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Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

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    Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

    Hello everybody, sorry I've been away since my cow wrestling episode... I took 2 much enjoyed days off but hopped back to it today and feel so awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I truely missed my workouts!!! We did haul some wood out of the bush yesterday, but it wasn't all that tough.. Mabe I'm getting stonger afterall .. Ha !! haaa!

    Change, I'm hoping I'm not stepping on your toes by starting our thread today but I wanted to log my workout... I feel so much better after a good old sweat and then a shower.
    How goes the yoga ? I pray that your workplace is better sweetie, did read and did respond... I will read that thread to see any updates... ull
    I know with it being the labour day weekend some people will be away and if you are, I wish you "Happy, safe travels "
    Today, I did my usual 30 minutes on my eliptical/bike (hubby had to tighten the tentioner thing-ma-bob because it was way tooooooo easy to pedal...) Now I sweat when I'm on it !!nfire: I did my abdominals on the floor, still no sore back !!:cheering My stomach is for the first time since we had kids getting toned.. I'm sooooo... well there are no words...... really. I thought that I would forever be stuck with a soft pouchie because my sore back wouldn't allow me to do abdominal excercises... Maybe the eliptical, combined with the bow-flex is streghtening my back allowing me to do crunches again...
    So , I did my weights with the bow flex, pushing another 10 lbs on the last rep for my legs.

    So, this Tuesday I will be back to work at the school caffeteria.. I'm still however still looking so forward to these workouts, it's a daily habit now that I really love.
    Have a wonderful day everybody, We Rock !!! :rockon: Hugs,

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

    Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

    Oh Niblet,

    thanks for starting the thread! i almost completely forgot yesterday! Then remembered really late at night and thought 'oh well then, i hope somebody's started it'!

    Congratulations on the toned stomach! I wish mine was.

    I am heading off to the gym today for my first routine with an instructor... yay! I am going to ask him to perform magic. lol. No, really, i'm heading for core strength (low back, abs), to lose the muffin top, and to straighten my back.

    10am, nice and early.

    Keep up the good work everybody!

    PS. It should be interesting with the work situation. I am not as apprehensive about heading off there today, had the weekend to chill out, think about it etc. I think i am just going to be quiet and get on with the job. If he tries to engage with me, i am going to ignore him. If he gets to be too much again, i will document everything he says and then think about approaching HR. I don't really want to involve the company as i want to keep working there (they might dispel me through the agency if they think i am a 'trouble maker'), so i've figured if he annoys me or oversteps the mark, then i will complain. If i go all the way and complain, i may have to face them not wanting me to work there.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

      I didn't go to the gym today or ride my bike. I did do lots of gardening and some heavy lifting - no, it really wasn't very heavy - wasn't really heavy at all - pretty easy actually - almost nothing - just wheelbarrow stuff. Oh well, I was trying to make it sound like I worked out. I just gardened and enjoyed the beautiful weather. I will do some stretches tonight. Gym in the morning.
      Good luck tomorrow at work Chance. please for now, just document as much as you can.
      Hey folks, we're doing great!
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

        I, too, just worked outside in my yard today but it was great! Maybe I can fit in a run tomorrow..


          Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

          OK... folks... I'm in. I went for a bike ride today. 10 miles. Thought I was going to frickin' DIE! I have spent the past 8 months building my spa and haven't taken the time to work out. That and drinking too much wine and I have gained, well let's say I'd like to lose a few. I am going to get out my cute little workout duds, mp3 player and hit the gym. I can't tomorrow as I have to interview two massage therapist tomorrow morning (that means I have to get two massages in a row in the morning, poor me), but I resolve to start tuesday morning after I drop little darlin" off at school. I will check in here with you guys to stay on track. My goal is to lose the 15 pounds I gained since my surgery three years ago.. just so you know my goal..

          okie dokie.... hold me I'm scared...

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Excercise Thread: 2, Sept.

            Hey guys !! Just dropping in before beddy by....
            Change, I think that you are so wise to strengthen your core... That HAS to be why I'm able to Finally do abdominals after ALL these years !!! Slow but steady... I still have a long ways to go, but I know now I can keep doing what it will take to get the results I have wanted for 15 years now ... almost tearing up...
            I will say a prayer for you that that anal person leaves you alone to do your job well... I hope that it helps you...
            Mags, Chief and MM, there is soooo much to be said for doing something that you enjoy... We all need time to kick back and enjoy yard hobbies rather than hit the gym sometimes.. It is a "mind" workout.. tee !! heee !! It's all good !! See you guys tomorrow, Hugs,

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

