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Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

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    Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

    I wonder if anyone could advise on whether Topa may work for an 18 year old who seems to have rapidly become addicted to marijuana? Thankyou

    Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

    Naltrexone is used for heoin and in the odd occasion marijuana according to my doc
    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

      they have to want to though
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

        thanks Maxman


          Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

          I would not recommend Topa for sure, but I am not a doctor. Marijuana is very common at that age. And most experts do not consider it addictive. That is, when you go off it -- withdrawal is only really pscyhological, some anxiety. The problem with heavy use of MJ is that it is a gateway to harder drugs which are totally addictive. IE, the kids that hang out doing a lot of mj also often do coc, heroin, whatever.

          I doubt that a Dr would prescribe topa or any of those drugs for mari. use. My biggest concern would be the other drugs. I mean he/she is wasting a lot of precious time doing mj. Is it possible he/sh e will grow out of it as they take on more responsibility in life.

          I know this because I went thru it with my daughter, who is now a successful attorney. She has the disease of addiction & mj led to heroin & major addiction.


            Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

            As a former (VERY recently) smoker, as Chrysa says it's common in teenagers. I believe Alcohol to be the gateway drug but that's another story!

            I agree that medication is not necessary but perhaps some therapy and a chat to an ex junkie would be good. At the end of the day she will do what SHE wants so I wish you much luck! You never think at that age that you'll go down the path of addictive drugs, I certainly didn't and I most certainly DID!

            One thing to remember about Marijuana is that is stunts your emotional growth so ask her if she wants to feel/react to life like an 18 year old when she's 40!
            Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
            Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


              Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

              My ex-husband started smoking pot when he was about 14. Heavily every day through the years. By the time I married him and we had a baby, he was late 20's and very mentally and emotionally immature. Because he was ALWAYS high, even when caring for our new baby, I worried endlessly. I hated it and begged him to stop. But he would not. He smoked so much for so long that he said that to not be high was an alternate reality.
              Anyway - I was at my wits end (he drove stoned with our baby in the car!!) and finally did a real true intervention. Got him to go into 21 day rehab. Most people thought that was absurd but I was desperate. And he quit. For a year.
              Everyone says pot is not addictive. Maybe not physically, like alcohol. but definitely psychologically. And it can be just as damaging. I would say that topa isn't necessary, but straight talk is.
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                I ditto on what MyOwnWoman has to say. All except putting my husband into rehab.

                My husband is emotionally immature for being 42. He has no coping skills, no memory, no intelligence nothing.......... He tried to quit pot a year and a half ago. He has baked his brain to the point of no return. Almost 30 years of getting wasted on something.

                Anyway, substance abuse is substance abuse.... you don't know what it is going to look like in the end.

                I say address it with your child now and see what you can do to help. Also, another thing is that weed nowadays is a lot stronger than weed was when we were kids.

                I would sit there with my husband as he was inhaling his joint and he would say "this is really goood shit man.." (made me want to puke) Every conversation he has with his friends on the telephone would be about the stuff. I would look at him and just shake my head. Very, very sad. And he is an alcoholic too boot.

                I guess the bottom line is some can dabble in their youth, others become chronic. You are a good parent to want to help your child. Thumbs up to you!!


                  Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                  Good Point Deilight --stunting intellectual & emotional development --I agree


                    Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                    All good points...intervene now 'if' you have the support system in place..but be careful as Deilight said...for a backfire because she will do only what she wants to.. you may not want to risk your relationship if it backfires just yet...ONLY you as a mother know what is best here... altho 18, as parent you still have legal control & could get her into something..after 18 -- adult -right? and different ballgame


                      Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                      AFM -- wow..does he have a job? Does he keep it? Forgive me if you shared this did not sink in..


                        Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                        One more thing & I hope I am not overstepping...I really care because I have a daughter, as I said. I do not know where you live but around here, Northeast, you cannot get a kid into rehab on marijuana alone. I know, it is stupid.

                        Just want you to have as much knowledge as you can. It was hard for me to absorb all of this knowledge at the time I was dealing with it.

                        Keep in touch apple & fee free to ask any question that comes to mind or PM us,


                          Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                          Hi Chrysa. Yes he has a job. He has a job as an industrial painter of waste containers. Like those big dumpster containers. He gets paid shit for what an industrial painter should be paid and the place he works at hires guys who have problems or whom have just come out of the slammer. It is like a revolving door there.

                          Our first year and a half together he sat around all day and did nothing but get high. Even after our daughter was born and he said he would take care of her because I had to immediately go back to work (didn't have enough time for maternity leave) and all he did was get high. It just sucked. I am thankful I ended up ill (post partum) and I ended up at home with her. That is when he got a job finally. Pretty sad when one wishes they would get ill because they worry all day while at work.

                          I don't think all pot smokers are losers. There are some that can keep it as a recreational thing. There are extremes in every substance.


                            Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                            Oh and I should also mention he didn't work 8 years previous and his ex-wife finally gave him the boot. This is when I met him (on a rebound). The two of us getting wasted on booze and now, today, we are apart again because I have finally seen the light being sober and I am finally not afraid of being a single parent.


                              Marijuana use/abuse and adolescence and advice

                              It is addictive

                              I don't care what the experts say...anything that alters your brain is addictive. My hubby smokes it. He will give it up when I give up alcohol, but he has the same withdrawal that I do. Then when I pick back gives him the green light. I noticed with him once he picked back up the low enery, mood and temper. Seeing it in him made me see it in me. I hope we can both get back to clean and free again...but I know it starts with me.

