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Starting day 2...

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    Starting day 2...

    HI all...
    Cinda got through yesterday... not totaly af though... had 2 beers to help the shakes, besides I'm cinda scared of going cold turkey, I was a pritty heavy drinker...
    is that ok? a couple beers just to stay in the safe zone for a while before goin' af?
    Didn't sleep a wink thoug... got to used to passing out rather than falling asleep... wish I had some weed!!! (: Mabe get the muncies and eat something!!

    Starting day 2...

    Hi Mike,

    I would say that you did a great job. It is probably good for you to cut way back at first, instead of going cold turkey. It can be dangerous for someone who has withdrawal symptoms to just stop. So, you are probably being smart to cut down for a while before you stop.

    You will find that sleeping is tough at first - that is to be expected. This will not be pleasant - but your life will be SO much better when you get over this hump.

    So, congrats on Day 2 of countdown to AF. Did you get to your doctor, or am I thinking of someone else?

    Take care,


      Starting day 2...

      Yes I did... he didn't realy say anything but he sent me to get blood tests which I did today.. that was so embaresing... the nurs must think I'm a wimpy guy afraid of a needle, I was shaking like an earth quake!!! At least I get it done though...


        Starting day 2...

        Mike, if you have been a heavy drinker for many years, going cold turkey without medical assistance can be dangerous. Several people on this forum have done that and had seizures, myself included.

        I'm surprised your doctor didn't offer you a medication to reduce the chances of seizure and also make the withdrawal symptoms less unpleasant. Can you go back to him/her and ask? Most doctors use either librium or a benzodiapide (spelling?). Lorazepan (Ativan) is widely used as it is an anticonvulsant and an anti-anxiety medication. It makes you a little sleepy, especially if taken in the high doses you need, but that's ok if you are having problems sleeping, right? There are other medicines used, like librium, and epileptic medicines. Please check about this.

        I am not a doctor (consider this a disclaimer), but I understand that even reducing your intake drastically is dangerous. If you want to try the tapering down method (which some doctors are trying out now), you need to do it gradually. Going from, say, 12 beers a day to 2, is too drastic. You should cut in half, at most, for a few days, then in half again for a few days, etc. This is what I heard, anyway.

        You are in most danger of a seizure from 2-4 days after stopping or drastically cutting down alcohol. My seizure was 3 days after stopping.

        Also very important: You should be taking lots and LOTS OF SUPPLEMENTS (especially B vitamins, C vitamins and magnesium). These will help ease your withdrawal and also help you to heal. You can take about 10x the daily dose indicated on the package for Bs and Cs (my doctor told me this), spread out over the day, of course.

        Hope this is of some help.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Starting day 2...

          What's a seizure llike? Do you just pass out? Or dose it invole hospitals and stuf? I have cut down a lot... and was happy with that... hoped I could go af today but the shakes just got way too I had a couple beers... like I sayed I am quite afraid of cold turkey... and my doc isn't in the clinic everyday... but I had my tests so I'm sure I'll see him again soon...


            Starting day 2...

            Mike - a seizure can be much, much worse than that.... yes, 'That' , so please, please take care.... I cut down over a week - I 'took' a small drink (half a can for you?) every four hours like on a pill bottle for 3 days then took one twice a day for 2 days and since haven't had one at all.... but I kept people around me at all times. I was scared to hell but it got better after a week. For heaven's sake watch days 3-4 like Beatle says.... but don't give up, the darkest moment for most of us but worth every moment of sticking it out.

            Keep being here wont you? Lots of folk are gunning for you!

            Sleep takes a few weeks...just go easy on yourself about this and accept it will pass.
            You'll survive better on 4 hours sleep than 9 hours of pass-out believe me!! Spend hours posting here if needs be!

            Finding x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Starting day 2...

              Mike - make sure if you do the cut down method you see those drinks as something totally different to actual 'getting drunk drinks'..... don't let them be anything other than your way out to being sober.

              F x
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                Starting day 2...

                good luck mike, it sounds like youve made a great start.


                  Starting day 2...

                  Thanx for all your advice and suport guys... and I will be carefull...I wish I could go cold turkey... don't wanna drink at all... but definatly dont want a seizure either...


                    Starting day 2...

                    Hey Mike!

                    Good Luck and keep posting for advice. It is definately a good idea to get doc's help. I didn't and landed in trouble.

                    Keep strong!
                    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                      Starting day 2...

                      Congratulations Mike, hand in there, stay strong
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        Starting day 2...

                        Hey Mike,

                        Maybe it would be a good idea to print out the information that RJ has under Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms - there is a thread with that name. You could take that in when you go back to your doctor - maybe you need to find a doctor that specializes in addiction treatment.

                        Take care,


                          Starting day 2...

                          Hi Mike.

                          Beatle has given you excellent advice. You cannot just cut down to drinking 2 beers from drinking as heavily as you did and expect to be O.K. You may just have been very lucky yesterday........there is no guarantee that you`ll come through withdrawal safely, without the appropriate medical intervention.

                          Am sorry to sound "heavy" genuinely concerned for you. Considering how heavily you`ve been drinking, you attempting cold turkey or cutting down drastically is playing with fire...........don`t do it this way!!!

                          My doc. took the best of care of me when I told him I wanted to quit and he gave me a script for librium, as any doc has a responsibility to ensure a patient`s safety when consulting him about quitting drinking. However, I did opt to withdraw without taking the librium............only because I knew beyond the slightest doubt that I wasn`t physically dependent. You experiencing "the shakes" etc. says that you are physically dependent and must have a med to withdraw safely.

                          Am impressed that you`ve found the strength to address your alcohol problem, but so safely by getting yourself back along to the doc for a script to see you do it without placing yourself in danger. Withdrawal is a serious business and should never be taken lightly.

                          Much love,

                          Starlight Impress x


                            Starting day 2...

                            Mike i'm sooo proud of you, hang in there, but please listen to these clever people ....

                            BB xx


                              Starting day 2...

                              Mike, please keep us updated on what you are doing.

                              About seizures: the kind you get from alcohol withdrawal are called "grand mal". You black out and your body convulses for about a minute. So, if you are walking down the street, for example, you would just fall on the ground and start convulsing. The most dangerous thing is that you can injure yourself, and if it is your head, you can get serious brain damage or even die. Almost always you will bite your tongue to peices and not be able to eat for weeks. NOT FUN.

                              If you are in good shape, have been eating healthily, keeping in good physical shape, taking vitamins, etc. you are less likely to get a seizure than if you have been neglecting your body (which most alcoholics do).

                              Magnesium is said to be a natural anti-convulsant. You should take it in very large doses now. It also is a relaxant, so take an extra large dose at night. I think you are supposed to take it in a 2:1 ratio with calcium for maximum absorption. It is sold in this form to make it easier.

                              I really recommend getting a doctor's help for this. It will make you and us all feel better. And I really mean it will make you feel better -- the medication will relieve the worst withdrawal symptoms, making it easier on you.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

