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9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

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    9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

    I made the mistake of watching MSNBC late when they did 9/11 in its real time. I feel like I am back there and it is awful. It is so terrible, especially when watching and knowing the next building is going to fall before they do. I cannot describe the horror and trauma I went through that day to get out of Manhattan and to not be able to get in touch with my bf (now hubby).

    Cell phones did not work because the towers were in charge of those signals. BF walked from downtown Manhattan to uptown to across the 59th st Bridge to Queens with thousands of others. It was silent. Everyone in shock. I got out early but watched one tower fall from the subway and another from an emergency bus. I was lucky but still saw it all. The smell permeated for over a month at least, even in Queens. I thought it smelled like Lysol, Tim thought it smelled like death. How crazy is that? Bad enough for us, cannot imagine anyone that was actually down there or lost someone.

    A guy I used to work with had quit my company in July 2001 and took a job down there, we called him the "cologne guy" because he wore too much of it and he died that day. We felt so badly. He was a nice guy. :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

    9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

    I remember seeing in on the TV only minutes after it happened, and I turned and said to my two daughters "the world as we know it has just been destroyed".... it wasn't as immediate as I had imagined, but it is happening..... the mistrust, the hatred, the fear..... it's everywhere.
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

      Camper ....:l ...

      That's all I can say.


        9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

        Yes Camps, big hugs to you. Thought about you yesterday. We talked about this in school yesterday - it is really crazy that many kids don't even remember or really know what happened. It was SIX years ago - they were still babies. Very sad.



          9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

          I work in the news business (in Europe), so I heard about it right away, and saw the second tower as it happened (what a shock). Had to run pick up the kids at school and said basically the same thing as Flip to my kids, something like "the world will never be the same".

          I don't think the kids remember it actually, but they are often reminded and certainly have lived to feel its repurcussions-- worse than I ever imagined. "Mistrust, hatred, fear", yes, as well as increbible suffering on the part of millions of innocent people.

          It seems the terrorists achieved their goals beyond even their wildest imaginations. We live in fear, our lives and rights are curtailed, we face an uncertain future...
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

            I'm thinking about you, Camper.:l I'll never forget that day, either, or the days after, when the sky seemed such a surreal blue that it seemed impossible that such a thing could have happened....or how weird it was when there were no planes flying for days, and then there was one, and another, and another.

            I now don't like riding planes, trains, or subways, going over bridges, etc.

            I was lucky, I lost no one. My BIL was with the NYFD, and his brother worked in the Pentagon, but both were safe. Not so with some of their colleagues.

            No the world is not the same. RIP, Cologne Guy.

            Take care, Camper.:l
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

              I watched the real time coverage yesterday morning on MSNBC, the very same I watched the morning of Sept. 11. The same fear crept back. That morning with a 8 month pregnant daughter living at home, a husband who works in DC and I could not get a hold of because all circuits were busy. Planes unaccounted for. Just not knowing what to do next Then the days afterwards walking outside into beautiful clear weather, but so silent as if to let you know that it will never know the same again. I with you Young, am scared of flying after years of being a flight attendant. Have to go to Dallas next month, so afraid. I am asking my husband to take a seperate flight from me so if anything does happen, our dogs won't be left alone. Who would want to adopt 5 mature dogs? It to this day effects any decision I make, If I go to the theatre in DC I am constantly watching everyone, not enjoying the show. In a crowd I am looking for anything suspicious. Patty, I only saw them fall on tv I cannot imagine seeing it in person. You have tremendous courage, not only to keep living there but to start a family I don't know if I could be that brave. I worry about the future what these 2 new messages from Osama Bin Laden mean if anything. I have heard every generation has it's defining moment. My Grandparent's Pearl Harbour, My Mom the assination of President Kennedy and this was mine. Colonge guy, I am sure had a family that loves and miss him much I hope he is at peace and his family were able to recover something of him.
              God bless us all


                9/11 - I remember The Cologne Guy

                Hugs to you Camper....I can't even imagine. :upset:
                Gabby :flower:

