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The Big Clearout!

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    The Big Clearout!

    Hello all, I have just had a good morning, reading through information on Campral on this site, reading stories that I didn't take the time to read before and absorbing as much info as I can with a different attitude than I had before. This time I am not playing around with this thing. I have an appointment tomorrow with the doctor and I am going to ask for Campral. As some of you know I have already tried Revia (Naltrexone) and didn't like my body's reaction to it - ie stomach upsets and bad headaches. I will ask for Campral and see what she says...... I am also open to other suggestions from her.

    I don't feel so nervous going to the doctors as I did the first time as I have already laid things on the line with her and feel that it would be foolish not to take the help that is waiting for me. I know I cannot go on doing what I was doing. I have opened my eyes to the fact that alcoholism is, in fact, a medical condition and we should not feel ashamed of asking for help. If we had any other illness, we wouldn't think twice about going to the doctor. That thought has helped me with the decision to go back to see her.

    As for The Big Clearout............well, this morning I have also gone through the house and put all bottles, cans and casks on the kitchen bench top and just poured it all down the sink. As I watched the liquid swirl around I felt sick at the though that this "innocent" looking stuff is actually poison. I enjoyed pouring it all away. A strange thought I had was imagining my poor insides being subjected to the slow attack of the alcohol, how can I do this to myself? My body is doing me great favours daily, time to show a bit of respect to it and myself.

    Don't know how my husband will react when he comes home from work looking for a beer!!! Yesterday we had a big discussion on our need to cut alcohol out of our lives. I hope that by my actions today (ie making the appointment with the doc and throwing out all booze) he will see that things are serious and it's actually, really, going to happen.

    Lots of love to you all for your continued support to me - even when I make a fool of myself!! :h

    The Big Clearout!

    Bluebell;196162 wrote: ... - even when I make a fool of myself!!

    No way, Bluey ... I
    am the Queen of Fools! I shall not be out-fooled.

    Good luck for tomorrow with the Doc. Maybe Campral will be the thing to give you some peace. It's got to be worth a shot.

    It's nice to see you posting. I think it strengthens your resolve.


      The Big Clearout!

      We all know that neither of you comes close to Lucky....
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        The Big Clearout!

        Thanks Tawny.

        It is true, posting here is such an important thing to do.

        Good times and bad times!

        Let's hope Campral is the answer. I am in a different frame of mind now too. I know there is no magic pill but I feel I have the reasons, resolve and support to really have a go at this thing properly.

        I hope I didn't offend you by attempting to steal your Fooliest of Queen Fools crown.:clown:


          The Big Clearout!

          Flip...glad you popped in.

          I have a picture of you.............. must have been taken on a very hot day in Canberra........

          Attached files [img]/converted_files/328511=1889-attachment.jpg[/img]


            The Big Clearout!

            Bluebell;196171 wrote:

            ... I hope I didn't offend you ...

            No way, Bluey ... I've been offended by experts

            Flip's lack of frock offends me somewhat ...


              The Big Clearout!

              Okay...... it's gone!


                The Big Clearout!

                Did flip just throw me under the bus??

                BB, Campral rocks. Order it online if you have to. You sound strong. You will make it.

                Be good-


                  The Big Clearout!

                  Thanks Duck.

                  I should be able to get it off my doc okay......unless she has other ideas! I will post here tomorrow after I have seen her.


                    The Big Clearout!

                    Hey BB,

                    I had not probs getting it from my GP when I tried it - good luck with it, it has helped heaps of people, you will be fine!

                    I've been doing the cleanout with junk food. decided that we are all gunna be "healthy" and that Sophie can buy toys with what she saves on junk - have calculated it!


                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      The Big Clearout!

                      Hi Blue, that was one giant step you took there in throwing all the booze out, good for you.. You're so right when you say alcohol is a poison, but when we see it on the supermarket shelf all done up with beautiful labels on the shiny bottles we don't realise the harm it can do to us, well, not till its too late anyway..

                      You'll make it, no worries, after all, you have all of us pushing and supporting you from behind..

                      Good luck,
                      Love, Louise xxx
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        The Big Clearout!

                        I hope you`re proud of taking such a stand, Bluebell.

                        Wishing you love and strength for your way forward.

                        Much love,

                        Starlight Impress x


                          The Big Clearout!

                          Good for you Blue and that is a huge step clearing everything out of the house. It's also a great way to look at is as poison instead of just a liqued. I am very proud of you and you are taking such a positive step for yourself. Once you are at peace with yourself then everything else will fall into place. HUGS
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            The Big Clearout!

                            Hi Blue,
                            I too was on revia but it made me so spaced out I had to leave work. I tried half a pill and could not handle that. My doc would not give me campral without 2 weeks AF , I am surviving on kudzu. Good luck...bird


                              The Big Clearout!

                              All the best, Bluebell. You sound more than ready!


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

