat dominates my bed... and believe me a wild cat and 2 pups together don't work! So all is happy with the world.

    It was quite emotional picking my maturnal mother off the KLM flight at Kilimanjaro a couple of days ago. I was on Remedy Rescue all day and very emotional, even though I couldn't/can't relate the complex reasons why. She was so obviously besides hereself being back in East Africa. All my close friends and close acqauintances knew of her arrival and I had calls and sms message all Friday day, leading up to her 8pm landing, wishing me the best etc. I was quite taken aback and emotional at the care. Being somewhat of an independent soul (my choosing and character) I was all the more surprised at them all reaching out. They seemed to know how scared and secretly emotional I was.

    Flis (my maturnal mum) loved my house and garden, and as she sat on my back step watching the 2 pups chase after a byclycle tyre I was running with, whilst still in my pajamas this morning, she laughted and laughed. Later I took her down to the second half of my garden where I grow all my own vegetables, which is 'off limits' to the pups, because thats where 'Tabu' my African wild cat and I spend time together.

    Rightly Flis had been warned by my friends who also greeted her, not to try and be friendly with Tabu too soon, because Tabu can be very wild and does'nt like to talk to anyone else but her soul mate ~ me. Well Tabu, having spent a few days sizing Flis up and getting very grumpy with me because someone else was around, suddenly walked up to Flis, circled Flis' legs and rubbed up against her. Tabu has never done that to someone else before. Flis was exstatic and I thought it was the best present Flis could ever have. Flis said that she felt Tabu knew she was ill and wanted to tell her that everything was ok. I believe that too and it was majic watching Tabu greeting her.

    We've spent tonight talking about 'old times' in Kenya. About my young years when I got to know and talk to an elderly Beryl Markham, my hero, who inspired my flying days. Talking about safaris, my grand father and my Dad ... and the days when they (my parents) where young and when a T Ford was the lastest vehicle in Kenya!

    Flis has read the first two chapters of my book and, like me understands it is not about me writing a book alone ~ its about a Kenya family writing individually about their existence, history and love story with East Africa.

    Flis is full of history and both myself and my older sister so dearly want Flis to start writing again before she dies. Her memories, life and adventures are so important and she is such a gifted writter. Any writing abilty I have is passed on from her.

    Anyway I never thought I'd be here, talking about Flis like this. Yes she is on morphin 3 times a day, plus a concoction of other tabs, and pain is a heavy pill for her to swallow on a daily basis, but she is obviously so happy to be here. She's free again ~ back on home ground. I was worried that my step mum (who brought me up and died of cancer so many years ago) spirit would feel deserted by me (although she remains always the most special person in my heart).... but today I knew it was ok. She, I believe is not angry with me.... she is confident in my undying loyalty and love and in turn is probably responsible in making this all happen. She always knew that fate dictated I meet my maturnal mother, it just took the guts, love and influence of her to make it happen.

    I could go on.... but I've bored you all enough.

    On a final note. Yes, I am drinking and have a drink beside me right now. But I am in control sitting here late after Flis has gone to bed. I periodically poke my head round her door to check she is ok. Both Flis and the 2 pups are blissfully asleep. I'm together, taking it day by day. I know difficult times are ahead BUT I believe my spiirits will help me as long as I listen to their whispers. I have to learn about all the drugs Flis has to take, learn how to take care of her, read the signs. I believe that the spirits of my closest family members gone are watching over my shoulder, and I believe that before it is too late I will learn and experience a lot more with my natural mother. Bad memories must be gone and under the bridge. And when the time comes that Flis dies, my dead step mother (who I will always call Mum) and my dear special Grandfather will remain here in spirit to make sure that Flis' passing will be a celebration of her life not death..... and that my sister's and I will not cry too much. We all, every one of us in this world belong to God, whatever name we give him or religion we follow .... its the same... we belong to something far more powerful. XX
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    Things are going ok

    Dear Elizabeth

    These are the happiest words I have ever heard you write. Your heart is so full and you seem so much at peace. You can't believe how happy I am for you. I know you were worried about this visit, but it sounds like it is all you could have hoped for.
    You are a beautiful person and I am glad you are having this beautiful time with your mother.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Things are going ok

      Treasure these times Elizabeth... they will last you a lifetime


        Things are going ok


        Your words express beauty, joy, sadness, and spirituality.
        Thank you and bless you.

        Yes, "God" is with us, no matter what you call him/her and you are there to be with your mom when she goes to be with God. You stepmom and grandfather are watching you and happy for what you are doing. There is no jealousy in spirituality.

        Reading your post was a trip across lands and time for me. Absolutely beautiful.

        Thank you,
        AF April 9, 2016


          Things are going ok

          Great post Elizabeth. I love the part about Tabu rubbing against the leg of Flis and the pups sleeping blissfully with her. This is really a special time for you and Flis. All the best to you-


            Things are going ok

            Hold dear these times. You do sound like things are going good. I'm very happy for you.

            I just adore your stories and am always eager to read them. I wish you success on your book.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Things are going ok

              I am SO glad that you have the opportunity to get to know your mom and such. I think this is so beautiful. You are a remarkable woman!


                Things are going ok

                Elizabeth, you sound more at peace now than we have heard in a while. Clearly, nutruring is part of your soul.

                I'm glad this a good spiritual place for you.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Things are going ok

                  I am sitting here in London unable to sleep and it was so good to read your story.
                  love from Anna
                  Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                    Things are going ok

                    Wow. What an uplifting post. You sound like you have made peace-- with your matrnal mother and your own past. I am very happy for you.

                    I also enjoyed hearing about your "family" of pups and a wild cat. Just like the people in our lives, the animals in our lives play crucial roles in support and love.

                    I know you have tough times ahead, but you are tough. You will make this a journey of learning and peace-making.

                    Keep strong.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Things are going ok

                      Hi Elizabeth,

                      Your post moved me to tears. What a beautiful Elizabeth you are! I'm sure that Flis was meant to spend her last days with you. What better gift could she have? Your wonderful animals sound just magic, and I'm sure they bring both you and your natural mother both joy. Keep us posted. We are eager to hear more.

                      Meanwhile, we offer you the support of our love and caring. You are very strong.


                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Things are going ok

                        What a beautiful, poignant post, Elizabeth. I can almost feel your deep love for your mother.
                        Treasure every are both so very lucky to have this special time to now share together.

                        All my love,

                        Starlight Impress x


                          Things are going ok

                          I will never tire of hearing from you.


                            Things are going ok

                            Dear Elizabeth,

                            Thank you for sharing. That is a beautiful story and it really warms my heart to know there are people like you on this planet. I am so happy and touched to tears for you. It was meant to be, for the circle of life always closes and remains whole.

                            Oh I did the same thing for my Mom when she was dying, except I was unable to be there a t the end, but it one of the things in my life I am most proud of. That and the eulogy I gave at her funeral.

                            Alhtough this is a sad and painful time, I am glad for your soul that you have this to give and to receive.

                            Peace and Love to you Both,


                              Things are going ok

                              Elizabeth I too am another one that is always eager to read your posts. You write so poignantly and from the heart. I know how it is to have a mother w/cancer and the stress, keep yourself healthy hon. You are a very special person. :l

