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Meeting in NYC

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    Meeting in NYC

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      Meeting in NYC


      We will probably eat "dinner" in the afternoon - not late at all since many of us need to travel a bit to get home . PLEEEEEEZE come!
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Meeting in NYC

        I am sending you a PM, ~C~


          Meeting in NYC

          Two weeks from this weekend. Everyone who can come, put it on your calendar!!
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Meeting in NYC

            People are signing in, getting ready to come. Let me know if you plan to attend.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Meeting in NYC

              Mags, I'm still on. Chrysa, how about you?
              September 23, 2011


                Meeting in NYC

                Yes, I plan to come. To be honest I would rather eat lunch & sit down & chat & get to know each other rather than dinner later. I will be hungry from traveling. But I can go with flow.


                  Meeting in NYC

                  Other people may agree with Chrysa. Let's maybe start with lunch and whoever wants to hang out together for a while after that can. How does that sound to everyone???

                  I'm flexible - whatever you guys want to do. Just let me know.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    Meeting in NYC

                    Hello fellow New Yorkers. Lunch on Sunday the 23rd sounds good to me. October is good too if the 23rd does not work for everyone.
                    looking forward to meeting you guys in person
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Meeting in NYC

                      Mags: Thank you for taking the initiative to be the Organizer of our meeting. I'm all for getting together earlier in the day and having lunch. For those that can make a full day of it, that is great. As for me, I'll go with the flow. There's no pressure for me to hurry home as long as my husband checks in on my Yorkie. - Reenie
                      September 23, 2011


                        Meeting in NYC

                        Reenie - it is so cool to hear from you. I think this whole shinbang was your idea in the first place - or did we cook it up together - I forgot. I'm going to PM you tonight. Look forward to meeting you!!
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Meeting in NYC

                          Mags, et al.
                          I will not be able to make the nyc day. Just too much going on at my church & with hubby & daughter. Thought I could, but really can't. So have a wonderful time you guys. Do it your Way!! In the city that never sleeps..


                            Meeting in NYC

                            As it stands now, it appears it's me, Mags and Trixitrax that plan on meeting in NYC. Are there any others who can make it? Mags and I spoke on the phone the other night. We plan on getting another post out to you all with exact details regarding where to meet at 11:00 Sunday morning and the restaurant where we plan to have lunch. Please reply if you think you are going to make it, this way we have a confirmed headcount for reservations for lunch. Thank you, Reenie
                            September 23, 2011

