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Fell off the Wagon Tonight

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    Fell off the Wagon Tonight

    Well Gang I fell off the wagon tonight. I was doing so good withe the help of all of you (11 Days AF), but I stumbled tonight. I've watched so many of you suceed - I want to join you, but I haven't given up hope. I can only imagine how I'll feel in the morning but I can tell you that feeling the way I do now sucks. Being in total control is the only way to be. Many of us here can mod and my hats off to you, but right now I'm not one of you - so for me it's either AF or nothing.

    Everyone tolerates alcohol differently but for the life of me I can't understand why anyone would want to feel the way I do right now. I just don't get it. Why do we do this to ourselves??

    Ok, that's my sob story. So what's the good news? It's that I have MWO and all of you. I screwed up tonight but I'll be back on the AF journey tomorrow. I've had a detour on my journey, but I'll be back on the road to my AF journey soon.

    Thanks for listening. This is such a great site - where else could anyone pour out their soul without being criticized?

    PS: For the record, the drunker I get the better I type and the fewer mispells.

    Thanks for listening.

    Fell off the Wagon Tonight

    Hi. Glad you figured out what you want that is so great. Waking up in the morning feeling terrible is no way to live. I wish you the best!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Fell off the Wagon Tonight

      hey mate don't worry I too stuffed up on my journey last night and I feel like shit this morning so back on the wagon today. We get up, dust off and keep pluggin away at this demon, Eventually we gotta win right. Hang in there buddy. Kimbo
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        Fell off the Wagon Tonight

        Hey, Irish.. We all have our detours. I have had my share and I will have many more. They may not include alcohol (hopefully), but I am sure they will include a million other obstacles. The fact is.. this time you saw you were off the path the MOMENT you stepped off..not the next day, or two days, or two weeks after, the same night. That is really wonderful. You are already looking forward to tomorrow and getting back here and back to your AF life. So don't wake up feeling bad tomorrow. It is a waste of a day.. like Beaches said. Wake up and start again, and as many times as it takes. I am proud of you for continuing to fight the fight!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Fell off the Wagon Tonight

          Hi Irishguy

          Shit happens.

          Congratulations on 11 days. That's a run to be proud of to be sure!

          Slips are a part of the learning curve, not to worry, look forward not back.

          Drink lots of water and we'll see you in the morning!

          magic xx :schmokin:
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            Fell off the Wagon Tonight

            If you can do 11 days you can do ANYTHING! Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. :l :l :l
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              Fell off the Wagon Tonight

              Meditation Mama is the best.....She always knows just the right thing to say..


                Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                Beaches, Kimbo, MedMama, Magic - thanks so much for your encouragement. Love you all. Just for the record - this drinking stuff really sucks.


                  Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                  Eleven days! That's great. Your "slip" was just one day in the big scheme of things. Start over tomorrow. Good luck.



                    Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                    Hey darlin- this drinking stuff really does suck----!!BUT you are stronger, smarter, and tougher than that s**t. Drink lots of water-do you have Emergencee where you live? (High vit C and B powder that fizzes that you mix with water). Don't forget how good this AF stretch felt, and you' ll get much farther this next stretch Keep posting-they are slips in life all the time- you were honest and admitted, and now you can MOVE FORWARD:h
                    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                      Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                      This drinking stuff really does suck. Going to bed now. Love you all - thanks.


                        Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                        you will wake up and feel hopefully after drinking water throughout the evening like day one is the start of a new day. and you can start counting how many days you have sober not how many days you have drinking. we don't have to keep going to scratch you know. this isn't aa. lol so sober days you have???? anyway, chin up. you have us.... smiles boots.


                          Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                          hope the morning finds you hydrated and well. here's to a new day. i don't think my other post went through. sigh. anyway, just sending you love and light. boots


                            Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                            Hi Irish,
                            You saying "this drinking stuff really sucks" says you really do know that life is far better when`ll make it.
                            11 days was`s to day 12 of 13.

                            Much love,

                            Starlight Impress x


                              Fell off the Wagon Tonight

                              Irishguy -

                     are not perfect ---no one is!! You have really done extremely well ---be proud of that! Each slip teaches us something, and you will learn from it...

                              As far as I can tell, you have even done far better than the 11 days you have claimed. You have spent most of the past month AF!!! According to my book, that is quite an accomplishment.

                              Try not to get too down on yourself today. It happened, and you know that you will get back to AF again. I am with you!

                              :h L.

