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Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

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    Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

    That's what I've been doing today - just digging a bigger and bigger hole. And it was great, fabulous, wonderful. The best thing I could have done for myself. Today was a beautiful late summer day and I was planting a new butterfly bush in my front yard. Nothing is better therapy than digging in the dirt.

    My father died a year ago and since then I have been looking for the perfect plant to put in my front yard in his memory. The other day I saw this beautiful butterfly bush and thought of how much he loved butterflies and how much I love to photograph them, and the bush just called out to me to take it home and let it be my memorial to my wonderful father. I planted it today and I can see it from my window right now.

    Many people have been writing on these boards lately about what to do with their time since they have given up drinking. When I gave up drinking, I too had time on my hands. I found the greatest pleasure in the world in getting those hands dirty. Digging things up, planting things, hauling heavy loads of compost, using a chain saw, etc. When I was a heavy drinker for so many years, I could have cared less about my house and garden. When I quit drinking I found the wonderful thrill of hard work, sunshine, dirt under the fingernails, sweat dripping off my face - and better yet - the thrilll of watching these tiny little scraggly plants grow into beautiful works of art.

    I promise to stop now - I can get carried away. But in the US it is almost fall now. Time for pruning, moving shrubs, planting bulbs, etc. Get dirty MWO'ers!!!! Down and dirty!!
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

    Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

    That is great Mags. I have tried and tried and just cannot get into gardening. I really wish I could. I am a fanatic cook though so I guess that makes up for it. So glad you found the perfect plant in your dad's memory....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

      Happy to hear the pleasure working hard in the garden is giving you Mags and that you found the perfect plant as a memorial to your father.

      Starlight Impress x


        Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

        That's wonderful, Mags.... that made me smile big!
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

          Thats good to hear Mags, I like gardening when I get the time, it's good therapy.
          The butterfly bush sounds beautiful, don't think we have the climate for one, sadly.
          Love Paula.


            Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

            Mags, that's great. It's a beautiful thing to do - plant a living plant of beauty for your father. He will live forever in it and the butterflies...

            It's great and grounding to get the hands in the ol' soil... Good on you!

            Love F x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

              How perfect Mags and what great therapy. We have 2 outside and they bring in the most beautiful butterflies. I hope each one you see gives you wonderful memories of your dad.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

                sounds like a great day and that you will enjoy the bush for years to come.


                  Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

                  How nice mags-a butterfly bush. They smell so beautiful!
                  Whenever my girlfriend sees a big butterfly near her she always says outloud "Hi mom".
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

                    Great post Mags!! I know what you mean about getting your hands dirty, working in your yard, and watching something grow and transform your little piece of the planet into something better than it was. A butterfly bush is an excellent memorial for your dad. Every year it will attract new life for you to enjoy... Well done Mags... Don


                      Just digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself today

                      Good day Mags!
                      Gabby :flower:

