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Lump in throat

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    Lump in throat

    had to delete what I wrote in here as it even offended me. Sorry to anyone who read it and was offended
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Lump in throat

      I'm taking 5mg time release melatonin, time release Valerian, and time release Xanax to sleep. I still only get about 4-5 hours of sleep a night though. I cannot tolerate sleeping pills, they upset my stomach for some odd reason. In the morning I take tryptophan, GABA, & 5 HTP but I rotate them. I read on the Holistic board that taking phenibut powder with LTheanine acts as a muscle relaxant, my health food store never heard of Phenibut so I ordered some online. I also ordered some (serenity brand) lithium orotate. I got some St Johns Wort topical oil and put it on my neck, seemed to help...said it was good for "soreness". Wow, this supplement stuff is a science project!

      Flip is your mind in the gutter? I am imagining what you might have typed and if I'm guessing right, it's actually not a bad idea. If your neck felt like mine you really would try anything ; )
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Lump in throat

        Flip is into self-deletion and hairballs. Just can't help it.

        I've never had the lump in the throat thing......but it would almost be worth having to get a relaxer

        I can't sleep either so it's interesting to see what your take on it is.....I might try the valerian, although I hate the smell. What's the max dose? I've only tried little doses.
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          Lump in throat

          I'm taking 1200 mg a night in a time released brand (Nature's Plus), this is 2 tablets and the serving size is one tablet. The Valerian doesn't smell as bad as the Kudzu to me.
          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            Lump in throat

            you are absolutly right My heart, my mind was in the gutter, and yes that is what I was you have a guy that can help you out with the internal massage therapy?
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              Lump in throat

              Unfortunately Flip "My Guy" is the reason for the "lump in the throat" in the first it ain't happenin : ( My only hope is to proceed into new territory with the "massager"....Hey I could come out of this with some new skills

              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson


                Lump in throat

                Flip, You remind me of "Weird Al Yankovich"....FUNNY! Just Google "White and Nerdy".....I think you must be his Aussie cousin
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  Lump in throat

                  LMFAO Flip!!!! And you said I left too much info!!! How's she gonna answer that one??? HUh?? Huh??


                    Lump in throat

                    MyHeart, is your husband not any less abusive now that he is being medicated for his BP and not drinking? I was never 'abusive' perse, may have said a few things I have regretted esp. under the influence. I am just curious as usually once BP is treated properly a lot of the 'weird stuff' subsides. Maybe he needs to check into some other type of meds to help him. They have so much out there nowadays. Lithium isn't for everyone just as Prozac isn't for everyone either.

                    Stress does take it's toll. Take care of yourself.


                      Lump in throat

                      He's a lot less abusive sober and on Lithium. I don't think being Bipolar or an alcoholic makes a person abusive. These conditions basically just enhace the highs and lows of the person you are. My husband doesn't completely comprehend how his words hurt. He doesn't lose his temper or get physical now that he is on Lithium but he very calmly says the meanest things to people. He really doesn't get that he is being hurtful. It's nice to know he has good intentions (most of the time) but it is still heartbreaking and stressful. I mean he has had waitresses at restaurants running in the back and crying and he is truly perplexed as to what he said wrong. He has been asked to leave all kinds of places because of his rude behavior and he doesn't understand why. Sometimes he refuses to leave and then the Police get called and they arrest him! I try to explain it to him but he doesn't fully comprehend. I'm afraid he is losing his mind a little bit. His Mother is definitely not all there so they've got some "crazy genes" in the family. It's sad and scary to watch this unfold.
                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson


                        Lump in throat

                        My heart's throat problem

                        Hi there

                        I suggest you get checked by an ear nose and throat doctor. This may be linked to acid reflux, which can be caused by too much alcohol. You actually may have lesions in your throat and you may need strong acid reflux medication. Avoid all the foods mentioned in the earlier posts and don't eat or drink three hours before bed. However, this advice applies for acid reflux. I hope you see a doctor to check this. Acid reflux can be bad.


                          Lump in throat

                          I told two Dr's. One looked in my throat and the other ordered a blood test to check my thyroid, everything was normal. I really think it is anxiety because alcohol and Xanax make it go away...also it crops up when I am stressed.
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            Lump in throat

                            oh good to hear that! Maybe you wrote it before and I missed it? if so, sorry!

                            glad the doctor looked at your throat.

                            I think you are right, anxiety can cause a feeling of a lump in the throat.


                              Lump in throat

                              Sorry. I was assuming your hubby was 'magically' cured. Stupid me. I guess when I read a previous post it sounded like he was better than he really is.

                              BUT... my question is how in the heck do you handle the embarrassment of his behaviour out in public? I can't imagine what it must be like for you to be with someone like that. I feel much empathy and really don't know what else to say. Other than I hope your stress levels come down and that lump in your throat go away.


                                Lump in throat

                                Accountable for Me;191690 wrote:
                                BUT... my question is how in the heck do you handle the embarrassment of his behaviour out in public?
                                I DRINK!

                                That's the problem. That's why I'm here. I don't really think I have an addictive personality but rather I want to escape my reality. If that is the case (I don't know for sure) no supplement or anti alcohol med is going to take away my drinking. With me it's going to be mind over matter I think.

                                This is the one & only marriage for both of us and we have two children together. My husband is also good looking and very wealthy. I even bailed him out of jail one night in a limo, it would be funny if it weren't so tragic! Yep there I was sitting in the jail with the limo driver talking to the jail guards explaining my husband was bipolar as I sat there crying. Oh, what a life I live, never a dull moment.
                                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                                - George Jackson

