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Utterly selfish plea for support

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    Utterly selfish plea for support

    Hi Ripley,

    Welcome back! I'm just curious...what did your pharmacist-friend say that scared you off Topa. I just started taking it six days ago. I've had headaches which may or may not be related to Topa. The worst case scenario is always so frightening, but when I think of the worst case scenario of drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol, I figure the trade-off is worth the gamble. Just curious. Again, so glad to see you back.



      Utterly selfish plea for support


      I've read all the scary side effects from Topa but you need to decide what risks are worth taking for YOU. I can drink up to two bottles a day but have been doing MUCH better since coming here. I've got a marriage on the rocks that is also driving me to drink so I totally understand. We just need to be strong enough to handle reality, ya know? :l :l :l

      Step away from the Pinot Grigio :H ...and COUNT those drinks each and every time you pour them, K?

      Luvya, Myheart
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Utterly selfish plea for support

        Hello Ripley! Welcome back! I often think about you and wonder how you are doing. Its good to "see" you. Its very easy to let drink back into our lives isn't it- the sly bastard! But you can beat this. Why did your friend beg you to come off topa?

        I'm still here and plodding along in a fairly controlled manner! I think I will be here for ever. Speak soon. Bella xxxx


          Utterly selfish plea for support

          wow guys. that is a lot of support. I am a bit overwhelmed,. forgot how great this place is.

          anyway, day 1 AF, doing it cold turkey until the topa comes. Off to buy the supps today.

          My frined said nothing specific about topa. her husband is in the industry and told her it is a "serious drug" which got her really rattled. We all know it is a serious drug - that's why it works goddamit! Mind u, these are people who won,t even give their kids infant paracetamol unless they are really burning up.

          By this time I was moderating really nicely, about to run out of topa anayway, and she kept nagging and nagging me about how I didn't need it etc. so I stoppped, and here I am...

          BTW, I had no side effects whatsoever from topa, but took it alongside adrafinil (from as per the book to counteract brain fog. it decreased my appetite (yay!) and I had very slight tingling in my feet at about 150mg, but it was actually quite a nice feeling.

          anybody who is considering it, let me tell you, it works.

          Ok guys, back on track for 30 days AF starting today AND THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU LOVELY LOVELY PEOPLE.

          Rip x


            Utterly selfish plea for support

            Hey Ripley,

            Missed you too ! Sorry it's all been so awful, but you're back now and we're always here for you.

            I too lost it a bit, moved house, ran out of topa, NO INTERNET for 4 weeks, blah blah blah. Back on the programme and back on MWO, realised it's the only way.

            And as the others have said, how much worse for you can topa be than 2 bottles of wine a day?

            take care Rip


              Utterly selfish plea for support

              Welcome back Ripley.

              Lots of us in the same boat, I too did good last year but went back to my old ways. Not doing the topa and without it I can forget about moderation but I am gradually getting my head around being AF. On Day 12 and taking it one day at a time.



                Utterly selfish plea for support

                Ripley, I thought about you Monday night as I was wallpapering a room, we know at some point there will be a area where we have to hide our little mistake usually in a unnoticed area. Mine ended up being two lady bugs one mounting the other when I was finished. I almost tried again, but I kept it that way to remind myself I'm not perfect. Well none of us are, your back and you know what works for you and you will have success again. Just for that while you were a Ladybug thats all
                Hugs & Smiles


                  Utterly selfish plea for support

                  Hi Ripley good to see you back .....

                  You CAN do this .......

                  Keep posting we will all be looking out for you ....

                  Love & Hugsxxxxx


                    Utterly selfish plea for support

                    Hi again Ripley, we're glad that you are seeking the help that works for you as an individual... Good for you on taking that all important first step !!

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      Utterly selfish plea for support

                      well guys. you have been just what I needed. no booze today and none in the house. all supps duly swallowed and no cravings. mostly due to renewed motivation and support from you all.

                      bless you all, Rip x


                        Utterly selfish plea for support

                        Sorry, just read this thread. Great to see you back Rip!! Glad to have you back with us.
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

