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Starting Over (with a new username too)

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    Starting Over (with a new username too)

    Hi - Imatree here. but I'm starting over on this journey , or maybe more accurate to say refreshing my motivation and determination to be free from the chains of booze, so I felt impelled to change my username. (Also had a need for increased anonymity... as a few of you might remember)

    I joined on the MWO path in May, I believe, as Imatree. Since then I have gone through much - good stuff, also much difficulties. Best of all - in the past 3 months I have managed about 3 weeks worth of AF days. And when I do drink it usually is less than I had been this past year.

    The greatest turmoil of this journey was to decide a couple months ago that I needed to end my relationship with my BF (who has been a much heavier drinker than me). Two months ago I asked him to move out. He's still here - he may have resources in a week or two to move. And quite ironically - he has been going to AA meetings and has been sober for 11 days now.

    I am so very happy for him, and wish him continued success with his sobriety. I'm impressed and humbled by his efforts. And at the risk of sounding absolutely absurd (for all I wanted for so long was for him to quit drinking) his sudden sobriety has kind of messed me up in head and heart.

    For one thing, I've suddenly and totally unexpectedly begun having what I call emotional flashbacks... (emotional states from way back rise up and overcome). When I was a teenager my abusive alcoholic parents went through a series of getting on the wagon and falling off. My childhood home was always bad, but those years were the worst. Largely, I suppose, due to having my hopes for peace obliterated everytime they relapsed. Also, with each relaspe, the emotional abuse in the house intensified, rising and rising til again they'd get sober for awhile. So anyway, with bf sober, the emotions of those years rose up ... for a couple days I was really quite a mess. Doing a little better now, but still much angst. He's leaving, so it's not about worrying about what is going to happen with us... but it does make me realize that I have some old shit I need to deal with.

    And some petty stuff I'm ashamed to admit has come up since he quit drinking... like without the drink, he is not at all affectionate toward me. Even up to his last days of drinking he was very affectionate. So of course my self-pitying self thinks, "All that affection, all that time, it didn't come from his heart it came from the bottle". See, stupid.

    Anyway - I've been an emotional wreck. And on and off drinking isn't helping. I am recommitting to being AF everyday.
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

    Starting Over (with a new username too)

    Hello Love .......

    WOW what a roller coaster, It looks positive though .....

    Just let us know what you want from us and we will be here for you ....

    Big Big BB love & hugs,


      Starting Over (with a new username too)

      Hello Myownwoman... I really love your new strong name... I don't quite know how to advise you Hon...
      Do you feel that you and your BF have a relationship that is salvageable? I was just wondering if you guys were to sit down with a relationship counsellor? It is so amazing how helpful it is for a couple to share their emotions when they have a person that is able to better interpret them... I know that sometimes my hubby "says things in the wrong way" But then again, that is what my opinion is... For him, that is just the way he expresses himself.... Becoming AF as we all know is an emotional rollercoaster in of itself, so a stressed relationship would be just that much tougher I might guess... I hope that all my rambling might help... I wish you much happiness and keep us posted... Hugs to you,

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Starting Over (with a new username too)

        Wishing you the best, but sorry I still need to call you Ima! I know you can do this. You have come so far since you started here!!! Sending you hugs!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Starting Over (with a new username too)

 the new username....very poignant.

          I used to imagine how boring life would be if I didn`t drink.
          Oh, how very wrong I was!! only 5 wks. sober, yet already I find myself in the fast lane........I am learning to live again and to embrace all of the opportunities to which I was blind (drunk!!!) for so very long.

          Sobriety, despite being relatively new to me,is already proving to be the most remarkable journey of self-discovery. I have wasted years of my life, and am now determined to savour every single moment.

          I think we all have to recognize why we turned to drink, and address those issues to allow us to heal and move on.

          Am so glad you`re back with renewed strength to get you where you want to be.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x


            Starting Over (with a new username too)

            Hi Mow-

            When I hit 100 days AF I shortened my name. This journey brings on many different phases.

            In regards to your BF: when you mentioned he was no longer affectionate the first thing that came to mind was that perhaps this might be the result of withdrawal from alcohol and that now that he's AF he might be trying to figure out who he is. Many of us have been in an alcoholic fog for so long that when it lifts it leaves one empty with thoughts of "who am I". Early sobriety brings on selfishness. You are now experiencing life and you want to grasp everything.

            Only you know what is right for you in this journey. I wish you the best.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Starting Over (with a new username too)

              Hi Myownwoman,


                Starting Over (with a new username too)

                Hi Myownwoman,
                welcome back, you sound positive. Good luck
                Love Paula.


                  Starting Over (with a new username too)

                  I love the name (Ima) you have done wonders since coming here and I will work hard to call you by your new name!!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Starting Over (with a new username too)

                    My Own Woman is a really strong name....good on you Tree (! - another strong name to be let go of now...) Strength and courage with the new world...

                    Love Finding x
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Starting Over (with a new username too)

                      You sound positive and focused. I wish you the best, we're here for you, stay strong...Don


                        Starting Over (with a new username too)

                        I like Imatree and I like Myownwoman, still same person inside. I know you will get things worked out.

                        Gabby :flower:


                          Starting Over (with a new username too)

                          I totally love your new avatar, your new name and your new strength and resolve. You are going to do this, MyOwnWoman!

                          You and your BF both are going through profound changes which stopping drinking (on both your parts) will bring about. They are painful but necessary changes. You may need some time apart to sort things out for yourselves. You may or may not get back together again. Right now, you need to focus on getting your life back on track.

                          The first thing is doing the program - seriously. It will be hard and there will be setbacks but you know we always are here to cover your butt no matter what. Then along the way there is that terrible past to deal with. We all hate that part. That will have to be done eventually, but not today, so don't worry about it right now. That will come with time as you grow stronger and stronger.

                          Time and patience and strength, my dear. That's what it takes now. Focus on yourself. Find that inner strength that you know and we know you have. Take the supplements. Talk to us often.

                          Do you mind if I call you MOW sometimes - kind of sounds like Mao (as in Mao Tse Tung -sp?) Whatever. Good luck.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Starting Over (with a new username too)

                            Hi Ima! So glad you are still here! Star hit it right on the head - a journe of self discovery, and I am enjoying even though it spits up a lot of crap in the process. In one regard I am almost sad for non-drunks, they don't get the opportunity to challenge themself and be forced to face who they really are and discover what it is they really want from this life.

                            I used to dismiss the 'spiritual' types as weirdos, but now I really understand the journey they are seeking - they are the lucky ones who didn't need to sink into a pit to work it out.

                            Keep working My Own, and we'll be here watching, waiting, and making side comments - oh, no, sorry, giving you loving support. :-)
                            It always seems impossible until it's done....


                              Starting Over (with a new username too)

                              Hi MOW, and welcome back! I can sure understand your being in a bit of a muddle with all of those flashbacks and stuff, but it all goes that much further in understanding yourself.

                              You've made so much progress so far, and much of it has been difficult. You should be very proud of yourself! I'm glad that BF is getting sober too. He's probably going through some withdrawal, as another member said. If I recall correctly, he wasn't very nice to you before when you crossed him, either.

                              I'm glad that you're back, and please let us know how we can help. Keep us posted, love!


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

