I thought i'd drop in with a wee update on the old health front.
Well...I was put on Lithium Carbonate about 3 months ago and they kept putting the levels up and up but my blood levels kept below effective dosage - so got no action at all with that...my funny little body...nothing normal ever happens!
Anyway, after that my Dr suggested Topamax as a mood stabiliser - whoa! Falling asleep at my desk at work...no cognitive function beyond "hello" and lucky if I got to that! So, ended up in hospital under Drs instructions and came off prozac, topamax and went on to another mood stabiliser called Lamictal and using seroquel at very low dosages for sleeping.
Wow - life has changed completely. No manic moments, sex drive back after 9 years on those antidepressant buggers, weight coming down nearly back to normal, and feel calm and relaxed (well as calm and relaxed as I want to be when I want to be!).
It was the antidepressants that were causing the most trouble according to P-doc - way too much of a manic chick for those little pills - diagnosis of Bipolar 1 confirmed - a couple of major depressive episodes throughout life and the rest is an "up there" kinda blur.
Anyway, went to a quiz night and asked Dr what to do about drinking....she said have only a "couple" and I had 2! And I didn't want any more...the old "let's have another one quick and then keep going" feelin had gone. P-doc reckons I was trying to calm down with alcohol which of course didn't work as sent me higher than ever (small crash the next day but not clinical depression, just hangover!). On Saturday had "a" beer at a friends and when offered the second didn't feel like it, so didn't have it...what a change!
So now am calm (with a few little ups which I control with meds during day if needed - but not often), not shopping crazily or working like 3 people!
It's different, that's for sure. I still feel a little strange that the "highs" don't kick in when they used to - but I guess it takes a while to get used to "normal" (whatever that is!). I still feel like myself, not dumbed down or drugged out - just not manic
Anyway, to all those struggling with co-morbidity issues, sooner or later it gets better...wish it had all been diagnosed a long time ago, but heh, I would't have half as much nice stuff, hehe!!!
Love to all the old mates and the new people here.