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Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions.. :)

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    Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions.. :)

    Hi all. I'd gotten away from the site for a little bit, but am back now and trying again. I was just reading around the forums, catching up, etc., and a post about withdrawal and seizures caught my eye. So I did some googling, but haven't really found what I'm looking for.

    Perhaps those of you with actual experience and understanding will have some input. Thanks so much.

    A bit about me:

    I'm not an all-day drinker ... usually, that is ... (I have done so when my husband goes away for a week here and there). As for morning drinks, if I'm alone and it's in the fridge, I will probaby have it (and then go to work - not good, I know), but that doesn't happen all that often either. So, normally, I'm an evening drinker - say 5-6 drinks these days, bed by 10:00, and up at 5:30 for work the next day.. all day sober. Repeat same, all week long.

    So, if I'm having, say, 5-6 drinks of rum and coke or vodka per evening.... with the rest of the day spent sober, and rarely hungover (no 'shakes', unless it was one of "those" husband away weeks) ... I'm thinking I'd be OK to just quit. (The cutting down isn't really working.)

    ... What do you think? ... (Btw, doctor appointment a week from Friday... still trying to figure out how to tell her, but I do plan asking about it.)

    Thanks everyone.

    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

    Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..


    Just my experience. I'm a 12 beer a day drinker and I have epilepsy. So, when I dried out the first time they hospitalized me, thinking I might have seizures. I didn't and have dried out since w/o seizures either. Hope so, 'cause I'm dong it again this week.


      Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

      Hi Cat,
      I think we may have spoken at some time when I first joined. I'm from NL .
      It appears your habit is identical to mine, which, I too still continue to indulge .I was of
      the same opinion that I will stop when I'm ready sans the drugs . Anyway, I had a
      drink free night, by mistake, it's a long story, and had a hard time sleeping. I had nightmares and the sweats all night ,but it was kind of low level, not intense. The next day was uneventfull, with no shakes or other issues, and I really felt great , kind of empowered . I haven't made the consious decision to stop even though I know it isn't a healthy habit. It's coming soon though, I'm getting tired of the routine.



        Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

        Thanks, hart and Robert! Googling just isn't the same as talking with non-judgmental people who truly understand. I sooo love this website for just that reason, and many more.

        Much appreciated!

        PS, I do remember you, Robert .. *waving from NS* .. wondering how you have a drink-free night by mistake? (Did you forget the liquor stores are closed on Labour Day?) .. In any event, good for you for making it through the night. It's been a long time since I've had a sober 24 hours, but I do remember that empowering feeling. Hope all goes well on your journey!

        Hart, good luck to you too this week. Must have been scary drying out, knowing you'd probably have a seizure (glad you didn't).

        Thanks again for the responses!

        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

          I guess I should have added that I do have afternoon drinks too, when I am not working a full day, which can add up to more than the 5-6 I quoted above.... But I have been working full days lately, so I'm just going by "now", which is around 5-6.

          Thought I should clarify. lol ... Now I feel better.

          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

            Hi 42cat,
            For the past year I had been drinking 6-10 beers or 1-2 bottles of wine every single night, more on the weekends and sometimes liquor. For years before that it was always a 6pack or 1 bottle of wine each night.

            In the past 3 months I've acheived a total of about 25 days AF, beginning with an 8-day run. When I quit I had no shivers or shakes, etc. I felt like hell the first two days - largely because I didn't know what to do with myself after work. I did have trouble sleeping, but melatonin got me through that.

            My (ex)BF (still living with me) has been a big-time all day drinker. Even kept a beer at the side of the bed for when he wakes in the middle of the night. He is now 12 days sober (he's going to AA). He did have the shakes and sweats for 2-3 days, but not so bad that he needed to be hospitalized.

            I hope this helps.
            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


              Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

              Hi Catt

              Welcome Back!

              Wait until you see the doctor and ask. Especially if you can't remember your last sober day.

              I am of the opinion that every physical withdrawal has the potential to become dangerous
              and since you are in Canada, meaning our health care, ask your doctor for medication to ease the symptoms.

              Just be honest with her, she should be your partner in this. Take a big breath and spit it out!!!!!!! She might be glad you told her!

              I have done it both ways, seized going cold turkey and was hospitalized. Other times I have taken librium or valium. Medicated withdrawal isn't a breeze but combine it with good food, supplements, lots of water and rest and your doctor and it's manageable.

              Bossy old broad, arn't I ? I think that seizures should be avoided at all costs, and that you're too lovely to get hurt.

              Glad you're back xxx

              m. xx :l
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                Please read the posts to Mike R -- this is too serious to do by yourself. Yes, I know from experience. I am not going to write it all out again as I have done it already today. PM me if you have any questions. I will gladly answer in detail. Please take this very seriously.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                  Hey Beatle.
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                    Thanks MyOwn and magic.

                    Hope all goes well with the (ex)BF, MyOwn. I had read your other threads ... tough situation for sure. Sounds like it's on the right path now, hard as it is emotion-wise .. with BF not drinking, feelings that go with that, and plans to separate. *hugs* to you, and best wishes with everything!

                    magic.. I was looking up seizures in the other window just now.. their descriptions are so scary. Sorry you had to go through that. I am actually looking forward to telling my doc about my problem, and I know she'll be supportive. I just hope I don't start crying uncontrollably or something .. I'm sure she's seen it all, but I'm finding this a very emotional thing for sure .. just talking about it ... because we (DH and I) don't, and he has no idea how much I really do drink (I think).

                    Thanks again for the replies. They're more helpful than you realize!

                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                      Oh hi Magic. (where have you been?). I guess our posts just crossed. Anyway, I think we agree. This can be very dangerous. Please please guys, take it seriously. (And it doesn't have to be so bad if you do.)
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                        Hi Cat , so it was U, hello again from the Rock . :hiya:

                        Doctors can be fickle. Mine basically gave up on me when he realized that I drank every
                        evening. Says he doesn,t deal with addictions and left it at that. He was also supposed to
                        do some follow up work arranged for internal specialist and a stress test . He has done neither. Another thing to consider is once U tell her this it is going in your file. Not that that is a bad thing, just consider it .



                          Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                          Thanks for the good words 42.
                          I told my doc several months ago - and I did cry my eyes out. But I was also somewhat more empowered in taking the step to "officially" ask for help, and it was a relief of sorts to open up about it.
                          Turned out though that I didn't like her response, and wished I had a different doc to whom I felt better about being so honest. And now of course, it is on my medical records which can cause problems in the future. But you know - doctors are people and they are all different, hopefully yours is more helpful than mine was. And if getting sober for you requires that you get medical help, then do it. Don't let fear of what your doc will think, future medical records, etc, stop you from healing from your addiction.
                          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                            Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                            Beatle, I think it was actually your post that got me to thinking, and posting this one to hear about others' experiences. It is very scary. I'm glad you posted. Thank you.

                            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                              Withdrawal seizures ... Looking for opinions..

                              Beatle, Yes, you and I agree.

                              I've been to the ocean. You look good!

                              m. xx

                              Catt.......Cry all you want and let it all out! Let it go. Let it go. Talk to her, she's your doctor, she wants to help you not judge you.

                              Tell her your fears, your worries, your troubles and when you're done they won't be so big and heavy on your shoulders.

                              m. xx
                              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                              I am in the next seat.
                              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir

