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Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
I have been with MWO for nearly 8 months now, haven't been drunk for 7 months. THank You RJ!!! My Husband for the first 3-4 months was so supportive, and still is. But since I stopped getting drunk he is drinking heavier than ever! I know it's some mid life crap, because of the things he says when he is drunk. He gets very depressed and dark, I cried all night because he told me I cannot make him feel loved. That I am incapable of giving attention. He asks me questions like "how does it feel to be you?' I say what do you mean/ He says to have every man want you. (Trust me, I am not that sexy or attractive) He suggesy I am self asorbed, which I readily admit and I am trying to work on it. Last night I find out mind you, that after being married 15 years that he and my best friend who I have known longer than my husband, slept together when they worked together. It happened, before we met, but damn that hurt. Couldn't someone have told me. I mean I have a sexual past. I could Understand. But this friend a few years caught wind that my husband was in a strip club (he never told me about it) She learned about it from a 3rd party. She told me I was hurt. She said if it were her husband she would want to know, so she told me that why couldn't she say oh and I slept with him before you met him.I feel like I am hanging on to the end of a rapidly fraying rope. I have asked my husband to seek help for depression, but he won't. Man thing. I don't know. How long does this thing last? or am I at the end of marriage #3. I lay in bed last night thinking how I could support myself and keep my 5 dogs. I just feeling so damn helpless
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Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Oh Simey - I'll be back later, just rushing out but I had to just send you a very big hug...
I'd be feeling in tatters too,..... I always just think to put the info I can't deal with in my mental in-tray and get and do something...ANYthing for a wee while. It's amazing how much gets done by the sub-conscious when we get out of its way for a while and don't worry it like a dog with a bone. Then it seems a bit more manageable when we come back to it...
I do wish you the best - it does seem like hubby's got something weird going on...hang in there for you just now 'til you get over the shock.
Love FMF xx :l :h :l:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Oh Mar, Love ......
I think that men deal with depression different to women and I don't think that he means to hurt you .....
About your friend sleeping with, It is in the past and before you got married so try not to dwell on it .....
Sorry I cant help but my BB hugs are zooming across cyberspace to you xxxxsigpicXXX
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
I can relate to much of what u wrote. In that, my husband is drnking heavily, depressed, won't get help and it's getting worse! As for you not drinking, that is terrific and I admire you so much for it! Me I've been drowning my sorrows, and they aren't as bad as yours. Hell my husband tells me how attractive I am all the time too, SO? What's that got to do with the price of tea? grrrrr
I am so sorry, don't have much advice, we both have to make our own decisions. I did get Joe to promise we wouldn't drink next week AT LEAST until Friday. We'll see.
I'm thinking of ya hon! :l
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Mar, I am so sorry you are going through this. It has to be such a hard environment to live in. I hope that things turn around for you soon and that he does decide to get some help.
Hugs"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
I've seen you in the Gallery and you ARE gorgeous and sexy !!
It is the drink talking, maybe he's worried now that you're getting your self sorted that you'll up and go...
TALK to him when both of you are sober I'm sure it'll be fine.
lots of love
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Many questions....
I am terribly sorry that you are going through this and hope that things get better for you soon. The only thing I can offer is maybe some ideas into what may be going on...
I was wondering if he is feeling insecure about you stopping drinking and feeling a bit jealous (which isnt really the right word). He may be feeling the loss of having a drinking partner.
Is he having any difficulties at work? That could be causing a bit of a tail spin.
A couple things here that may be adding to the sum total of his mood. If he is drinking more because of some reason, he is making himself more depressed, you are getting healthier so he is feeling nervous about that and afraid of losing you so is being a dumb ass with his comments.
You really need to have a heart to heart with him. How long has it been since he has had a release from stress? That can also cause dression. See if you can ask him what is nawing at him. It could be easily be work, the kids, financial, heck it could be even be if he has gained weight and feels ugly himself. Yes ladies us guys do like to look good for our wives.
I hope that helps somewhat Simey.
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Simey, sending hugs your way. Could I be so bold as to ask how old your hubby is? My hubby, from his ages of 40-50 ( he is a bit older than me) was very much critcal and hurtful in his comments. I coudn't seem to do anything right. I recognized it as depression and mid life stuff going on, and managed to hang in there. He was stressed in work, finaces were tight, and we had lots of kids at home. He wouldn't go to the doc either. I signed us up at the local gym when he was in his late 40's and at 1st he would just go and take a steam bath, sit in the hot tub, etc..., but he began meeting other guys that were fit and motivated, and he started doing classes and working out regularly. He lost weight, and his mood improved 100%. Maybe you hubby needs a new external focus/release to help him out? Just a thought. Anyway, well wishes and positive thoughts winging their way to you:h
Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Simey, I am so sorry to hear about this. But I'm so happy to read this great advice and commiserating that you have got here. Really, everything I want to say has been said. You must hang in there. I look up to you, that you can be sober through all this... I haven't been so good, but am trying.
And Hablur, so great to see you back here. Such good advice you give. How are YOU doing?Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Simey - like Beatle I think it's been said and great to have a chap's advice from Hablur!!
I still send loads of hugs across cyberspace too and just think that yes, you stay sober and steady and after his spin (which he may not ever know what was about either....life and all that) he'll be back without the hurtful comments.
I so hope so for you. The Make Menoapause is alive and well.....grrrr!
Love FMF xxx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
Sorry to hear you`re so upset, simey.
First off, would just like to say that the fact that he slept with your best friend is history.........like you say, it was before you met.........a lifetime ago........so you now know, but c`mon, had you known before you would have married him anyway.......was just a one night stand, many moons ago........a mere triviality.
You`ve always came across as very assertive, and very much like you know your own mind...........the kind of woman that other women admire and men do want for their own.
I rather get the impression that you`ve always been of a strong disposition, and I think any insecurities you may have had when still drinking, have more or less vanished with the coming of the spritzers. As you`ve became sober, you`re probably exuding a lot more confidence than you ever did before and hubby finds this a little threatening. Rather than steeping himself in booze, it would be better if you could both sit down and have a frank heart-to-heart. I think he just needs a little reassurance that his lovely wife still has eyes only for him........indulge the little boy in him, `cos they`re all little boys at heart. Hope things look up soon.
Much love,
Starlight Impress x
Explain this to me... PLEASE!!!
This post is very upsetting to me. I always followed your posts and your husband always said such sweet and thoughtful things. What happened? What he is saying is certainly dark and not the man that said how beautiful you are every day. He spoiled you with that beautiful diamond ring! I know he loves you. I just don't think he loves himself right now!!!!!!!
And that past thing? Forget that stuff!!!! That's just water under the bridge. You just need to get your husband in a better place right now because I don't think it's fair that he is making you hurt so badly when you have worked so hard the past 8 months.
But you did say he is still supportive so it sounds like he likes the new Mar. I just think he is going through something and he just needs help and he doesn't know how to ask for it.
A lot of men don't know how to.
Maybe you just need to give him a great BIG HUG and tell him that you love him and are there for him.
I know he loves you Mar:h