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I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

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    I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

    I need some encouraging advice. I am staying at my father's place and I just feel like such a loser. I left my husband of only a few years and needless to say things are just as stressful here as they were there. I was ragged on at home for not having a job (although I have a 2 year old and I guess looking after her means shit). Well now I am under so much pressure to make my life into some sort of 'millionaire' type of thing that I am so stressed out. (My father is a millionaire - just wont share :H ). So now I am under sooooo much pressure to excel and I don't know where to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so alone.... I so do......

    I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

    First of all sweetie, you have to think of yourself and your lil' one... Is home life a threat to yourself or your child? Can you guys go to counselling? Do you still truely love this person?... Do you feel that you would benefit from a training course that might help place you in a better job market? Sorry for all the questions...
    Just do not turn to the poison in the bottle... You know that will only make things far far worse for you and the situation you are in right now... You are a very smart lady.... I know that from what I see of you... Take time to think this thing through,,, I pray that others have some better ideas than I have at this point.. I just wanted to show you that you are indeed heard and we all do really care .... Hugs to you and it will be ok.. Don't drink though... You have developed far better coping skills than that my girl. All the best and I will keep checking here to see how you are making out OK? Hang On... You are loved very much.

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

      Okay get out of the house and go for a walk. Clear your head. What about the business idea you had before you moved? You sounded pretty jazzed about it. Don't let anyone pressure you right now. Sounds like you are going through a lot of life changes. And you are NOT a loser. With your accounting skills (that was your last job right?) there are a million good jobs out there. You just happen to have had one bad experience. :l
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

        Big and much support coming your way!!!! it is Seriously, you really don't want to drink right now. If you did, you would only feel more defeated than you already do. Don't let your family affect you negatively. Take yourself and your daughter and go outside to park or a movie, the library, anything. Keep connected to your daughter and go have some fun time.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

          That was supossed to be "big hug"......
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

            Hey accountable, I threw my husband of 11 years out 6 months ago. well actually, the police did it for me LOL. still feels like shit, even tho it was because he was abusive. It is SO HARD to make these decisions - one is always racked by doubt and regret. DO NOT start drinking again honey - I did, and have watched myself go from mods back to two full bottles of wine a day in a few easy steps! now back here and day 1 AF. Drinking thru stress leads to, guess what, more stress!

            as for excelling, and success, define these how YOU want to. being a great mother, friend, coping with a difficult period in your life. Tell yr dad from me, money (my husband and I had plenty of the green stuff) does not a happy life make. Not in itslef anyway. you know that in your heart so so don;t be browbeaten by others expectations. Listen to your instincts - that is what they are there for.

            As for work, it will come, if that's what you want. I'm going back to work after 5 years now that all the kids are at school, not at the level I used to be at, but hey its an exciting new phase in my life.

            one step at a time hon. Rip xx


              I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!


              Hon it takes time to adjust. Don't beat yourself up. Do go for that walk everyone suggests. Then make a list. (I love making lists) What do you want to accomplish in the short run? Find a job, do whatever you had been jazzed about earlier? Get your resume up to date?

              It always makes me feel better when I can tick off things on a list. So make some small goals too, like looking at ads in the paper, so you can tick those off right away. Maybe look at for jobs.

              Doing something tangible will help you. And heck w/ur father. If he is a millionaire he can certainly afford to house his daughter and grandchild for a while.:l


                I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                Thanks all.... I just feel like poo.... living with my father and having sooooo much pressure. I haven't turned to the bottle yet, but only because I can't hide it.

                Yes, I want to start my own business but I feel like my husband has taken away from me anything left I have left. He told me on the phone that I won't ever get his "motor running" like some internet porn star who is 18 (so called). I just feel like shit and I am trying to do what I can do. I am sorry I don't want to sound like some sad sap...... this is pretty hard at the moment.

                Thanks for being there for me.


                  I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                  You are far from alone. We are all here with and for you. I know from experience like ripley, when you have enough problems to make you drink, drinking only makes you depressed and the problems do not go away just because you do. Drinking will make this worse. I can't think of many things excessive alcohol is good for except screwing people up. If at all possible, if I were you, I would try to find a safe place for me and my kid away from family. I know families are supposed to be suport, but many times it isn't worth the stress they cause. You will be OK; and life amost always improves for people in your situation. It is a new chapter in your life and it can be a wonderful change if you will just hang on for the good in it. When I get really stressed, I get away by myself and think about all the things I have to be thankful for. I am so blessed even though at times I feel like whale shit (pretty low). It works for me and maybe it will work for you. Make a list of what you can be thankful for. I think it will help with the stress and your feeling of worth.
                  We love you and we know how you feel. Just hang on and you will be so much better off.

                  God Bless
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                    Accountable for Me;194412 wrote: He told me on the phone that I won't ever get his "motor running" like some internet porn star who is 18 (so called)
                    Hmmmm....sounds like a man with a tiny 2 stroke engine to me.

                    I agree with previous advice of walking and list making......and hug your little one and come here to your MWO friends, and make plans.....but don't add to your problems with that old bottomless glass syndrome! :l
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                      AFM, :l and:h I don't have much advice, but just wanted you to know I care, and am so sorry for all you are having to deal with. I always bake with my kiddos when I am feeling down. As a matter of fact, feeling a bit low today, I got stuff to make cookies with dd when she gets home from school. A walk or a romp at the playground is also a mood lifter. Good luck honey
                      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                        I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                        Accountable, you tried you best to make this marriage work. He is just being hurtful by saying things he does to you. Don't listen, you are attractive smart and VERY capable! You will find a way to overcome I know.


                          I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                          Hon, first thing - YOU ARE A GREAT MUM AND THAT IS A FULL TIME JOB. I've got a Dad like yours....but look in the mirror and know you are doing the best, most demanding job in the world. Anything else comes after.... Know the first and hopefully you'll feel better for the second of getting a job (if that is necessary even...) that suits job #1 - your lovely daughter!

                          AND look after yourself - you deserve it as does your little one.

                          Love and hugs
                          FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                            If you drink it may make you feel worse not seems like it would be the other way around but it never is...try to get out with your child and get your mind off things...i know easier said than done...i have a real strained relationship with my dad...he wont share either...and it can be hard because you dont want to even ask when you need it....i will keep you and yours in my thoughts..things will get better...just try to stay focused on the positive...even when it is so hard...big hug...buckle


                              I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                              Thinking of you AFM........splitting up brings such an enormous range of`s natural to feel somewhat overwhelmed. Once the dust starts to settle, you`ll be able to look at your overall situation more critically and think what to do for the best.

                              Like MD says, it can indeed be comforting to go to family in the interim, but sometimes we need breathing space to consider our future........their support and advice is wonderful and well-intended, but at the end of the day, only you know what`s best for you and yours.
                              Obviously, your two most pressing worries are finding a place of your own and finding employment. Try not to look at things en through one issue at a time. You`re a strong woman with a little one to look`ll all work out in your favour.......try to be calm and take good care of yourself. There is always a price for leaving, but a better future awaits you without him.

                              Saying a wee prayer for you and your wee girl.

                              Much love,

                              Starlight Impress x

