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Utterly selfish plea for support

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    Utterly selfish plea for support

    hello friends

    I used to be a regular here and had done the whole MWO programme as per RJ, 100%, with amazing success. However, the combination of a) a shite divorce and b) a well meaning friend whose husband works in the pharmaceutical industry begging me to get off topa means that the whole thing has totally unravelled for me. Topa, for me, is the key. and mods are a creeping ruin. for me anyway.

    I am now back on 2 bottles of wine a day - one in the day time, starting roughly mid day. another after the kids are in bed. It sucks. I hate it.

    However, I KNOW this programme works. I have just ordered more topa on-line and will go and buy all the supps tomorrow. Anyone new - take heart - this works, but you can not come off the MWO wagon without consequences (altho I have had more stress than some I guess).

    Anyway, am gonna start 30 days AF tomorrow guys. Will be hard, based on previous experience, without the topa until it arrives in the post (marvellous miracle drug that it is) but I am so sick of being loaded all the time.

    God bless you all. I am happy to be back. any words of support from old friends are much welcome.

    Rip x :thanks:

    Utterly selfish plea for support

    Hiya Ripley.......welcome back.

    You certainly do have our support. You`ve quit before and you`ll quit again. If topa is your saving grace, so be do/take what works for you and never allow some well-meaning asshole to cause you to be in this position again.

    Love and renewed strength to you,

    Starlight Impress x


      Utterly selfish plea for support

      Hi Ripley, similar story here really. Joined at the end of April and really got stuck into the MWO programme apart from meds. Did 42 days straight away then decided to moderate. Was doing okay and in control then my dad died. I don't have to tell you what happened next but I ended up on that slippery slope. I haven't been drinking as much as I used to and I've tried to get going again with the programme - did 14 days in August - but I don't really think my heart was in it. Today I haven't had a drink, day 1, and I am determined to make it long term this time round. I too am happy to be "really" back and I look forward to watching your progress. Lets's do this!! Janicexx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Utterly selfish plea for support

        Hey Ripley!!!

        Good to see the Bolshy Brunette back.


          Utterly selfish plea for support

          Ripley!!! This is so weird. I woke up this morning and thought, "I need to PM her, it has been too long since we have heard from her." You have been missed. I could not agree more that this program works. The key word is consistency. Look forward to seeing you around more.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Utterly selfish plea for support

            Ripley, welcome back, its good to see you again.. Well all I can say is that only you know what you have to do, so, no matter how well meaning family or friends try to be, go with your own instincts.. I wish you all the luck with your 30 days and as Starlight has said, you CAN do this again..

            Love, Louise xxx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              Utterly selfish plea for support

              so great to see you back Ripley!!! You did not fail, you learnt another lessson! This time will be very different I bet.
              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                Utterly selfish plea for support

                Hallo Ripley....nice to meet you. You've done it you CAN do it again. And your experience will be of real value to the rest of us...thanks.

                Sorry to hear of the tough times you've had :l
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  Utterly selfish plea for support

                  Welcome Back Ripley!
                  and no it's not a selfish plea for support. We all need it!
                  I'm so glad you're back!

                  xxoo Happier


                    Utterly selfish plea for support

                    Happier, is that one of Lucky's balls I see in your avatar?
                    It always seems impossible until it's done....


                      Utterly selfish plea for support

                      It is and it knocked my doggy right out!


                        Utterly selfish plea for support

                        Welcome back Ripley! Glad to hear the program worked so well for you before. It can and will work this time as well-because you are doing the work! Sorry to hear about your problems, but keep posting and let us know what is going on in your world.
                        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                          Utterly selfish plea for support

                          I am SO happy to hear from you!!! It has been so long. I have missed you friend!!! I know things have been rough through your divorce etc...been awhile since we talked, but I am here if you need a sounding board...the program does work and you can do did before. You have been dealt a horrid deal, but you are a strong woman, you can overcome this. AND, come out shining on the other side. Much love to you!


                            Utterly selfish plea for support

                            Hi Ripley: I remember you from when I was just starting out in March. The topa was like a miracle drug for me also although I stopped it after 14 weeks AF. I am curious what the pharmaceutical guy said about the topa to make you stop taking it. I would go back on it in a heartbeat if the cravings ever came back in a serious way.

                            Welcome back.

                            5 Months, 2 days AF


                              Utterly selfish plea for support

                              Very happy to see you back. Sorry about that damn doc and about the divorce, sounds like you have had a bad time of it. You'll get back on track you sound ready. :h
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

