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I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

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    I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!


    Don't have any advice, just wanted to tell you I'm thinking of you and I hope things get better soon.

    Hang in there.



      I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

      Accountable, I am so sorry you are going through this whole mess. But drinking won't make it better, it would only bring regret and loathing in the morning! Tap into your strength for yourself and your daughter. The soon to be ex sounds like a jerk. Sending you big hugs! Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

        Can you refresh my memory. Your hubby was the one who pretended to relocate you guys but was actually with someone else while you were home tending to your little baby? He is a scum and anything he says to you, please don't let it get inside that head of yours. He is a terrible man.

        I don't understand you father but I remember Luvuall saying we cannot choose our famililes. Stay there for as short a time as you can (ha ha I know easier said than done). I really feel for you, i am not a single parent but cannot imagine how hard it must be. I give kudos to all the single moms on the site. To expect you now to figure out a way to become super successful whill taking care of a two year old is more than you deserve. It is actually ludicrous.
        Who will take care of your child while you are working? I mean logistically your dad is being ridiculous. I don't know what kind of lesson he is teaching you now. I feel for you hon. Don't drink.:h
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

          hi Accountable

          one thing I am unclear about here. you say you are under pressure to excel. is this pressure from your father? or is it pressure you feel yourself based on your childhood and past relationship with your father. i guess what I am asking is, are you putting yourself down?


            I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

            You have come SO FAR! Keep your chin up and do not let this set back turn you to the bottle. You have 2 people to think about right now...YOU and your daughter. The rest, it will all work out in the wash....however God intends it to work out.
            Hugs to you!


              I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

              Hi AFM,

              I chose to drink this week after work stuff came up - why I chose to punish myself I am not sure. Yet, I know that for sure my drinking this week has brought up so much self hate, feeling crappy, and heaps o' bad stuff. All the folks who told me it wouldn't help were right - but I knew that before I opened the bottle. Why why why?

              You are such a wonderful person - I can't even imagine going through everything that has come your way this year. In one year, you have changed SO much about your life. Good things are going to happen for you, but it will take time. Camps is right - you have a 2 year old! How on earth are you supposed to take care of her AND grow a business over night? Yikes - that is stress.

              I wish you all the best - you are really inspiring to me. Please think about how stupid I was to drink (really I feel so sick!) - and save yourself that pain! It is so not worth it. You are such a nice person, I cannot think of even one tiny reason to punish yourself by drinking. It just sucks. You deserve SO much better (and I know you will go out and get it, in your own time.)

              Sending you a big hug,


                I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                Oh, AFM, I really feel for you, sweetie. You deserve better. I remember your husband from when you were separated before, and I think you were brave to give it another chance. If he blames you because you don't "do it for him", well that's likely a combination of his immaturity and substance abuse. I know for women, a comment like that is hitting below the belt, but he's no prize package himself. He doesn't deserve you

                I don't know what to say about your father, other than you are not under any obligation to fulfill his fantasies about who you should be. He sounds like he needs to be told off, IMHO.

                Anyway, I'm just sending you hugs and prayers.:l :l
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!


                  Your Father has his own issues, don't let him project them onto you! Taking care of a 2 year old is hard work, most guys don't get that, especially guys of earlier generations. Heck I used to wonder what my Mother did all day until I had a couple of kids of my own. Holy Moly, hardest job ever with no paycheck, no respect, and no real gratitude from the children until they are grown. I am not an extremely religous person but I know that God is watching you and he sees what you are doing is the right thing, this is all a blessing although it is hard to see right now.

                  Be strong my dear : )


                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                    It takes a lot of guts to walk away from a bad marriage with a baby. It also hurts - a lot. It's okay to feel like crap. Those feelings will go away.

                    Your husband did not take everything away from you - it's all still there. It's just buried right now under all the doubt he's heaping on you.

                    Just move in the direction your good common sense takes you. Take care of you and your little one.

                    :h :h


                      I am so depressed and want to get blitzed!

                      As a door closes, so a window opens...

                      Is there anything you've always wanted to learn, to do?
                      And if you need to help support yourself, some part time work?

                      When people have kids they commit to raising those children, and helping out when the chips are down, so your dad has no reson to complain as long as you are working towards helping yourself, he should fully support this, especially if he is financially ok and your not a drain on him. But your first priority is to make sure your baby is ok and well looked after, which you have done, so don't listen to other peoples judgments, just try and get yourself together and love and look after you, this will flow onto your child. Dad is an old bugger and should be there to support you and it sounds like he has the means to do it, so I suggest do a course in what you think you could be good at to begin a life for you and your baby.

                      It will help you to meet like minded people and give you back your self esteem. Look into child care too, even just for a few hours per week, as long as you are moving forward and your dad can see it, he shouldn't be able to complain, and should support you!, and you will show your baby in the long run how to be strong and self suffient.

                      Hope my advice isn't out of place, and I'm sending all my love!

                      Concentrate on the positives! You have alot to strong!!

                      Luv Jas xxx
                      :thanks: :h

