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I need support

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    I need support

    Hi gourmet,
    Too bad about last night for you. Remember about kicking yourself in the butt! I went to bed sober last night, slept well, and feel great this AM. If I can do this, so can you. Maybe we can do it together. I'll be in and out of chat throughout the day. Meeet me there if you want to talk.

    "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


      I need support

      Thanks all. I feel like crap. Got to work on time, but been throwing up - I hate this. Some how, some way, I must make it end. Again, I am going to try and not drink tonight.


        I need support

        Iowegian, I am glad you stayed sober last night. I know that feels so good. Maybe we can do it together - might make it a little easier. I will visit chat on and off today when I can. Probably easiest during the lunch hour.


          I need support

          Where are you? I'm not sure what lunch hour is for you, but would love to chat sometime.
          "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


            I need support


            For what it is worth, tonight - make a detailed timetable for the whole evening - right up to bedtime.
            Fill every waking minute with planned activity of some sort.
            Clean closets, read books, watch a movie, listen to music, draw, paint make a matchstick model of the Brooklyn Bridge - whatever - but make sure every minute is filled!

            If it makes you feel better, have a glass of non alcoholic drink to hand and sip on that - If it is beer you drank - get club soda or something similar cold and sparkling it helped me to have at least some of the familiar sensations to stave off the cravings.

            But - the important thing is - as others have said - just aim to take things an hour at a time (or ten minutes at a time!) tell yourself - and MEAN it! that you are not going to drink for that hour (or ten minutes - or whatever it takes).

            You KNOW you need to do this - or you wouldn't be here with us!

            You CAN do it - many of us here have done so.
            Let's face it - if I can do it - anyone can - I had a 20+year history of alcohol abuse.
            Right now it is 61 days since I last drank alcohol.

            You CAN do this.

            Tonight - decide you are not going to TRY not to drink.
            Trying invites failure because it allows for the possibility that you might not be successful!

            Decide - Tonight you are just NOT
            going to drink.

            One last thing - the first few days are quite tough - but after about 3 to 4 days it gets a lot easier.
            I am feeling better now than I have in over 20 years - I mean - I feel REALLY great!
            It is SO worth a few tough days!

            Good luck

            Love :l

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              I need support

              61 days - that is incredible. I want that too. I am deciding to not drink tonight. Even if I have to go home and just go to bed (however, I really DO need to clean my closet!). Thank you Satori


                I need support

                Gourmet, I've only just spotted this thread so apologies for not responding earlier.....

                I found this place last november after starting drinking as soon as hubby had gone to work (6am) and carrying on all day ...

                Since finding this place I have never been drunk and have only slipped once, (drank a bottle of wine at 6am but managed to stop).

                When you feel tempted then log on here, there is always someone here 24/7, it is the most amazing place ever .....

                Love & Hugs :h :l :h :l


                  I need support

                  Hi gourmet,
                  Am hoping and praying for you that you don`t drink tonight.

                  I remember how dejected I felt when I first came to M.W.O........I loved reading posts of other peoples` successes, but I was convinced I could never be one of them..........I had lost belief in myself and considered myself a lost cause.

                  I chose your avatar when I first came to the site, as I felt brokenhearted at not being able to find the strength to try to`s a very sad avatar, which reflected my sadness at that time. I still have an eye avatar, only it`s now very different to the sad eye I started out with. This "lost cause" is now 50 days sober.........I still can hardly believe it, but it`s true.

                  I can also relate to you feeling old before your time, courtesy of the drink, just as I did. I have lost 18 lbs since I quit and my hair and skin are still a young woman and will be amazed at just how much better you`ll look and feel when you quit.

                  Wishing you love and strength for taking the plunge.

                  Starlight Impress x


                    I need support

                    Thank you BB and SI. I did not drink last night. And SI, you have explained exactly how I feel now. I love this place. I have searched the internet for years for any information on addiction and medications, and then about a month ago, just happened on this one. I could not believe it - why did I not find it before?? Real people, real support, this is what I need to help me quit this REAL addiction. Thank you all.


                      I need support

                      Hi gourmet,

                      Glad you didn't drink last night, and you sound very hopeful. That's great. I'll talk to you in chat sometime soon.

                      "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"

