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Depressed-Screwed myself over

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    Depressed-Screwed myself over

    Hart there is not one person on this planet that has not made a mistake at work. Some people just blamestorm and are not honest about it. As everyone said, you are human and going to make mistakes at work and at home. No one is perfect. Try not to let it ruin your weekend, there really are so many worse things that could have happened. Try to put it in perspective.
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      Depressed-Screwed myself over

      Hart, To be Human is to Err.... I'm the most Human person I know sometimes !!!

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Depressed-Screwed myself over

        Thanx guys. Yes to err is human, but I'm not Devine and I can't seem to forgive myself. Anyway thanx


          Depressed-Screwed myself over

          Hart - you only blow trust if you do something on purpose. You mistakenly mislaid some papers doing the job you love and doing it as well as possible because you're a lovely person. I'd employ you! That's not blowing trust in my book. We have the choice of being right or being human...

          My cousin once said to me when I'd (really) cocked up... "You're not sh*t, you're just IN sh*t"...

          That helped me and I hope you've found something that's helped you.

          Big hug girl... up and at 'em now...

          F xx :l :l
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Depressed-Screwed myself over

            Drinking helps contribute to the feelings of inadequacy. Don't feel bad as we ALL make mistakes. If it makes you feel any better I accidentally through away my cell phone last week. My $400 cell phone I might add. I had it on a stack of old magazines and threw away the phone with the mags. By the time I realized what I had done the garbage men had already come and gone.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Depressed-Screwed myself over

              PP...........I`d have to have gone to the dump to try to rescue it!!! lol

              Starlight Impress x


                Depressed-Screwed myself over

                when I mess up at work (and it happens alot!) I tell my boss right away. She will usually say things like, "oh no..... oh NO....!" and then we figure out a way to fix things. It's better if folks know what happened so they don't get blindsided. Not knowing pisses everybody off. 'we've all done bloopers, I cannot relate to the legal field and I know there are things I cannot understand, but everybody makes mistakes. Big hugs to you, Hart.
                The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                  Depressed-Screwed myself over

                  Hart, darling. A mistake is a mistake. But how you think about it is what is making you feel this way. A mistake does not make you a bad person.

                  You are a great person who made a mistake. So what? No lives where lost.

                  (see the Madeline post - there's some terrible mistakes going on there!)
                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    Depressed-Screwed myself over

                    You must have amazing work ethic because this has hit you hard, which only means you care so much. I know your brain is polluted with this right now but set it aside and enjoy your weekend with Joe. It is amazing how we humans adapt. If the paperwork was truly important than they will find a way to locate a copy. Don't beat yourself up. IT'S FRIDAY!
                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Depressed-Screwed myself over

                      "polluted brain" LOL - man oh man, i can relate.

                      i can name a few others here who have "polluted brains" but i will use better judgement. you know who you are though!!!

                      hart, you feeling any better?


                        Depressed-Screwed myself over

                        Who? me? Are you talking about me? Why are you talking about me? Why is it always about me???

                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Depressed-Screwed myself over

                          hart, still thinking about your situation because i am like you and would drive myself insane about it.

                          how did you receive the info you threw away? if by any chance it was electronically sent, it can be retrieved. may cost $ but it can be.

                          if it really is gone for good, put together an action plan that shows it will never happen again.

                          a law office really should be using a scanner anyway to keep track of docs. if not, i think the office is set up for failure.


                            Depressed-Screwed myself over

                            yep, flop is Polluted Brain # 1


                              Depressed-Screwed myself over

                              First, for the first time in my life! What an achievement!
                              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                                Depressed-Screwed myself over

                                Hey Hart ... you are so very hard on yourself. You made a mistake, maybe ... you misplaced a needed document, maybe. I'm sure you checked everywhere, but i would make an effort to check again .. try to locate a copy even ... and if you sent it to storage, can't it be retrieved? I kill myself over work imperfections too, but have learned that usually there is a practical solution albeit imperfect. I have also learned, after developing a strong relationship with my boss, to tell him about potential oversights and mistakes before anyone else does and before they can get out of hand -- he appreciates that an actually thinks of strategies to resolve whatever "challenge" presents itself. Can or did you tell your boss, ask your colleagues for help? I am a boss too, and have told my staff to alert me as soon as a problem or mistake is identified, we will work together to resolve it -- no problem, we'll just fix it as best we can. I'm sure you will do your best to try to locate and retrieve that document, and your energy and dedication and competence will enhance your ability to get your new job. I wish I could help you more, but hand in there, and think, think of all the possibilities for finding that document or a copy or something, but not tonight. Take a good rest tonight ... things may occur to you tomorrow that you could not think of or see today. I will be thinking of you often, take good care, love, j
                                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

