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High blood pressure and alcohol?

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    High blood pressure and alcohol?

    Hi everyone. . .

    I was just wondering if anyone has had their blood pressure go up as a result of drinking. I have always had realtively low blood pressure, and when I went to the doctor yesterday, I found I now have high blood pressure. The only thing that has really changed it the amount I've been drinking. Has anyone had a similar experience? Has anyone been able to reduce their blood pressure by cutting back or abstaining?

    Thanks in advance for your input!

    High blood pressure and alcohol?

    I have very low blood pressure, even after 20+ years of heavy drinking.
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


      High blood pressure and alcohol?

      Yes I have high blood pressure and I know that it was brought on or made worse by my drinking. I would be in denial if I thought it was anything else.



        High blood pressure and alcohol?

        When my drinking was bad my blood pressure was screaming through the roof. The summer of 2004 I was hypertensive after binging on beers for two months. I even had nose bleeds. Suffice to say that my blood pressure is below 'normal' now and it has been that way for quite a few months!


          High blood pressure and alcohol?

          Yes, I recently developed High BP and now on medication. I know for sure it is from drinking, smoking, and the weight gain. Our health will improve overall by being AF.
          I am going to give it a go!!

          Take care,


            High blood pressure and alcohol?

            My blood pressure is high from drinking as well. It was always low in the past, but the more I drink the higher it gets.


              High blood pressure and alcohol?

              I have been on blood pressure medicine for years and that has kept my b.p. down despite heavy drinking. Now that I have close to a month of little or no beer consumption it has really gone down. I am hoping to eventually get off it altogether. I can't wait!
              Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


                High blood pressure and alcohol?

                A well known side effect of excessive alcohol consumption is high blood pressure.

                Go figure. Kidneys working overtime.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  High blood pressure and alcohol?

                  Yep put me down for high blood pressure. When i went af for 105 days they cut my med's in half now I'm back up there again. Drinking, excess weight and just poor lifestyle.
                  Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                    High blood pressure and alcohol?

                    my BP is normally very good. If I go for a bad bender then quit it spikes up to really uncomfortable 200 over 170 yikes!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      High blood pressure and alcohol?

                      to be more's the detox period where my BP spikes really bad.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        High blood pressure and alcohol?

                        Same, same for me - high blood pressure caused by drinking excessively...
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          High blood pressure and alcohol?

                          Yep-my bp goes high when I am drinking lots. When I was af 3 months last year it was way low again. Good luck.
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            High blood pressure and alcohol?

                            Me too, 200/170 until I sobered up.

                            Very scary.

                            m. xx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              High blood pressure and alcohol?

                              Thanks everyone!

                              I apprecaite all your posts. . . I've been scared it is something else, but given that I've been drinking more lately than usual, as hard as that is to believe, I'm guessing it's directly related to the alcohol. . . I guess I always knew it had to be taking a toll on my body, and now I have proof. . .

                              What I'm concerned about now, as Determinator pointed out, one's bp does increase when going throughn withdrawal. . . I'm hoping a can cut back gradually to avoid the bp spike. Any thoughts?

                              Also, has anyone with high bp told their doctor it was likely due to excessive alcohol comsumption? Did they still put you on meds?

                              Thanks! I haven't posted in quite some times. . . But I've been reading through the posts again recently and realize I need to be a more active member to get a grip on this. You are all very supportive.

