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Boy!!! I stink!!!

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    Boy!!! I stink!!!

    O.K., so I`ve quit the booze and accept that I need to work at it relentlessly to ensure I remain AF. Only, I find something else is really bugging me now.

    The thing is, now I`ve got to thinking I stink to High Heaven, and I do..........let`s be honest about it........fags stink..........make your clothes, hair and home stink.

    I`m annoyed at myself now.........if I could summon up the courage to quit the booze, why the heck does becoming a non-smoker seem like such an impossibility? I just know that I now feel that I`d love to quit the fags. I don`t understand why I`m thinking this way.......have smoked at least 20 a day for the past 24 yrs. and have never seriously considered quitting smoking, save for a fleeting moment.........thought was always rapidly quelled as I happily lit up my next fag..........could this be some sort of fall-out of quitting the booze??

    Anyway, am only "talking" about stopping smoking at the moment........have smoked all my adult life, whether drinking or nervous of not having my "little bit of sanity", as I`ve always affectionately called my smokes.

    I think one of the worst things is entering my living-room first thing in the morning and being hit by a cloud of stale smoke from the night before..........serious stink!!!

    My question to quit ? did any of you quit ? a no-meds girl, so don`t want to quit with drugs or even nicotine patches etc. Anyone successfully quit using willpower alone ?

    Starlight Impress x

    Boy!!! I stink!!!

    Hi Star,

    I'd like to say it's easier than you think it is but I think to say that would be a bit glib. Personally I found it much easier than I'd anticipated but it's so different for everyone.

    I'd tried many times before and I don't know but things just "clicked" for me last time around. I think like anything else you need to be really ready to quit, and only you will know when that is. The smoking ban was a motivating factor for me and there was also a financial consideration. A big factor too was the way that for me smoking and drinking went hand in hand so I tackled both at once.

    Having tried patches, gum and even the sublingual tablets I found that cold turkey was the best for me. I just didn't buy them, think about them (where possible) and I avoided any situations that would have brought me into contact with them. That meant a little time away from some people I knew who smoked, but this was only for a few weeks and now I hardly even otice if people are smoking around me. This of course only ever happens out doors now because of the ban.

    Good luck anyway, you'll do it when you are ready,

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Boy!!! I stink!!!

      Puff, puff, cough.......

      I smoke too, and stink as well.

      And it will probably kill me if I don't quit.

      The way I look at it is ONE THING AT A TIME!

      I am quite certain that the time will come when I am ready to quit. It's not now.

      'Scuse me I need some coffee with this smoke.

      m. xx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        Boy!!! I stink!!!

        I stopped smoking 8 years ago.. Had tried for years to give up, went cold turkey, tried cutting down slowly, used the chewing gum, nothing worked until I watched a TV show about giving up smoking using hypnotism.. Well I had nothing to lose so thought I would give it a go.. A two hour session cost me ?60 and it was the best ?60 I have ever spent..

        I'm not saying I didn't have cravings for a smoke afterwards because I did, but, for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to smoke a cigarette.. So its worth a try..

        Good luck, Louise xx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Boy!!! I stink!!!

          I feel for you I have smoked most for 30 years. I tried to quit again at the same time as I started coming here to get a handle on my drinking it was too much for me to do both!!
          I have tried all the different stuff and have limited success.
          Don't know if the smokes are the same as here with all the additives but all the experts (has been drips LOL) say they are more addictive than HEROIN or COCAINE !!!!
          So best of luck !!!!
          And to all that have quit my hat is off to you!!

          Love and Respect
          :h :h :h


            Boy!!! I stink!!!

            ok...I will give you my input here, for what it is worth. When I quit smoking, the first couple of days were major physical withdrawal...really hard (something I haven't thank God, experienced with alcohol). I felt like my skin was crawling, and I was completely irritable. For me, nicotine gum helped a ton with that. After that, it was dealing with the psychological stuff. I found deep breaths, using straws, cut down to cigarette size, and getting into excersize (especially this) very helpful! Actually, I got pregnant soon after, so smoking was out of the question, and then I had an infant, so by the time I thought I could smoke, it was like 2 years...but I am sure you don't have that option lol. But, the other things really helped me.

            Hope that helps. OH, also, take the money you would spend each day, and put it in a jar...EACH adds up SO quickly. At the end of each week, use it to buy yourself something really nice...a manicure, a massage maybe?

            Good luck

            formerly known as bak310


              Boy!!! I stink!!!

              I think you should try hypnotism. there are some people in the UK who have a lot of success hypnotizing people out of smoking. maybe some UK members can post some links?

              also, try patches and I think one MWO member posted that she used a website, similar to this, to help her quit smoking.

              I am sure it won't be easy but so good for your health.


                Boy!!! I stink!!!

                Star, You do stink.. when you come on chat I can smell it as soon as you

                How's this sound? You have quit drinking and you now know what you are capable of. You see such a difference in you since quitting and now you're noticing other things you might want to improve on. You no longer smell that lovely stale alcohol on your breath but now notice the sweet smell of nasty fags on your breath, clothes, house, etc.
                When I quit it wasn't that hard. Start some sort of exercise program the same day you quit. This is important because when you start exercising you start feeling better and you don't want to put that poison into your lungs. Make the same committment to quit as you did with drink. 1 day at a time. "I'm not smoking today." It also helps to put about 10-15 cigs in a glass jar and fill it up half full with water and put a lid on it and put it somewhere where you can see it. Whenever you want a smoke, take the lid off and take a big wiff of the jar. It will take the craving away, of course, you might puke...
                The first few days have something to snack that's good for you like carrots, celery, or whatever you prefer. Also avoid triggers like coffee or tea if that's what you normally associate with smoking. Drinking is a major trigger but you already beat that:goodjob: .
                It only takes about 72 hours or so to get the nicotine out of your body. After that, it's all in your mind.
                You are a strong woman Star, you can do this without much problem. Would be another wonderful gift and lesson for that beautiful daughter of yours.


                  Boy!!! I stink!!!

                  I quit smoking 22 years ago with a hypno type tape called Listen and Stop Smoking, by Dr. Robert Parrish. I still listen to it sometimes to get me to slleep. I can send you a copy if you want. bird


                    Boy!!! I stink!!!

                    Book that may help...

                    Title: A Life in Smoke: A Memoir. By Julia Hansen. Free Press, 304 pp., $24.

                    What it is: The true story of a former editor for Playgirl who tried to quit smoking by shackling herself to a radiator with a 72-foot steel chain from Home Depot that enabled her to reach to her computer but not stores that sold cigarettes.

                    Seriously, though... I think you will find that it is easier now that you are not drinking. For me they went hand in hand - litteraly!!

                    Good luck!!

                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      Boy!!! I stink!!!

                      oh starlight! boy do i know the stench ... the discolored walls and curtains in my house, the smell in my pretty little car, around my kids!!!! the guilt surrounds me. anyway, why don't you try to reduce a little at a time. my friend did it ... never smokes in her car/house/work, etc., and has been consistently smoking 5/day for several years now. she could probably quit in a heartbeat if she wanted.

                      i tried hypnosis and that worked for about 2 weeks, without a single craving as far as i remember.

                      maybe tapering off along with hypnosis would help. just some thoughts. j
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        Boy!!! I stink!!!

                        Hey Starlight- I quit smoking first. It's what gave me the courage to try to quit drinking.
                        I did it with determination and mantras and deep breathing and quitnet (.org or com can't remember now). They actually put me in this survey where they called me once a week and then once a month etc. They stopped at 1 year. I was very irritable for probably 2 months. I know it's supposed to be out of your system in 3 days but I wanted to smoke so badly.
                        Quitting was the best thing I ever did- I hope you give it a shot. Smoking ruled so many things and took up so much time! Lovely being free of it.
                        good luck - hope you kick it!


                          Boy!!! I stink!!!

                          I've quit smoking a number of times and have stayed quit for years at a time. If you don't want to use any medication to stop, check out . That is the way I stopped the very first time and stayed quit for 4 1/2 years. The program seems to have changed a bit, and you can use it both with or without the patch.

                          Good luck!
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Boy!!! I stink!!!

                            Allen Carr also has a book about stopping smoking. That is what he is famous four.
                            stop smoking the easyway


                              Boy!!! I stink!!!


                              Some good posts here and there's an argument to be made both ways. You've done so well being AF, a few more days/months after all these years won't hurt, so don't bite off more than you can chew.

                              Personally, I quit 31 years ago after smoking 10+ years. My situation was a little different as my wife was undergoing surgery for what they thought was cancer. She smoked a pack every three days - I was a two pack a day person. Her scare was enough to make me put them down and I never looked back. I think it really depends on the circumstances under which you put them down.

                              I've known people who have had success with hypnosis and the patch seems to help - do they have it in Scotland? I also know people who have had success with the meds - I know - you're a no meds type, but it does seem to work.

                              Let's see now, first the wine, then the fags. What's next - are you going to sign us all up for a triathalon?

                              Much Love,

