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the way we look at giving up things more positively

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    the way we look at giving up things more positively

    Determinator: Great analogy.... what a wonderful way of looking at giving up alcohol. I'm on day 67. What keeps me going every day is the gift life brings. Something good happens to me every day. Not only is my mind clearer, I'm able to cope with life situations a lot better. I beleive everything works out okay in the long end. No longer do I rely on alcohol to dull the pain. Instead, I live each day to it fullest and fearless. Life really is a gift. How are you doing with AF? - Reenie
    September 23, 2011


      the way we look at giving up things more positively

      This is so true Determinator, the way a person percieves something is truth to that person . Wheather is right or wrong. And for me at this moment , the way I see alcohol is as a ball and chain. And I am so tired of carrying it around . It`s surely not a pleasure that I am giving up, the pleasure I want is my life back. One I can remember the whole day , every day


        the way we look at giving up things more positively

        Thank you for that. I'm going to try and keep that thought with me.


          the way we look at giving up things more positively

          What a wonderful thread...

          I am going to read and re-read. Such great thoughts...mixed with a few good laughs.

          thanks guys!!

          formerly known as bak310


            the way we look at giving up things more positively

            You are so right D. When I wake up each morning, no matter what the weather is like, for me the sun is always shining.. There are no more reasons to feel guilty or depressed, no more reasons to lie about how much I had to drink the night before, no more empty wine bottles to hide, no more wasted days in bed with a hangover..

            Sometimes I even think that if I had been able to drink like " normal " people, would my life feel as great as it does now, or would each day just be another boring day exactly the same as the day before??

            Louise xx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              the way we look at giving up things more positively

              now if I just learned to spell...reading the original posting...yikes! oh well
              Irish...darn good questions and I'd guess it just depends on the individual.

              Reenie, AF is very good thanks! Day 81 so far on this last run. I had 94 days prior to that this year and then a 4 day "accident". Been a rather good AF year mostly! I've been having thoughts of moderating lately but they pass. Being honest with myself I admit I do still daydream about mods here and there....part of me still wants to be normal whatever the heck that means
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

