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Killer Headaches

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    Killer Headaches

    I posted a thread yesterday on the Topamax thread yesterday and didn't get any replies. It was late, I don't know that everyone checks that thread. (It's late again today.) I was just curious if anyone else has experienced headaches while taking Topamax? I started another med, Prempro, a week before starting Topamax, and am not sure which medicine, if either, to attribute the killer headaches to. Tomorrow I start taking 50mgs of Topamax. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Just curious what other people have experienced. Thanks.


    Killer Headaches

    Topamax is supposed to prevent migraines so that's weird I would think it would be the Prempro or withdrawal?
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      Killer Headaches

      I've been analyzing every change in my life in the last week and a half. I've started two new meds, but I haven't yet changed my drinking habits significantly. So I doubt it's withdrawal. I hope I will want to drink less as up the Topamax. I took Chantix, and I definitely lost the desire to smoke. I hope Topamax works in a similar manner. One thing I didn't take into consideration in regards to my headaches is that I no longer drink my highly caffeinated Mountain Dew several times a day from sun up to sun down. I haven't been able to drink it. A few days after starting Topamax, Mountain Dew started tasting like vinegar. YUK. Tonight after searching the web for possible causes for my recent constant headaches, caffeine withdrawal popped up, and it just clicked. We normally buy our soda in cans, but we had a few in bottles in the pantry so I thought, what the heck, maybe it will taste differently, and it did! I just chugged several ounces. It still doesn't taste the same as good old Mountain Dew, but it's not horrible. I hope it kicks the headache!!! I can deal with caffeine addiction, if that's the problem. Thanks for responding.



        Killer Headaches

        Carbonated drinks are supposed to have an awful metallic taste while on Topamax, I believe this side effect eventualy goes away. I don't know if I want to go for the Topamax or not. It would be easy for me to get a script because I've been taking Imitrex for migraines for years and my insurance just put limits on my imitrex. Hmmmm
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson


          Killer Headaches

          Julie, I think you have found the culprit... caffeine (or lack of). I found that after quitting alcohol I had awful headaches and the only thing besides strong pain relievers that helped was a good strong cup of coffee (which I didn't drink much of before). I know we are not supposed to do caffeine, but it has been a lifesaver to me... just a couple cups a day or else I go haywire.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Killer Headaches


            I guess as a lady your drink of choice was unlikely to be beer - but when I stopped drinking my normal LOTS of beer every day - I ecperienced headaches due to dehydration!

            I guess I wasn't drinking enough water to compensate for all the water I got from the beer.

            After I figured that out - I have been OK!

            Just a thought

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Killer Headaches

              Hey Satori! Girls drink beer too (or shall I say DRANK.)

              You're right- water water. It's difficult to remember to stay hydrated after so much dehydration. A major cause of headaches (that's why you get a headache when you're hungover_DUH)

              Anyway, Julie001, good luck with the headaches, let us know your "cure"- I get them too!

              Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
              Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                Killer Headaches

                I get migraines at times. So much less now that I'm not drinking like I used to. The cause of most of my migraines was blood pressure. Drinking raises blood pressure which can cause headaches. I hope you figure out what is causing yours.


                  Killer Headaches

                  Deilight;194711 wrote: Hey Satori! Girls drink beer too (or shall I say DRANK.)

                  You're right- water water. It's difficult to remember to stay hydrated after so much dehydration. A major cause of headaches (that's why you get a headache when you're hungover_DUH)

                  Anyway, Julie001, good luck with the headaches, let us know your "cure"- I get them too!

                  Yep - I know girls drink beer - (in fact I was once beaten in a beer drinking "contest" by a girl - Oh the shame!)

                  But I was reckoning on average, they are less likely to drink beer than men.
                  Possibly something to do with the fact that (as someone pointed out here recently) the whole world is a urinal for a man?
                  Makes the whole process a bit easier for us!


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    Killer Headaches


                    I'm sorry I missed your thread on the Topa forum. I've been chronicling my adventures with Topa there lately also but was busy this week so didn't check in to that forum. I recently started topamax, and didn't notice increased headaches, though I get them a lot just from stress. What I noticed the most when I started topamax is just feeling tired a lot.

                    I remember when I went off caffeine a few years ago (heart jigglies so my doctor told me to) I had a lot of headaches when going through caffeine withdrawl so it may well be that.

                    Let us know how you are doing.
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      Killer Headaches

                      I sufferred with migraines for yrs & I do not wish those killers on anyone. Yes, supposedly topa is rx-ed for migraines. I can see that - as it is such a centgral nerv sys depressant. So prob not that. But I know fo r sure mixing & matfching drugs is shocking to the wohole system. Headaches are an indication that something is really not right that is affecting your nervous sys. Personally I found topamax to be an extremely extremely strong drug. I woudl never take it long term for alcohol. Life-threatening seizures -- yes. Just personal experience. I take prozac & bp meds.

