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Yestrday 4, today 3....

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    Yestrday 4, today 3....

    Mike, that is WONDERFUL! Stay with it, and stay here. I will be thinking of you...

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Yestrday 4, today 3....

      I am really impressed Mike. See you can do whatever you set your mind to. Way to go.


        Yestrday 4, today 3....

        Hi Mike!

        We haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet although I've been seeing your handsome face all over the board! Welcome, we are all glad you are here.

        I'm an old bag who spent many, many years drinking scotch --sometimes from morning to night and sometimes all night too! October 18 will be my third anniversary AF and life is GRAND. It can be done-- as many others on the board have already stated. You will slay the demon too!

        I suspect that I'm probably very close to being your grandmothers age and you look like a respectable young man so, how can I be tactful (me?).........get some medication
        from your doctor for withdrawal to prevent seizures. If you were in physical withdrawal six hours after your last drink, and have a history of drinking for so many years I would be loath to trust just cutting down. I think you need a measured dose of medication in you to be safe.

        If you haven't already go to the ASAP thread where there is a link to withdrawal symptoms.
        It's easy to take a pill for 5 or 7 days and you will feel so much better. Best of all, you'll be safe.

        magic xx :schmokin:
        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
        I am in the next seat.
        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir

