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Lump in throat

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    Lump in throat

    Does anyone have this lump in their throat kind of feeling? It drives me to drink and I need an alternative. I am so stressed out 24/7 what with 2 teenagers, an abusive bipolar husband, and a marriage of 18 years on the rocks in a serious way. I can't make that terrible tension in my throat go away. Am I the only one?

    PS I'm already on antidepressants and Xanax :upset: and the Kudzu didn't work for me
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson

    Lump in throat

    It's from stress (duh! - Like tell you something you didn't know). In Chinese medicine it's called "Plum Pit" syndrome and can occur in the same way for the same reasons as acid reflux. DH had it and we're controlling it through herbs and supplements.

    Booze, sugar, coffee, canned fruits, refined carbs like white bread and all sorts of other foods will aggravate it. You want alkaline foods, not acid foods.

    He has found that a daily shot of Aloe Vera juice has been helpful. You can get that in any healthfood store, or GNC.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!
    "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


      Lump in throat

      Thanks, I didn't know it was called that. Now I have something to Google.
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Lump in throat

        It could be a hair ball.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Lump in throat

          'My Heart........... (Flip...! Perleeeze!!!!) Yes, tension. The other thing to try is a few 'games'.... rolling your 'R's as in 'rrrrrrrrrasberrrrrrries' etc as a fun game (yes, probably on your own!!!) 'Sirening' as in making a sound (sing if you want!) like 'er', 'ah' etc and starting as low as poss, slide up in pitch as high as you can go and down again a few times.... and do 'chewing and mumbling' - act as if you've got a real tough toffee in your mouth and chew away as you make any old sound at all.... Mumble and grumble away!!! And all with a silly grin on your face please!!! These release the tension in the base of the tongue (way down at your Adam's Apple) which feels like (but isn't) a horrible lump.....

          Good luck..... and yes, I'm a (quite mad!) singer who's used these many, many times!!!!

          Finding x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Lump in throat


            I sure hope that you are feeling better soon dear.... urgirl:

            I see, rather.. ahhhhaamm I HEAR you took Findingmyfeets advice......

            We could hear HOWLING all the way to Northern Ontario !!!
            Kidding !! Hope that you are feeling better, I know first hand how tough teenage boys can be we have 2, one is 15 and the other is 17.. For the most part they are quite respectful, but they have their days !!!! ull

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Lump in throat

              My heart-

              Time to make some time off for yourself ( maybe a walk with some relaxing music, or a nice bath). I know-that's the hardest part of being a mom-finding time for you. But in this journey you need to be selfish because you need to get better & become the best you that you deserve.:l
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Lump in throat

                I think I had something similar. It kept me from eating solid foods. To make up for it, I drank juice and other soft drinks, and usually threw something in there for the extra pleasure of the drink, if you know what I mean.

                Could the lump be from something that is upsetting you in your life? Then it would be natural it would drive you to drink.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Lump in throat

                  Thanks guys,

                  Yes it's from something upsetting me. My husband is constantly criticizing me, not over drinking though. We are having serious marriage problems. I found out they prescribe Valium for this because it's a muscle relaxant and the neck/throat thing is muscle spasms from stress. I would happily switch from Xanax to Valium, I wouldn't want to be on two things that were addictive. I wish there was a non addictive muscle relaxant, that would be perfect.

                  I tried the voice tounge rolling thing, it was helpful! Last night I put a (let's see how do I put this delicately?) "massager" on my neck which was helpful but I can't really do that one in front of other people friend thought it was hysterical though ; )

                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    Lump in throat

                    Hi My Heat.. You may want to try Calmes Forte or Valerian (that is close to valium, but not addictive), before you try valium... Or, the "massager" more often as directed by the manufaturer.. if you know what I mean...
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Lump in throat

                      I second med-mamma's advice. Valerian is in fact a very strong relaxant. It is 100% natural, non-addictive, but it really does the job. Take the full dose (or even more) and see how good you feel after an hour. It does not make you fuzzy-headed or sleepy, just really relaxed. I hope this helps.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Lump in throat

                        Got that lump too... driving me crazy!!


                          Lump in throat

                          I take 1200 mg of Valerian every night to sleep so I'm pretty maxed out on that. Crap I though the Valerian was helpful for sleep, no? I'll try the Calms, is there a difference between Calms and Calms Forte?

                          Hi Mike, How are you doing today? Are the shakes any better? I was thinking about ya. Try the humming and tounge rolling it was helpful and the relief is immediate. I'm sitting here with the "massager" on my neck. Desperate times call for desperate measures, LOL!
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            Lump in throat

                            My Heart - wow, the imagery is just great.....! Larf!!! Go for it! Glad the tongue rolling helps.... keep at it and enjoy the 'massager'................................

                            Um, if anyone read this post and didn't know......................?!??!

                            You know, laughing is soooh good too.................I bet you must be having the odd giggle about being so innovative!!! :H

                            Mike - um, enjoy the tongue rolling but as for the 'massager', well, I await news with baited breath...!! :eeks:

                            Finding xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Lump in throat

                              ok, if you are maxed on the valerian (which yes also helps sleep as it is a relaxant) then you should try tryptophan if you haven't already. (I'm assuming you are alreading taking 3mg melatonin). Start with 500mg tryptophan, you can go up to 1,500.
                              If that doesn't knock you out, it's not against the law to take a sleeping pill once in a while. I recommend Ambien... start with 5mg. But DO NOT take it until you are IN BED. (It can make you do crazy things if you are up and around). It has a short half-life so it is out of your body in a few hours, which means you don't get that hungover feeling. Just make sure you take it a few hours before you must rise in the morning.
                              This advice goes for everyone, but if the tongue rolling does it, I'd go for that.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

