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Why MWO Rocks!

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    Why MWO Rocks!

    Many old timers here have seen my ups...downs....down and then more down...and then my up. I have been through so many trains of thought it really has been a wild ride. Just recently I reccomended this board to someone and I realized that this is the only place that supports everything.

    I was here when it was new and we were all getting our feet wet. But this board has really evolved into something to be proud of.

    I would love see why others see this board rocks! I just love the openness of it all. I don't post much anymore...but I still read alot and get so much from it. I just love that someone can post an idea or two that helped them and no one downs them.

    I posted about this board on another board I dropped into. I can not tell you the nasty messages I got. What I can not fathom is why on MWO they support you if you got to AA but if you are in AA they will make you feel stupid and like an idiot for coming here .

    Why can't the two compliment each other. I am glad that MWO compliments just shows its strength and love for what is truly important. People getting help.


    Why MWO Rocks!

    i am curious, what was the other board you went to?

    I imagine they don't like the stance on moderation, which a lot of people don't think is possible for alcoholics. Maybe the openness on moderation seems like enabling to them? I am ok with that. I think more in terms of harm reduction and I don't think alcoholism is a disease in the way some other tangible disease is.

    Why do I think MWO rocks?

    Because, the people are very open (aside from AA at times), the nutritional advice is great, you learn so much about alcoholism from the research posted here. Also, I think it seems like people who seem so doomed and at the bottom show a lot of progress. Stance on use of medication seems more sensible than programs that don't allow medication. Anonymity is granted here, which frees people up to express themselves.

    Oh, and round the clock, round the world support! Can't beat that.


      Why MWO Rocks!

      Thaks Nancy!

      The other board was "Daily Strength" is funny because I joined for an eczema board which is so open on all thoughts of healing. I did post on MWO...because of a post I made there and got so many personal messages thanking me for a ray of light in other trains of thought. One I referred here and she has not stop thanking me since. It was a responsibilty to those that suffer...and I will not back down from those that are so one sided. I don't care that they believe in what they do...but open the veil for god sakes.

      I appreciate this place more than ever now. I will not take it for granted anymore.



        Why MWO Rocks!

        MWO rocks because it presents OPTIONS and is open minded, supportive, kind, caring, and encouraging
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson


          Why MWO Rocks!

          I've never posted on any other forums, and actually hardly even surfed the web before this. But I am so grateful for this site because it gave me just the little push I needed to take the plunge to go AF, now 55 days. I never knew an option like this existed, and never knew there were other boards out there - so I am really glad this is the one I stumbled upon. There is so much support, openness, and caring here.
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


            Why MWO Rocks!

            Yeh, there are all sorts on here, but what links us most (besides that little problem with the bottle) is that we all want to be open to options and to be in charge of our own way of healing.

            It's true we do knock AA a bit, but the main reason for that is that AA is antithetical to the whole open approach of this place. Here it is all positive -- you can do it! You have the power (not You are powerless). If you stumble, we all help each other pick themselves up without judging.

            That rocks.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Why MWO Rocks!

              it allows anyone wherever we may be to get our s$^& out that we may not necessarily have a chance or feel comfortable with elsewhere. thumbs up!

              that why mwo rocks
              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                Why MWO Rocks!

                I guess the one thing above all else I find REALLY Rocks here is that the people on here are genuinely caring and compassionate, and actually give a damn about folks other than themselves.
                Many people here have gone the extra mile to be there for others when they were struggling.
                When I first got here - I was literally reduced to tears by the support and compassion I recieved from total strangers.
                That is why I want to be a part of all this, and, in some small measure, try to pass on the kindness I received here to others / newbies who are in the same place I was when I arrived.

                I guess the often unseen heroes here are RJ and her team - they keep this place a safe place to be, and work hard to deal quickly with any undesireable elements / occurrences that inevitably crop up from time to time in communities like these.

                Thanks RJ!

                Much Love :l


                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  Why MWO Rocks!

                  Nancy thanks.

                  I am just so pleased I found here - twice! I found MWO and downloaded the book ages ago and it really helped but being in the UK didn't try the supps/meds. THen after a short AA stink in May/June this year I surfed and surfed and surfed for something that was going to save my sanity....but was there all the time with MWO - just didn't know anything about 'blogging' or forums...'Forum' meant something else to me about small, top-shelf magazines with shiny paper!!! (Old, very ex boyfriend years ago...we wont go there!!)

                  AA was driving me crackers and I too, began to refuse to state - always gabbled by all so what's the point? - I was an alcoholic and only be able to talk about my 'drunkenness' (which I now wasn't) and nothing else like what was challenging me that day. (Just what is that all about?!?!)

                  So, MWO is two wonderful things to me. Somewhere where I get all the support in the world about whatever is stressing me out...after all, without that I personally would be at the bottle. When those feelings were squashed at an AA meeting - I felt worse!

                  The other most important thing for me is that here is somewhere we can make a new relationship with/to alcohol. No labels. I think the label of 'alcoholic' needs to be watched/used very carefully. It's one hell of a thing to carry and most certainly to give to anyone. So, the chance to cut down, stop, deal with genetic/chemical cravings or just cut back to realistic amounts after a particlarly stressful period in life and all in the same ball park together is quite amazing.

                  That's the main reason I think here is sooooh wonderful - it keeps alcohol from being too powerful - the very thing we're trying to stop it being! We seem to be focusing on the postives of life without it or with less of it and not on it itself. So it puts it 'back in its box' in a way...where it should be...using the label 'alcoholic' gives it power it doesn't deserve. AA seem to love doing/having that (as sadly David did for me - he thought labelling me that would make me better. It was like being pushed down a very deep well-shaft for good!! aaaaagh! It's soooh good to be sitting in the sunlight away from it just now!)

                  There could well be something in the man woman thing in AA... certainly more men than women in our group here and the women that 'share' are, shall we gently say, of the rather butch persuasion (in my 'umble opinion!), nothing meant there but just that they seem pretty tough to me!! (We don't go round the room here but just leave it to the same old ones to say the same old storyy....oooh, that just came out of my fingers!! Um, sorry! but it's true so I'll leave it in!!)

                  There just seem to be a lot of (peri-)menopausal women here!! That I have noticed!! But that too, might tie in with what I said about not using the label alcoholic too quickly...maybe many aren't but are just going through a hell of a time in life. (We certaily copp the lot nowdays with menopausal women dealing with teenage kids, elderly parents and jobs all at once - our timing's well out!!) And coupled with the menopause bringing a huge reduction in our enzymes needed to deal with alcohol - petrol on fire (or sh*t - fan interface!) it seems to me!

                  So, here we can deal with all this without labels - yipeee!!!!! It's the best place in hte world to me. Thanks for being here and thanks RJ for bringing it about.

                  Love to all
                  FMF xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    Why MWO Rocks!

                    Satori - you clever bod (as ever!) Posting the same time...but you reminded me I hadn't said how wonderful it is to receive such compassion and love - meany tears shed down here too! And how here, somehow, allows a growth in everyone's self-esteem through being able to give a little help back...just a little one liner there and there that many of us perhaps wouldn't have the courage to say in 'real' life 'in case we got it wrong' ....

                    Here we have the opportunity to show ourselves through wonderfully compassionate feedback that we're really nice folk underneath (which we'd given up believing) so let's get our light out from under the old bushel and live a life of mutual support!! That's truly beautiful!

                    FMF x
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Why MWO Rocks!

                      Mine is simple- MWO really IS anonymous! I feel it gives you more of an opportunity to be completely open and even if people do judge you (which I haven't found much of) they don't SEE you!

                      Options- yes options!
                      Open minded discussion and a(n) holistic approach to "treating" or "recovering" or "changing" or whatever you'd like to call it.
                      Individuality - no "boxing" or conforming to rules! (just up my rebel alley!)

                      Thank you to ALL of you for participating, helping and sharing.

                      MWO ROCKS!
                      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                        Why MWO Rocks!

                        This is a truly extrordinary place, offering hope, utterly non-judgemental support and friendship, and total freedom to express and try to heal oneself. There is so much experience and love willingly shared.

                        I too love the fact that alcohol is treated as a manageable substance, and not as something that a diseased mind has no control over. makes it all seem possible. I am back here for the second time after an absence of a few months due to all sorts of personal sh*t (and drinking, of course) and it feels like coming home.

                        RJ (if you are reading this) you have done something very wonderful in creating this programme and this site.

                        Rock on! Rip x


                          Why MWO Rocks!

                          Haven't got time for a long post as i'm at work ..... So

                          DITTO .....


                            Why MWO Rocks!

                            I just checked out the thread at daily strength. I have experienced the same thing with many AAers...They are closed minded and percieve aa THE ONLY way to sobriety. Funny, but Bill W. said there are many paths to sobriety. They seem to have lost that message along the way.
                            "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


                              Why MWO Rocks!

                              PS i am very grateful to have found this site. The best online support community I've found yet
                              "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"

