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Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

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    Day 3 AF and my revelation!!


    I am so very happy for you. Day 5 is on its way! I am Day 2 again ... and I am so glad that I chose to not drink. Can't imagine how sucky tomorrow would be.

    Congrats on staying AF through a dinner - especially one with 16 people! Bet your cooking was awesome.

    Huge hugs and thinking of you,


      Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

      Way to go Beth! We are all so proud of you. This thread is great and you have put it all so beautifully!
      My hubby sounds like yours and us ladys can be easily hurt sometimes but am sure if our husbands knew how much they hurt us they would be really surprised!
      Much Love
      Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


        Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

        You always inspire me and have such great words of wisdom! Sorry I just now caught this thread, but that's school life for me I guess! I can totally relate to the emotional gunk we feel as we let it go..... but do you find it almost healing in a way? I cry so much more now and I used to feel guilty anytime I cried -- the ultimate sign of failure or weakness. But now I am trying to listen more to my heart.... that's all new.

        So proud of you Beth and admire the heck out of you!!

        Love you to pieces, Allie
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

          good job... i wish u luck!


            Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

            Ok Beth - I take back (some!) of what I said about Mr Beth!
            He does seem a tad insensitive tho'!

            I think you will be surprised at how much he may change if you continue down this AF route tho'

            Both myself and my wife drank (although I was (am) the one with the problem) - I did tell her I was going to quit drinking - and did so.
            I imagine she was sceptical - as she had heard it all before!

            I never - at any point - suggested she do the same.

            At first, she continued to drink as before, but over the last couple of weeks, she has gradually been drinking less and less herself, and has actually started going to exercise classes again in the evenng (which she hasn't been doing for a long time).

            I think she is seeing the positive changes in me - that I actuall have stayed off the booze, and is - either consciously or unconsciously following my lead

            I think our actions speak louder than words, and I would imagine that - if Mr Beth's remarks are in reality thinly veiled comments on your drinking - these comments may get less frequent and less barbed the longer he sees you go AF.
            (As someone else on here pointed out - it can't be easy watching a loved one destroying their health thru excess alcohol consumption! - Perhaps that is at the real root of his comments)

            Not sure what to do about the snoring tho'!!!!!

            Take care - hopefully you are over the worst now and thing will get gradually easier from here on.

            Well done on your successes so far.


            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

              Beth: I liked reading about your revelation. Keep up the good work!
              (AF 74 Days)
              September 23, 2011


                Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                that was very inspirational...thank you...I will remember your words when I have that craving and know that "this too shall pass"...GREAT!


                  Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                  HI Beth...Hope your still remaining strong. Alot of people on here care about you, and your successes.


                    Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                    hey beth, great work. very proud of you for taking it one moment at a time. funny enough but i think the first 90 days or so are the most challanging. and the first 2 weeks wow, crazy. so i'm way proud of the work you're doing. and sorry about the hubby thing. i know for my hubby my drinking didn't start over night and it didn't escalate over nite. so i've had to listen to alot from him this last year about his cleansing his soul for all the years i drank. tis really painful for me sometimes but i really get he needs to have a place to mourn the lost years and to vent. and, for every moment i tuned him and life out, every moment i wasn't present, well, he's got some room there to go through his process. again, very proud of you girl.


                      Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                      Day 6 !!!! and doing amazing!!! Thanks to you all!!! :h :h

                      I plan to start a new thread about it later...Just want to let you all know what the experience is case it will help someone else starting out. I pray it keeps on...

                      Love you all

                      formerly known as bak310


                        Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                        Hi beth........Day 6 says you are amazing!!!

                        So happy for you and damn proud of you.

                        Much love,

                        Starlight Impress x


                          Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                          Hi Beth! I ,too, am so damn proud of you. I remember Day 1 for you and we were on chat and you were VERY nervous and unsure and skating on thin ice, but you stayed on, left for awhile, and came back a little later that night and we all talked for a long time and before we knew it you were in control. And look at you now...Day 6!!!
                          Stay strong and stay focused. You have the hard physical part done. We're proud to have you as part of the MWO family.


                            Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                            You are inspiring me to start again . I am so proud of you. Call me! :h
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Day 3 AF and my revelation!!

                              Beth, you are truly inspiring! The words in the first post on this thread literally helped me through a day 4 craving.

