Leesville, SC....closest big city is Columbia, SC
No announcement yet.
Making a map with everyones location
Making a map with everyones location
Yes I agree...be careful.
I used to be on another "alcohol" related board(3yrs ago) & was constantly "bombarded" with wishes to meet & get help etc. with other lurkers & members from my state. It got real bad that it effected my sobriety.
Nice thought but I came here incognito.
I don't want to be a snob but mark me at one of the New England states & those that know me well know which state that is.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Making a map with everyones location
I totally understand !!!!
I am not doing this to "meet" anybody just a fun project to help keep me busy!
Don't think you are a "snob" !!
This is something Flip were talking about last night and thought I would start in earnest.
This strictly for me and I respect everybody's anonymity!!!!
That is why I posted to PM if any do not there location on the main board !!!
Just asked for the city because there are multiple members in any given state/country!!
Thank you for your input Breez.
And maybe this will put any others at comfort!!
Love and Respect !!!
Making a map with everyones location
bob- I think it's a great idea.Because I have gotten to know you from your posts I will pm you my local but will not in this post. Like you mentioned~ a private pm that's great. But when I was in this other site I mentioned my LOCATION: & low & behold I had every weary soul asking me out for coffee-I don't drink coffee. LOL. Just a reminder that just because we feel safe in our MWO world-we have lurkers (guests) & like Bob suggested-pm him or like Tawny mentioned-be generic.
Let us know the stats Bob-I'm curious....:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Making a map with everyones location
Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaNov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
Making a map with everyones location
Thank You Breez,
It is all safe here !!
And so far it is going great
Not sure what I was getting my self into!!!! LOL
Have about 30 so far I think !!!
Between placing the "pins" and checking the post been pretty busy !!!!
Still need Eastern Europe ,Africa,Asia and South America
Making a map with everyones location
Hi Bob,
Paddy is in Vietnam and Mike R is in Israel. You know where I am!
I am going to map everyone too, as I want to come over the the US/Canada and ride my bike across (more than once?) and meet everyone in 2009 (long service leave), so later on I will be asking for accomodation and a free feed!!
F.It always seems impossible until it's done....