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How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

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    How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

    I finally got up the nerve to make an appointment with my doctor. (Haven't been in a couple of years, so it's overdue anyway.) During the visit, I am planning on telling her how much I drink and that I'm having difficulty cutting it out.

    But ... actually telling her terrifies me .... not because I'm ashamed (I am, but that's not the #1 reason).... I'm more scared of breaking down and crying. I haven't "said" the words to anyone, not even DH, who likely doesn't know exactly how much I drink, because half of it is hidden, or done, or poured using my secret bedroom stash (to top up the one I'm having with him). How sick is that?

    So, do I tell her all of that yucky stuff? .... Or do I just say I think I'm probably drinking too much and, at this age, it's starting to concern me? (Said in a casual way.)

    How did you tell yours? And what was his or her reaction?

    Thanks to everyone. I'm so glad to have found my way back here ... I'm going to beat this.

    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

    How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

    Yes, you are going to beat this Cat. I shared some of my experience with my doc in your other thread...
    As I said there, it will likely be empowering and a huge relief for you to divulge your secret, and to ask for help. Whether your doc offers good help or not, just the act of asking can have a profound impact on your journey to sobriety.
    I wouldn't worry about crying. I did, felt like a schlep, but at least I was being real. And that is part of the key - we have to be REAL - with ourselves and with others.

    I don't know that it would be necessary to tell her all the hiding and sneaky stuff about your drinking. Tell her you drink too much. She'll likely ask how much. Tell her. But keep it simple.

    And remember that there are docs who are addiction specialists. They will know more than a GP about drug treatments, what is going on in your mind and heart, etc.

    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


      How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

      Telling my doctor wasn't hard for me because I knew I had a problem LONG before I sought help. It was getting my husband to realize WE have a problem that was the kicker. He still doesn't like to think he does. I luv him, but boy men can be stubborn about going to the doctor. If I hadn't started having blackouts, etc, he'd still be drinking w/o care.

      I didn't find it emotional telling the doc, which, if you knew me is funny, I cry at Hallmark commercials. :H Like Nike says...JUST DO IT!~


        How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

        Thanks again, you guys. I think my doc will be helpful. I hope so anyway. She seems the type. If not, I guess I'll be finding Doc #2. There are several clinics where I am with doctors who take new patients. But I think mine will be OK. *crossing fingers*

        Thanks for sharing... it really really really helps!

        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

          I sat down and said, as I started to weep, " I am a raving alcoholic."

          She passed me the Kleenex and said "Why didn't you tell me? I would have understood. I have been sober for nine years."

          This woman has been my doctor for 25 years, and I love her dearly. She had delivered my children and I hadn't a clue.

          October 18 is my 3rd anniversary AF, largely due to her loving care.

          Keep the appointment Catt, hand her a note if it works better for you.

          m. xxx :l
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

            Jeez, magic ... I'm all teary now. Really. Hope no one comes out (I'm at work). I'm so happy for you.. what a wonderful doctor.. I guess you just don't picture a doctor having "that" problem ... but, like anyone, they're human ... *huggs*
            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


              How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

              Hi 42cat,
              I think telling our docs is something of an imagined nightmare for us.........we obsess about it beforehand and act out the scene in so many different ways in our heads.

              I too, worked myself up into a state about how to tell him and even whether or not to tone my drinking down a bit to him. I can get very emotional at times, like most of us, so was also a bit concerned that I may break down and cry.

              As it turned out, he treated my drinking very matter-of-fact, put me at my ease, and told me how alcohol dependency can strike absolutely anyone.I ended up telling him the honest truth about my drinking pattern/consumption.

              Anyway, I didn`t come over all weepy, but that`s not to say you won`t. It doesn`t matter how you tell him, even if you end up in floods of tears.........he`ll have seen it all before. All that matters is that you do tell him, whichever way, and receive the help you deserve.

              Wishing you love and strength,

              Starlight Impress x


                How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                Thanks for sharing your doctor story Starlight ... I'm definitely obsessing about it today. I was actually wondering if I should tone the number of drinks down when I tell her ... I know I shouldn't ... but the thoughts are definitely there. Glad you had the strength to go ahead and tell your doc everything!

                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                  Truth. She can't help you properly if she doesn't know the truth.

                  Do I have to come out there and take you to the doctor?

                  I will, you know.

                  m. x
                  ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                  I am in the next seat.
                  My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                    How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                    LOL. I have a feeling that you just would! ...... Nah .. my appt. is next Friday at 12:15. The earliest they could get me in. I will definitely report back on how it went, in case that would help anyone struggling with the same issue!

                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                      I don't know if this helps or not, but I read that doctors are taught that when a patient confesses to drinking too much they always lie about how much they drink, so the doctor automatically adds about 25-50% to whatever they say. Just something to think about.

                      On the other hand, if you have a doctor you actually trust (rare these days, but Magic is a rarity), maybe it's best to be truthful.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                        I never did. I didn't want it to be in my medical records for the future and possibly being turned down for health and life insurance. I always lied to him, The topa I said I wanted to help with losing weight and he gave it to me, adverse reaction I had to it though. I am making due with the supplements from MWO and the health food store and doing really well.


                          How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                          Hi catt-

                          Good luck. You'll know what to say & how to feel the moment you utter your first sentence. There's no sense worrying over it.

                          I was lucky. I just told my Dr. that I drank way more than any normal person (leaving out the dirty little secrets like having my stashes everywhere) & that I wanted to stop.

                          He was the one who first prescribed Topa for me which led me to google it & hence find Roberta's book & the program. He never pushed anything on me. He even said that I probably would not benefit from AA. We worked together on a solution to my problem.

                          My biggest fear was that I would be his only alcoholic patient. On the contrary-he had 6 others (maybe more now). I'm so glad I decided to make that phone call & begin my journey. It wasn't always successful-there was alot of trial & error (ie. Campral didn't work for me, 1st time on Topa didn't either). But I never gave up and was always honest with my successes & failures with him so that we could determine our best route of combat.

                          I can proudly say I have 8 months (with 1 slip) under my belt. Best success I've had in 4 yrs of trying to quit.

                          I like your attitude that if this Dr. doesn't work out then to try another. That's it-never give up trying. Good luck.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                            I say go for it Cat. I admire you so much for being honest with your doc - it is the best thing to do. I am probably a hypocrite here since I have never told my MD because don't like him much and only go to him if I am half dead and have to. But I talk to my psychologist about it all the time and that helps me tremendously. To her, there's nothing I can say that she hasn't heard before so she is never surprised, just very compassionate. It is very helpful to have someone to talk to. Let us know how it goes.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              How did you tell your doctor about your 'problem' ??

                              I went to a doctor a couple of months ago. It really wasnt until I found this site that I started feeling paranoid that I may have done damage to my body. Thats a good thing though because I was in need of a check up. I was hungover a bit when I had my doctors appointment. I started crying right away, but he was very professional which made me stop crying quickly. Im sure doctors see this kind of thing everyday.
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

