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Important message about Drinking

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    Important message about Drinking

    If you can, give yourself the gift of Rhonda Lenair

    I just wanted everyone to know that I'm still sober after my sessions with Rhonda in Vermont. As I reflect about this most amazing experience I find myself comparing Rhonda's gift of healing to my 5 years in AA, back in the early 90's. With Rhonda's effortless way to quit drinking, there are NO withdrawal symptoms but most of all there is nothing you have to "do" to keep from drinking again. You can go to bars, parties, and be around the drinking community without thinking you are going to slip. You don't have to list all the bad things you've ever done or listen to peoples' drunkalogues at meetings. In fact, you don't think about drinking unless you bring it up in your own head. You can keep your drinking friends and go on trips without feeling like "you will DIE if you drink." You just don't drink. Before I went to see Rhonda I worried about what I would do with all my free time after I quit drinking. This has not been a problem at all. Life just seems to flow naturally as if I never had a drinking problem in the first place. I take long walks in the morning, go to work, listen to music, take yoga. I also find myself reading in the evenings and have recently taken up crossword puzzles. I also now have time to volunteer at a local charter high school. I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to be with Rhonda Lenair. I prayed for months that there would be a way I would find to stop drinking without all the pomp and ceremony of AA. And I did. I truly hope that those who still struggle with drinking will take a look at this wonderful modality. This is an excerpt from an article in Boston Globe describing what she does:
    "Through her own energy system Ms. Lenair is able to synthesize and modify the bioelectrical system of a client and bring it to a state of equilibrium. In its simplest form, the technique reestablishes balance within the body?s bioelectrical and electromagnetic systems by transferring healthy currents to weak or damaged parts of one?s system. In essence, the client?s system is brought back to the point of where it was just before the addiction or out-of-control problem took hold. As a result, his or her system is no longer attached to the problem. Withdrawals, if they would normally occur, are minimized or more commonly totally eliminated. All of this is done noninvasively. The mind or the will is not affected, and since it is a physical modality (in the sense that there is a distinct change in the system), total willingness on the part of the client is not a criteria to achieve a successful outcome."


      Important message about Drinking

      MCM, I wish you well and am so glad this has worked for you, truly

      BUT no-one can "synthesize and modify anyone's bioelectrical systems etc", whatever that might mean. It is mumbo jumbo, unscientific nonsence, or 'bollocks' as we call it in the UK.

      Bless you in your recovery, whatever the reasons behind it, and long may it last. Keep us posted.

      Controversially yours, Rip x


        Important message about Drinking

        Ripley - Thank you for wishing me well. It is interesting, however, that you bash the modality that has made me well. How can you say for certain that something is mumbo jumbo without ever having experienced it yourself?


          Important message about Drinking

          rhonda lenair

          I have been to Rhonda Lemair not once but twice (she used to offer a guarantee) which I suspect she never thought anyone would take her up on. It didn't work for me at all!! NEither times as soon as the treatment was finished all I wanted to do was have a drink. I also scanned the internet looking for something negative and couldn't find it. There is nothing there. Then I found MYO and thought I will tell my negative story because it cost me alot of money and was a total waste of time and $$$. Barry said it worked 100% and couldn't understand why it didn't. Also there is no follow up what so ever without using your credit card! Save your money. I just can't believe there aren't more people out there!! Or is there?


            Important message about Drinking

            Wow, Doodle

            That is very interesting. This is the first I have heard of someone it didn't work for. As I recall, on their website or in their brochure, they do mention something about a small percentage it does not work for. I am sorry you spent all that time and money and wound up in the small percentage it doesn't work for...


              Important message about Drinking

              MCM, I also wish you well, but I do agree with Rip on this one.
              Surely if someone was so successful at treating alcohol problems,
              it would be the cure the whole world was waiting for.


                Important message about Drinking

                Whatever worked for you! I tend to be a skeptic too, but that is just my personality. I am happy for you both. If it worked for you and continues to work...then it was money well spent. AND hey it wasn't my money, right! LOL


                  Important message about Drinking

                  Hi There!! I can tell you it took along to find this forum and to post such a negative response. I can tell you that Rhonda was kind and generous and I do believe her heart:h is in the right place but it just didn't work for me. Let me tell you some thing about me and my addiction. I have an incredibly great business I work probably 12 - 18 hrs per day 7 dys a week and I do love every minute of it. So I find it weird when Rhonda says she can cure people and I look at myself and I MEAN REALLY LOOK AT MYSELF!! I am a high functioning intelligent person who after 12 or 18 hours of work falls into 1 (and on a bad day 2 ) bottles of wine!! so I would call myself a functioning alcoholic! I have no misconceptions about who I am or what my addictions are or where my stress levels are ( THEY ARE OFF THE MAP!!) and I really don't want to say bad crap about Rhonda but I believe the truth needs to be said. For some people this might work but as I said in the last post it did not work for me TWICE!!


                    Important message about Drinking

                    thank you so much Doodle and thank you so much mycats...


                      Important message about Drinking

                      Doodle - A question for you regarding your experience(s) with Rhonda Lenair. Do you recall how soon after your sessions with Rhonda that you had your first drink? Was it right after or a couple of weeks after or other? Did you see her recently? Was it in Mass. or Vermont? Much appreciated.


                        Important message about Drinking

                        The first time I saw Rhonda after each session I wanted a drink but didn't have one until inbetween the 2nd and third session. The second time I saw Rhonda it was the same thing I wanted to drink. This time I tried really hard and lasted 2 weeks. Barry said I was so unusual that my cravings should have been gone immediately after the session but it wasn't. At no time did the craving leave me at all!!


                          Important message about Drinking

                          wow, that's wild. well, you know that is true. it isn't for everyone. i sure wish it had worked for you doodle. cuz it would have been way frustrating to go and then not have it work. and cats so happy it worked for you. i was looking through the site and actually for treatment it didnt seem that expensive. i was calculating how much wine i drink or was drinking when i was in high season lol and um yeah it was way more then 3200 a year. so, i'm pondering going. i'm going to call them. what the heck. if it's a year away. that's a long time. i might be complete with alcohol by then and have a new addiction for them to work on.


                            Important message about Drinking

                            is it like a psychic healing type thing??? Hypnotism doesn't work with me. for some odd reason
                            so I can see why something like this would work for some and not for others.
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              Important message about Drinking

                              i wish i could explain medical intuitives. you know there is a really famous one. carolyn mayss. spelling? she is a medical intuitive isn't she//// i think she is. i have worked with several along the way. always quite amazed at the talents and skills different people come to this planet with. amazing


                                Important message about Drinking

                                I did the same math as you and figured with the amount I drank it could pay for itself in less than one year!! So I spent t inhe money and it didn't work! I still find it hard to believe I am the only one in how many thousands that it didn't work for!! I am also very aware of medical intuitives and have been involved in healing circles that is why I believed it could work. I have seen distance healings work for close friends. Carolyn Myss is an amazing medical intuitive and ALL of her book's are really for anyone who wants good reading I could recommend her to anyone.So I guess I will just keep plodding along!!!

