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Madeleine McCann's parents

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    Madeleine McCann's parents

    Nothing made sense

    I can not judge anyone on how they are reacting to this...for all we know the mother is on high doses of valium...I know I would be. But I would never have left twins 2 years old in an apartment alone or a 4 year old for that matter. Forget someone coming and doing something...we all know as parents that kids get up at all times and cause mischief. What I have never understood is the "friends" they had dinner with. I would be mortified if someone met me for dinner and I knew their kids were left unattended. Bottom line...the kids were left unattended....that is child endangerment. The real side of child endangerment is that awful things can happen. IF they didn't do it...their decisions that night caused all this. They are educated people. Who in the hell would leave their kids alone at home....much less in a foriegn country....regardless they are at fault. If their hand wasn't directly in it...they still are the reason it happened...end of story.


      Madeleine McCann's parents

      Wow Flip
      I remember that!
      I was touring Oz when the trial for baby Azaria was on. It was on the news constantly! People had bumper stickers that read "Fair go for the Dingo" and " The Dingo was Framed". Crazy!

      The media is to blame, I have trouble believing anything heard on the new these days. It usually boils down to media hype and ratings..sad but true.

      There's my 10 cents

      Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
      April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
      wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
      wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
      wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
      wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
      wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
      wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

      I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


        Madeleine McCann's parents

        I'm not a judge, and I don't have all the facts, but I did read the book abou Jon Benet written by on of the police prosecutors, still a mistery, and very sad.

        We had another case here in Australia, a famous sports star had 3 kids, long sad story, but one went missing from the hospital, she didn't leave with the child and to this day the girl hasn't been found, she says she gave her to his dad, he denies knowledge of it, and so this child that was born has not been found. No answers to where this child might be, and sadly, she seemed to not care very much.

        There is alot of shit that happens that we will never know, I only hope that God sees these children, and apparently they number in the millions, and knows what happened to them and has them in His heart.

        I'm not a mainstream religious person, just hope that theres a God who's looking after these lost little people.

        Luv Jas xxx
        :thanks: :h


          Madeleine McCann's parents

          Betty, calm down. I got on my high horse because I just hate when people pigeon-hole single parents.

          I mean, what if someone had said, "well, if the couple had been poor and black, then the cops would have been on them like a tonne of bricks". That's the same as saying "if she had been a single parent...blah blah...." Do you get my point? It's putting people into a category, and although people may seem to be in the same situation (ie single parent) they are not all the same.

          Maybe I got overheated but, well........ sorry if you worried about it all day.

          End of rant.


            Madeleine McCann's parents

            I wouldn't be surprised if they did do it to be honest. I can see it being accidental but them panicking and the whole thing spiralling out of control. I also feel that the amount of publicity and their 'campaign' is a little odd - meeting the pope, setting up a fund (for what exactly?) They are both on large salaries as GPs, I don't see the need for a fund.
            It is tragic when a child goes missing but it happens every day sadly and I think this case has taken attention away in the UK media from children who go missing in the UK and may stand more of a chance of being found alive.
            Apparently after 24 hours 90% of children who go missing are no longer alive.

            The Portugese Police are investigating, as they would any other case, and as Police here would. I get the impression the McCanns have wanted to be 'in control' of the investigation which to me seems a little arrogant.

            At the middle of all this is a little girl who has sadly been kidnapped or is dead, and that's the crucial bit.They seem to be at the centre rather than Madelaine.
            one day at a time


              Madeleine McCann's parents

              I can only say if one of my children were to "disappear" I think I would be so "shell shocked" that I also would appear "emotionless" on TV. I would hope not to be judged on that. I have had friends die unexpectedly, young friends (in accidents) and I was almost "zombie like"...very much without emotion due to the shock. I can only imagine if it were one of my children!!!

              The parents may (or may not) be guilty but I don't think judging a parents "demeanor", especially in a time of crisis, is fair.

              May God help this little girl
              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson


                Madeleine McCann's parents

                t's just soooh sad isn't it...

                Yes, thoughts/prayers/blessings to all the lost children everywhere - just tooooo many.

                F x
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Madeleine McCann's parents

                  Memarcie, I was only joking with you ,this is a subject im very interested in and have been following the case with great interest. Im finding this thread very interesting so thank you for starting it.


                    Madeleine McCann's parents

                    I am just so sad for Maddie. I have been following which now has another update. No matter what happened whether it was the parents or a stranger a little girls life was lost (or by a twist of fate she is ok out there somewhere). I have 3 children twins who are almost 5 and a 2 year old and I could not imagine losing any of them. My son who has autism has brought us close to that on different occasion with running in traffic etc but we get him back. I am reminded often of what my life would be without him because he has no sense of danger. I am just so sad for Maddie and all the other children that don't get to come home. There are so many people out there that just don't value children and their beauty like they should. Ok I will stop.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Madeleine McCann's parents

                      Yes, Beaches, children are the most precious people. There are those of us who value that fact and I suppose there are the monsters.

                      I am getting so confused about what happened to Madeleine. I just cannot see how a parent could harm their own child, or any child. Maybe I am just very naive. I do not want to believe it was the parents. That would be too horrendous. It is bad enough if a stranger took Madeleine, but if it was her own parents......................

