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Sliped by 1...oops..

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    Sliped by 1...oops..

    Hi all...
    Well now I realy see how hard it is to mod...
    but i"m realy tryin'. Thought I get by with three today...
    EHHH NOT.... so..yesterday 3 today 4...but I'm not quitting!!!
    ever ever ever... still a bit disapointed in myself...
    Oh well...just move on...

    Sliped by 1...oops..

    Keep are doing great...just keep coming here....Dont be too hard on yourself....Buckle


      Sliped by 1...oops..

      onward and upward mike!!!! don't get stuck in guilt ... okay? talk to you soon, j
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Sliped by 1...oops..

        Mike, You're doing great. We all slip from time to time. Hang in there.
        Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


          Sliped by 1...oops..

          Maybe instead of thinking how many drinks you are having, think about how many beers you AREN"T having, compared to before you started working on this. Focus on that, and congratulate yourself. It may seem silly, but really... in your mind, say, "I am doing great, I did not drink XX beers yesterday."
          Let me tell ya... beating yourself up does you NO good whatsoever.
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            Sliped by 1...oops..

            I know you're all right...
            but I need to be hard on myself or else.....
            Not beating up on myself... but I was quite disapointed...
            yesterday I bout the 4th one, had a few swigs, got pst off at myself and poord it out.
            Should have done the same today...


              Sliped by 1...oops..

              Mike,,,, Buddy,,,, You know yourself better than any of us, but I gotta say this too,
              "You are plugging along sooo well,,,, keep on plugging along and don't stop " !! Ever !
              You must never stop. I'm proud of you too.

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                Sliped by 1...oops..


                You are doing really well. ALL of us are proud of your progress. 4 beers instead of the 6 and bottle of vodka and...

                Hey!! Give yourself a little time to withdraw.

                But, you are right. If you say "it's okay" then you go back to the old ways.

                So, be hard on yourself but also be proud. You are amazing!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Sliped by 1...oops..

                  Mike........just consider your consumption over the last couple of days in comparison to the hefty amount you were drinking only recently. You`re doing great.........stick at it.....sticking at it says we`ll certainly beat it.

                  Much love,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Sliped by 1...oops..

                    Really, Mike, listen to these "experts" here (we all are experts on this). Also, given your history, it is most likely better that you ease out of it... so you are doing well, just go for one less one less today. Then keep that going a couple days, and then one less. You are motivated and you are doing great. You should be proud-- not discouraged.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Sliped by 1...oops..

                      mike i have been watching your progress and you in my opinion are on the right track give yourself a pat on the back for doing so well ..
                      keep it up mate take care...:O)

