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911 Let Us Remember

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    911 Let Us Remember

    [ame= ]YouTube - World Trade Center Attacks[/ame]
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    911 Let Us Remember

    Salutes to all that survived and prayers and memories to those who lost their lifes.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      911 Let Us Remember

      i think many of us have been depressed ever since

      i know that is when i became the cnn addict

      much more to the story but that is all -


        911 Let Us Remember

        We have a friend who is a NY first responder and has had to retire due to the inhalation of the air while rescuing/clean up of the site. He sent me an email stating there's a plan to drive with your headlights on Sept 11 in honor of those who were affected.

        * * I love Determinator * *


          911 Let Us Remember

          It was a day that still lingers in my mind. I am now afraid to fly,- Strange because I was a flight attendant for years- I am always looking around when in the city among a crowd. I never relax when in a crowd. I think I started drinking more too Lucky. I just want to feel safe again. I fear for the children, what type of world has this become?


            911 Let Us Remember

            Thank you Beaches for putting up this link. It brought tears to my eyes. What senseless tragedy. May God bless those that lost their lives or health, as well as those that love them.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              911 Let Us Remember

              God Bless all and their families...............


                911 Let Us Remember

                As A retired military man, this video puts a lump in my throat. Our world changed that day. Let us never forget we are at war.


                  911 Let Us Remember

                  This was the day that I knew my fresh new marine son would go to war.
                  I'm so proud of him and all our miltary people who take the fight to them on their soil..
                  Evil will not win in the end.
                  It is good to remember our history and where we've been but I think most important is....where are we going from here....and what have we learned from the past?
                  It is a difficult time in which we live..
                  We have more than any other country as far as posessions but we're not happy.
                  Our kids have "af fluenza".....They caught it from us.

                  Thanks for starting this thread.. "We will never forget!"

                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    911 Let Us Remember

                    Un-believable and very frightening. Bella xxxx


                      911 Let Us Remember

                      Just a reminder-- the Iraqui people had nothing to do with the WTC attacks. Horrible as it was, it is inhumane and insane to think that the Iraqui people deserve what they have suffered as a result of something they had nothing to do with. Did we all lose our brains with our innocence?
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        911 Let Us Remember

                        so sad
                        Gabby :flower:


                          911 Let Us Remember

                          I cannot even watch the video because I lived it. I was working in Manhattan that morning and watched the towers fall with my own eyes. I'll never get over it. :upset:
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            911 Let Us Remember

                            Tommorrow will be a sad and depressing day for many of us. I remember driving to work when all the news broadcasted it. It was a shocking and terrifying reality that our beloved country was being attacked! The images of the people jumping/falling from the building really gets to me. And the phone calls people called to say Goodbye when they knew they were doomed. It just all breaks my heart.
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              911 Let Us Remember

                              I can 't watch it either, Camper. Too close to home I guess. I had friends that were stuck in the rolling smoke & downfall & could not get off the island the whole day. The cell phone towers were taken out so there was no communication. Some from our town died. I had friends in Staten Island where they took the bodies. Then of course we had the anthrax/post officebox scares & terrorists cells uncovered in NJ. I am not going to watch the news tonight or tommorrow. I pray for the victims & their families.

                              I feel for you Camper. I am sure it was worse for you. A day in infamy...

                              PS.. aftermath Insanity-- I devised an escape route for my family. We all did. Made everyone carry water & & blankets & supplies in their cars. Stocked the house. Ordered the anti-nuke radiation pills (stupid). At one point thanks to the idiots in the gov my husband went out & bought boxes of duck tape & sealer for all of our windows & doors.

                              God Camper ...feel for ya'

