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911 Let Us Remember

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    911 Let Us Remember

    i cannot watch it either. the thought chokes me up. due to my bf, i am also aware of what happens in other parts of the world when it comes to terrorism. i want to vomit.


      911 Let Us Remember

      I wish we were "fighting them" on their soil but there is no such thing. I am proud of our men & women also. They are awesome, awesome people. But they die in vain at the hands of idiots. From 9/11 on my husband & I became fanatics in reading about this.

      We should perhaps end this thread now. Too un-nerving to some of us.


        911 Let Us Remember

        pisses me off obl has a red x as a target on my forehead. the f*cker


          911 Let Us Remember

          Me too duck -- I wish we were fighting him... instead of embroiled in an Iraqi civil war


            911 Let Us Remember

            Tomorrow will be a very prayerful day for me. God bless all those families so deeply affected by these heinous acts.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              911 Let Us Remember

     should be a day of prayer, period. I forget who on here brought up the Iraq war, but it doesn't matter, the administration will not let you forget it & the mythological link to 9/11. Why do you think Petreaus testified today and NOT his scheduled 9/15 date. Because after seeing 9/11 videos & being so upset about violence & killing & then thinking about Iraq they were afraid that we would just want to bring our people home. Now we go into 9/11 programmed to think we must stay & fight the good fight & the idiots can play up the link to their hearts content. I truly want to vomit too.


                911 Let Us Remember

                prayer is a good idea.......let's all do that !
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  911 Let Us Remember

                  One of my best friends lives in the States....I can remember shaking and my mouth going dry when I phoned her to check none of her family were there. Luckily not. Cannot imagine what it must have been like to have been there, or had family & friends caught up in it.

                  Sending compassionate thoughts to everyone affected and hurt by violence...when on earth are we, as a species, ever going to grow up?
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    911 Let Us Remember

                    I will never forget this day as long as I live.... So many children that night weren't tucked into bed by their Mom or Dad because of 911... I'm changed because of this day.

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      911 Let Us Remember

                      truly shocking, this will never lose its power to move one to the core. I remeber seeing it all unfold on TV in London with my then 5 month old on my lap. it still has the same effect now as it did then.



                        911 Let Us Remember

                        Yes, so sad indeed. My soon to be ex-sister in law gave birth to her 4th child yesterday, a boy.

                        I refuse to fly now too after watching the movie Flight 93.


                          911 Let Us Remember

                          My prayers for all the 9/11 victims that were killed, injured or have lost loved ones. That is such a cruel act of violence towords the innocent that had abosolutely nothing to do with what was going on.


                            911 Let Us Remember

                            The Movie - The World Trade Center

                            Most of you probably heard of this movie by Oliver Stone telling the story of the two Port Authority Police Department officers that were buried in the rubble of the World Trade Center. What an amazing movie. Only 20 people were pulled out alive.

                            This link is an interview with Will Jimeno, one of the officers pulled out alive, and it is an amazing account. Many of the details get lost in the movie, even tho O Stone did not omit them.


                            * * I love Determinator * *

