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me and my water bottle....

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    me and my water bottle....

    I'm going to a stand-up 'do' tonight, where the choice will probably be wine or orange juice. Since orange juice gives me indigestion I've just been and bought myself an itty-bitty bottle of bubbly water.....which I am hoping to be brave enough to produce from my handbag if necessary! Please send me any spare 'be strong' thoughts.....there will be trays and trays of chilled white wine laid out in front of me *shudder* and I know all my pals will be quaffing......:upset:

    I didn't start with a particular number of AF days as a goal....but today is Day is more shocked than me!!!!

    SS x

    PS I won't be doing hairballs at this's far too posh.
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    me and my water bottle....

    Good Luck SS!

    Look at it as an exercise to watch others get drunk and count the people who start to slur! Let us know tomorrow how many fell from grace after all the wine.

    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


      me and my water bottle....

      Firstly, great job on your AF days--that's really great.

      You sound like you would like to try to stay sober, so why not buy a bigger bottle of water, and make sure you have something nutritious to eat before you go. It will help make the wine less tempting.

      Only you can decide what is more important to you though.

      Good luck!

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        me and my water bottle....

        Good Luck suze ...........


          me and my water bottle....

          Break a leg SS!!!!

          All the best. Be strong. Nothing worse than a drunk in public.


            me and my water bottle....

            Kathy brings up a good point. Don't go there hungry or you may be more tempted. Bring extra water or sparkling water. You can do it Suze!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              me and my water bottle....

              SS, Are you worried about what other folks will think, or are you worried about what you will say, or are you worried about deciding to drink?
              This is the question you have to answer yourself BEFORE you attend. 18 days is fantastic! You are proud and so are we. Do you want to give this up due to peer pressure? I think it's simple... do you want to drink or not? If the answer is no, then you can just say " no thanks, I'm not drinking tonight', or " no thanks, I'm on a health kick right now", or " no thanks, I'll stick with water tonight", or " no thanks..."
              If the answer is "yes, i want to drink", then drink and we'll talk to you tomorrow. It's up to you. I think I know what YOU want to do, and I think I know what The Beast wants you to do. So who's drivin' and who's ridin'?
              Don't mean to be harsh, I'm just thinking about tomorrow... Don


                me and my water bottle....

                Don - perfectly put! And Kathy, too.

                Suze - have a load of fun, think about what you can bring to the party and not about drinking at it. And definitely have a little mental notepad to 'jot' down the ways folk 'change' after - you'll be amazed - soooh little vino!!! I kept noticing little things at my daughter's wedding and then thought, "Oh yes, they've had a couple of glasses of wine!!" Tell us how many things you count tomorrow!
                You can make your mind up here, no one else...come and tell us how it went tomorrow but HAVE FUN!! (Why not? Laughter is infectious, you get it from other people and not a bottle!)

                Love and hugs
                Finding xx
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  me and my water bottle....

                  Good luck Suze, you will do fine, stay strong! It's good advice to be observant of how people change over the evening. I've had the opportunity to work at weddings, and as a sober person, can observe, and you would not (maybe you would) imagine how the tone of the evening changes with how much wine and booze is consumed. Somebody always makes an ass of themself! Enjoy knowing that it won't be you! :h Suz
                  The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                    me and my water bottle....

                    Oh suze...........18 days!!!.......fantastic!!!!..........don`t be a fool and throw all that away. Go along hell-bent on enjoying yourself and treat looking at the inevitable, embarassing drunk or two as a sharp reminder of how we all look when intoxicated and come back here and tell us how you`re on Day 19!!!!!

                    Muster all your strength, Girl !!!

                    Much love,

                    Starlight Impress x


                      me and my water bottle....

                      Awwww...thanks for all the support, lovely MWO-ers! :h

                      I did it.......I did it......I did it........... *faints at the memory*

                      The great thing was that when I got to the drinks table they did have a bottle of bubbly water there, not just wine or juice.....I felt really good as Peter offered me a glass of wine and I said I'd have the water instead please. I went back for a second glass later....boy, did the folk who'd somehow never managed to get more than a few feet away from the drinks table look silly by then! A few people came back here afterwards and I made some more drinks for them....but still stuck to the then I was really enjoying being sober. Now...that last bit of that sentence is something I never thought I would ever write LOL

                      The only thing I'm kicking myself about is that I took the advice to eat something before I went......started with a banana but ended up with quite a bit of dried fruit, ginger, dark chocolate and nuts. That won't help the diet :upset: :H
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        me and my water bottle....

                        Well done Suze - bet you feel really good today!

                        I too am enjoying being sober when others are drinking - makes me feel a sense of relief in that I know what it took to drag myself (kicking and screaming at first( to this great amazing special place I am now - and I know I don't want to go slidin' back to the "other" place again!

                        It gets better the further you go down this path too!



                        BTW - I love it - but your avatar REALLY makes me nervous! Like something out of a kid's nightmare or something!
                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          me and my water bottle....

                          Well done suze. I'm impressed. I think I would have opted to stay home, but at some point we have to stop doing that if we want to live in the real world. I've actually passed the test many times, but usually not enjoyed it one bit. I'm not too afraid of messing up but I get so bored when everyone else is laughing at something entirely incomprehensibly funny (as in NOT). However, I have learned to hone in on those not drinking (if there are any) and found a few good conversations that way.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            me and my water bottle....

                            I'm sending you lots of good vibes too... I've found that it is sooooo socially acceptable for people to drink water, pop or anything AF at outings ... You won't get any sideways looks atall... Too much orange juice is loaded with far too much sugar anyhow.. Water is way better for you... You will wake up feeling sooo proud of yourself !!! You can do this, let us all know how it goes..

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              me and my water bottle....

                              satori;192210 wrote:
                              BTW - I love it - but your avatar REALLY makes me nervous! Like something out of a kid's nightmare or something!
                              Thanks Satori.....I's terrible, isn't it? I think it's a giant piece of chocolate that is supposed to be scaring me into going CF as well as AF....but it's not working at the moment..... *chomps on fab 80% cocoa bar of the wicked stuff*

                              I must look for something more serene

                              Thanks for all the good thoughts and encouragement

                              Suze x
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

