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australian winter
australian winter
Hi to all,we are in autum now(fall to all the american readers)and i find this time of year just as tempting as summer for a drink.here in South Australia the weather is getting quite cool.Average 20 degrees celcius during the day.I find as its getting colder i want to drink more.Set the scene..fire is lit,cosy inside,everyone less sociable,what better than to sit in front of the tv with a beautiful glass of wine.sometimes its still morning when i start drinking :rolleyesThe myth in Australia is that its always hot and good drinking weather,which is true 3 quarters of the year(and ..yes...i drink then too :lol )but there is a time that it gets cold here and isolation is a killa for an alcho.:evil :rolleyes
australian winter
I think the same can be true here in the US, mj. I didn't start MWO until the winter, but when I think of the fall and the days getting short, I know just what you mean. People are less active, and lots just want to sort of "hiberate" (and isolate). So, are you planning on having those glasses of wine? Or are you going to try and do it differently this year? How can we support you?
australian winter
Re:australian winter
Hi Kathy,hibernate is a better word.Im trying SOOO hard not to drink..LOTS of cups of tea.The mornings feel terrific these days(no hangover & clear headed)But its easier when you feel good and healthy to say what the #$@*Im entitled to just 'one drink'...But as most of us know 'one drink' means 'one'-bottle-'one'-dozen-never 'just one'!Anyway,good luck with summer approaching for you in the U.S.I know any time/day/weather/country/mood,etc,etc is all the same with all of us that rely on booze.Just a good feeling to know that im not alone or a loser,especially when i hear from someone from the other side of the world.such a relief,thanx
australian winter
Re: Re:australian winter
You're so right! Anytime of the year is a great time to drink!!!! Summer BBQ's, cold glass of beer or wine--winter toddies.... Well, lets not get too romantic, here, huh! Makes it sound so much better than it really is, doesn't it? It would be great if we could have just one or two and not a bottle or two! That's the old AA saying of "Think through the drink!" Because it never is just one or two!
I think it's great that you are hanging in there and not drinking. It seems that several people have been struggling (including myself) the last number of days, but I think that this is going to pass soon and that we'll all get back on track soon. I've seen this happen a few times on MWO, so I"m going to keep the faith!
Good luck, mj, keep the faith, and keep posting! I'm off to work now, but if you want to register, you can always ezmail me, and I'll write back!
Take care!
australian winter
Hi mj, Welcome aboard! I love Kathy's quote, "Anytime of year is a good time to drink!":b True words. So simple, but makes pefect sense to me!
Since being in this program though, I feel like can have a few & not "have" to have it all!That's a huge diff....:eek
Never thought I'd really be able to say that & mean it, but I do. Feels pretty good!:rollin Keep in touch. Hugs, Judie
australian winter
Winter, summer, drinking transcends seasons - it is always easy to find an excuse. Judie, I envy your ability to not have to have it all - but I know you had to work hard to get there. Maybe someday...
We are thinging of a trip to Australia in January - what is the weather like then (and what would you suggest we see)?
australian winter
Re:australian winter
January is a great party time in aussie!Very easy to be tempted because the weather can be straight weeks of 40 plus degrees celcius(not sure of the far.conversion)so nights can stay around 30 degrees celcius,plus doesnt get dark untill 9pm-ish.Great lifestyle..but hard for a non drinker.although there is a life of fun without having to get sloshed-im still working on finding that yet!:lol : anyway,i know im biased but you should definately come down...its well worth the trip!!!just remember theres more to aussie than sydney and outback,although they are fabulous.Adelaide is fantastic.hope to see you here soon
australian winter
Re: Re:australian winter
totally opposite us in the US!!! I love June when it doesn't get dark until 9 pm! I am also prone to the "slug effect" when it starts to get dark early; I don't know what you do in OZ but in October we slide from Daylight Savings Time back to regular time and the last weekend all of a sudden 5 o'clock turns back to 4 o'clock. In 2007, I think they will go to a standard, meaning DST all year long. PLEEZE!!!!! That first evening of autumn is the most depressing evening of the whole year . . . .
Right now we are in early summer, daffodils long gone and lilacs gone, and awaiting the sunflowers and watching the sprouts of the veggie garden.
I have always dreamed of coming to AUS but I don't like flights at all and the thought of a 20-ish hour flight is truly frightening to me . . . . maybe hypnosis?
australian winter
Re: Re:australian winter
I can't wait to see Australia - but it like the US - so large that even a long trip only lets you see a bit, making it hard to decide what to see. Glad to hear Jan. is good timing. We will be on the West Coast for Christmas and while there is still a 20+ hr flight(s) - it does cut out the 7 hours from where we are to the coast.
On our last trip I used the hypno CDs and sort of drifted off. It was only 2.5 hours but seemed to go by so much more quickly. I don't think they will make a 20 hour trip seem like a few minutes, but they can't hurt.
australian winter
Australian winter
Hmmm,totally agree.Unfortunately the booze trolley rolling past me on the plane for 20+ hours may be too tempting right now,but ive wanted to visit america for as long as i can remember.Im fascinated by your country.My husband and i actually have a U.S.A savings account,so im DETERMINED to get there one day.Would love to see so many places,New York and L.A especially.Anyway,its a great goal to have and one i intend to reach.Wont be visiting any bars though!!!:lol