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The Big Clearout!

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    The Big Clearout!

    Hi debruce, I found with the Naltrexene that it didn't quite get me to the place where I didn't want to think about or crave alcohol, therefore there was always the danger there of "just having some". Okay, when I did have wine on the Naltrexone, it didn't really do much for me but the fact is that it kind of broke my mentality of going AF. I slowly got back on the "moderation" path (I was kidding myself) and before I knew it, I was back on 1 to 2 bottles of wine a night.

    However, with the Campral (and yes, here I go again!), I am finding that I just feel so indifferent to alcohol. I can look at it (on tv, in shops) and feel nothing. It's a bit like falling out of love with wine! I am finding Campral sooo incredibly effective. If you are struggling on the Naltrexene (as I was) is it worth you considering Campral?

    Best of luck debruce.


      The Big Clearout!

      Usually it is the non-drinker pouring the booze down the drain. But for you to do that is decisive and makes a statement. I applaud you. I know people who haven't had a drink in 25 years and still have that last bottle of whiskey in their cupboard.:goodjob:

      posted to the wrong thread.

