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um....what next?

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    um....what next?

    Well, here I am on Day 25 AF...and feeling a bit fed up. Quite a strong craving earlier in the evening, but I resisted and just ate too much instead LOL. The thing is....when I started I didn't set a goal of 30 days AF but now I'm so near I've made it a goal...and I intend to get to it. BUT.....I now keep thinking 'what then?'. When I started I said that my real aim was to be a social drinker....moderate....just at things like birthdays, nice meals out etc. I think I still want that, and am now sure that drinking when I'm down, miserable or angry is a doorway to nowhere. So......I still would like to be a moderate social drinker. Has anyone advice/experience to offer about how to handle this? Should I fix a date to 'try it out'?, to see if I can just drink one glass, for example? I am feeling confused...and anxious in case I mess it up. Any successful moderators got good advice?


    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    um....what next?

    Hi Scary Avatar Suze!

    Not sure I can help - but for the record, I started out with a 30 day goal - "just to see if I could do it".

    I wasn't sure "what next" either - kind of felt the same as you did - but the more time went by AF - the more I realised - I really didn't (don't) relish the idea of drinking any more!
    Now I'm not saying I will never drink again - but I am certainly in no hurry to start again - I am MUCH happier like this - I didn't know how much I was missing, and how much time (and money) I was wasting while I was drinking.

    I am rapidly coming up on 60 days AF.
    I have a party to go to tomorrow - and am looking forward to it - and I know I will be staying AF.
    I will enjoy the company, be able to drive my family home - and wake up the next day feeling great.

    I'm staying AF for the foreseeable future!

    Just see how it goes!

    Best of luck


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      um....what next?

      Hi Suze,
      I`m 100% with Satori on this now 47 days sober and my current goal is 60 days. As someone who previously went back to drinking like a fish after 10 yrs of being sober, I personally, hope I am never again tempted to think I can drink moderately.I now think of myself as a dormant alcoholic.

      It was damn hard work to "get out" this time round, but I am indeed out and hell-bent on staying out.

      So saying, I don`t think there is a "typical" in all of this........we each have to decide for ourselves if we think we can truly moderate. I just know now that moderation is not for regrets!!

      Starlight Impress x


        um....what next?

        Thanks both...I'm off to bed now....but will have a really long think about all this in the morning! I'm wishing I had set a clearer goal for myself at the beginning about AF....then I wouldn't be doubting now?:upset:

        Suze (who must change her avatar )
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          um....what next?

          Suze (avatar is cool BTW)
          great question indeed and one you'll get a lot of different responses too depending on who you talk to. It's understandable why: because we are all different, with different brain chemistries and at different places in our personal recovery/development.
          I'd love to be a SOD. hey, no laughing here. "special occasion drinker" which in my own definition would be a great test although still risky. Last time I tried to MOD I basically said 'screw it' and wanted to experience that party feeling again that I had in my younger years where alcohol had more innocent happy conotation in my life. Well...that ended in a thud and now back here quite happily at day 86. Have a party tonight and it's at a microbrewery!!!! good grief people!! LOL.
          Love your recipes by the way
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            um....what next?

            This Q may be premature for me (since I have yet to read the MWO text; it's on order); but is there any statistical information on success rates with moderate drinking? I am just embarking on this "adventure" but am really hopeful that moderate drinking is possible someday (we have such a lovely wine cellar!). Checked the MM website but couldn't find any research findings. Anyone?


              um....what next?

              Det - what in the world is a microbrewery?!?!?! Somewhere The Borrowers go to imbibe?!?!

              Blondie - hello. I hope you get your answer later. Not a lot of help as I wanted to mod too but (a) feel so good now (112 days) that I don't want to and (b) am 'scared' to and happy to keep that sort of fear around... maybe... until...who knows as yet! Good luck to you though.

              Love FMF xx
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                um....what next?

                The Borrowers! You have made me smile.
                Also, Suze I doubt if 30 days is long enough to test MODS. I have read enough posts to realize it isn't really the best plan. Choice is yours.

                Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                  um....what next?

                  i love satori's plan and am on that mission myself. after being sober and happy about it for 9 years and amazed at how hard it is to get back into that again. i see some folks that can mod it. i just don't happen to be as someone said a sod. wish that were so. but nope. no sod here. so, whatever you goal it always comes down to one day at a time anyway. sleep tight


                    um....what next?

                    I am drinking again after almost a year of af. Went to work today hungover. This is awful, I need to pick a day and give it up for the rest of my life. It is hard to give up the crutch. Need to use the hypno and the drugs. I hate empty head of the drugs. But feel worse being hung over


                      um....what next?

                      Hello Meggie - You've been 'lurking' and it's good to 'see' you again.....!!!

                      Just jumping in here to say to you, "YOU CAN DO THIS". ("JFDI" - "Just it!" as they say!) But a hand here to get you going. Lots and lots of hands.

                      Suze - why on earth did I type 'Blondie'?!?! (Sorry Blondie!!) Senior Moment I fear!
                      I hope the morning has brought some clarity. I have to say I daren't try mods after 30 days. After 90 I felt so good but still felt I would be breaking some huge, important trust/rule if I tried. Knew it wouldn't work if I drank and felt guilty. Now (113) I feel I've actually got the thing back I really wanted and that wasn't a drink but my choice. Before alcohol made the choices, then AA, family and even MWO, but now I do (well, right now anyway! Never that complacent!) and that feels really, really good! Whether I ever excercise that choice to have a glass - well, I'll let you now! I knew someone who did and they're fine but waited 2.5 years and I still really listen to Starlight....!!!

                      And, edit for glaring ommision here!, I really don't know if I could feel like this without RJ, this place and all your love and support - so thank you!!!

                      I hope you find your way and continue to feel well and happy!

                      Good luck.
                      FMF xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        um....what next?

                        Hey Suze - not meaning to hijack your thread but can I just say that I've been worrying about my last post - seems really a bit arrogant....and I wanted to say I really don't feel THAT secure! When the tummy-bug-season comes around (winter) watch me go! real big trigger with having a phobia about it! I used to self-medicate for those terrors! :upset:
                        But I'll focus on the postives of today anyway when I feel good and really AM glad to have my choice about me!!
                        Thanks Suze! :thanks:
                        FMF xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          um....what next?

                          I'm at day 13 AF Suze and like you I'm going for the 30 days. I think, like yourself, I will be panicking a bit towards the end of the 30 days. My plan is to order the hypno cds, (just waiting to sell something on ebay lol, so I have credit in my paypal) things a bit tight just now. However, I have dowloaded the book, I am taking the Kudzu and going to holland and barrat today for l-glutamine and evening primrose oil.

                          Stuggled a bit last night (friday night) and just wanted to eat. I went to the local supermarket at 9.30 pm, for something nice (not wine) and really took on board how many people were there shopping, going about their business, not drinking...

                          I really know the hyno will work for me as that is how I stopped smoking. I have been to hynpo twice before but only a couple of sessions and I didn't mean business as much then as I do now. Probably because I didn't know of this site and felt so hopelessly alone and condemmed to living this secret life.

                          Really pleased at how much more I have achieved this last fortnight and even considering having my business name written on my car which is something I wanted to do before but would rather die than have the humiliation of being caught drink driving (and I'm taking about the morning after driving, which I know is just as bad) but there has been a few occasions where I knew I was not fit to drive the morn after but did anyway.

                          I am going to go full self employed soon and realise I have been 'flying by the seat of my pants' for the last two years of setting up a business, although I have got lots done, think of how much more I could achieve without feeling... well you all know how I feel.
                          Honour Thyself


                            um....what next?

                            Suze, when I was finished with 30 days, I felt the same way--a sort of "now what??" I didn't want to try drinking again, having slid down the slippery slope twice after 3 week periods of abs before. So I just decided to try for another 30 days. Now, past 3 months, I am really feeling the benefits of not drinking. I'm not ecstatic, but I can really see all of the subtle ways that it was getting in my way. I'm pleased to see how I can handle life's stresses without wine--I thought I would fall apart, but quite the opposite. When I face a social occasion, I will buy a bottle of AF wine, and join right in. It feels good.

                            At any rate, I think I'm taking a long way of saying that I'd give myself more abs time if I were you, although only you can really make that decision. I can only say what I would do.

                            Good luck and all the best!:l
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              um....what next?

                              ah well today maybe a good day meggie. i'd suggest though getting something in the tool chest like l glut and kudzo to warn off those mid day insanity and cravings. the drugs afterawhile just become part of the system; in the beginning though it is very odd i agree. still it can't be worse then the self loathing and hang over. hate that. take care of you

