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I am in Huge Emotional Pain

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    I am in Huge Emotional Pain

    Most of you don't remember me. I used to come on here more. Like the rest of us, I struggle with drinking. I think, like many of us, I struggle alone. I have a family that knows of my struggles, but... anyway...some of you may remember, I had a neice, brillient, just finished her third year at Princeton, who died, after 6 years of awful cancer. My sisters oldest of 2.... It has been a hard summer. We miss her every day. OH..she was more than brillliant...she was soooo funny.. adorable

    I haven't been here...just couldnt but...really hope you guys can bolster me...I need it. I am not falling apart, but...would love some support

    OK I don't ask for help easily, but I am asking now...just some emotional support...

    formerly known as bak310

    I am in Huge Emotional Pain

    Hi Beth,

    I think a lot of us here are in emotional pain. All I can think of is "This too shall pass", hang in there girl!
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      I am in Huge Emotional Pain

      Beth.. I am so sorry about your neice. But I am really gald you reached out tonight. I know how you feel about not asking for help easily. When drinking is consuming us we are alone no matter how many people are around us. This must be a hard time for you. What do you need right now? You have support here - that is for sure. Glad you are here.


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I am in Huge Emotional Pain

        Beth! HEY!!! I missed you...wondered where you'd been...remember my daughter went to Yale drama school 2 summers....we've talked alot...I'm soooo sorry you are down, go to chat! Keep are so valuable to us all!!!!
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          I am in Huge Emotional Pain

          Hi Beth,

          Been thinking about you and it is nice to see you here. How can we help?



            I am in Huge Emotional Pain

            So good to see you back, Beth. We're here. Talk to us.


              I am in Huge Emotional Pain

              Beth, you know that we are here for you ALWAYS. HUGS It's nice to hear from you and I still think about your neice, even though I didn't know her personally through your stories she impacted my life.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                I am in Huge Emotional Pain


                I still think about your niece and your family too. We are here for you. There may be some newbies who don't know you yet, but you are anything but forgettable.

                Please stay in touch with us more, we are here to support you. I hope you will tell us more about how you are feeling. I'm glad that you reached out to us today.

                Take care and many hugs,:l

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                  Was a pleasure to meet you in Chat tonight.
                  I so wish I could offer you the right words of comfort to ease your pain.
                  I know you`re a wonderful lady and are a wonderful sister and were a wonderful auntie to not a great believer, but feel in my heart and soul that there is indeed a God and that He will bring you and your family peace and sun-filled days once more.

                  All my love,

                  Starlight Impress xx


                    I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                    Hi Beth,

                    I am so glad you posted and that you are back on the site. It is understandable that you took a break after having the year you have had.

                    Sorry to hear that you are in such pain, but - it seems like that would be unavoidable. You are such a loving and kind person I can't imagine your not being in pain. Glad to see that you popped into chat. Hope to talk soon.

                    Huge hug,


                      I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                      Nice to see you back. You have helped out a lot of us members here in the past. So what is going on with YOU? W e know about your niece. What's going on with "you"? Luv~C~


                        I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                        Hi Beth, like the others, I remember you fondly. Please consider yourself smothered with a bit Aussie hug!
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                          Beth, I too have wondered how you where. And I too have to ask, as did Chrysa- how are YOU right now---and what can we do to help. Your posts were always ones that impacted me greatly-I hope you can take some strength from this place you gave so much to before. :l :h
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                            Beth sorry you are feeling so low. I have missed your posts.
                            Sending you lots of love." Grief is the price we pay for having
                            loved someone so much. Time doesn't heal, but makes it easier.
                            My nephew died 18 years ago from leuakemia aged 14, all his
                            family miss him terribly, but we also have some wonderful
                            memories. Love Paula.xx


                              I am in Huge Emotional Pain

                              Hi Beth....I'm new here so I don't know you.....but I can understand your grief about losing your neice. We've lost people really hurts :l

                              How are things for you drinking-wise? How have you coped with such terrible times? You obviously have many friends here who love you and are pleased to see you back....let the good feelings here enfold you and help you onwards. XXXX

                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

